

He was just handsome, with his arrogant and selfish nature. He entered Lisa's quiet days forcefully. Lisa hates him. But through forced marriage, Lisa begins to feel her life begin to color.

Aprilbgtnsydn · Urban
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27 Chs

Not For Sure

Lisa Pov ;

The car stopped right in front of a house with ancient architecture that I visited a few days ago.

I only came with Jane and Andrea, while Jessy and Dalen couldn't come because they had to attend another event.

Before we opened the car door, Claire, Daniel and Dave were already standing with their friendly smiles coming towards us. Claire and Jane hugged each other, greeting each other warmly. The four of them got in first, while I am still didn't get out of the car.

Dave, in a black shirt, half of his long sleeves rolled up, was standing on the small steps in front of the door, looking very handsome. I've barely blinked since earlier, why does he look more handsome every time we meet?

I held my cheeks which felt warm. Calm my heartbeat which is also starting to become unusual. Remember Lisa, you're not an ordinary woman, don't get carried away just because he's handsome! I said firmly in my heart.

I lowered my head as I walked towards Dave. I should have just walked straight into the house, but I knew for sure Dave would hold me there first.

My white sneakers stopped in front of Dave's shiny black shoes. I kept my head down, not wanting to look at his face. I don't want to show my blushing face in front of him.

I realized that since meeting Dave, my emotions are no longer easy to control.

Dave bowed slightly, brought our faces together. He glared at me, then chuckled. I'm holding my face, is there something wrong? Is my make up too much? I should have refused when Jessy dressed me before leaving earlier.

Does it look weird?

I dared to lift my face, looked at Dave.

He smiled sweetly there. Damn he's so handsome! I looked down again, trying to hide my face. He shouldn't have noticed, right?

While I was busy of thinking, Dave put a necklace with little star eyes around my neck. I was almost startled by the cold.

Dave checked the necklace was beautifully attached once more after putting it on, then smiled again.

It's bad! My heart condition is getting worse.

"Come on." Dave took my hand gently, pulling him gently into the house.

This is my second time to the William family residence, but I was still just as amazed when I first came.

Past the majestic main room, the delightful family room and of course back to the long table filled with food. I'm really a food lover.

I was born into an ordinary family, never attended dances wearing beautiful dresses, didn't often go to fancy restaurants, nor did I often see a table full of food at home, and at William's house I got it all at once.

In fact, I felt small, I didn't deserve to sit at the same dining table as the William family. I also don't understand why Dave could force someone like me to marry him.

Even though he said he really likes me, but I'm not someone who easily trusts someone.

Whatever the reason, I can't go along with all of his wishes and have to respect myself more. Although this is not the marriage I dreamed of, but I still have to survive, I need my job back. Dave? I'll take care of it later. That's enough playing.


The evening's event went smoothly-it should have been as smooth as any other couple.

Set the wedding day at the beginning of next month, determine the location of the wedding, and so on. The deal has been taken. They-the parents, once asked how we know each other and like each other,

Dave answered it smoothly and steadily, the story he prepared sounded romantic and convincing, while I was mostly silent just nodded and smiled.

By nine o'clock in the evening, everything that needed to be discussed was finished.

Dave held my hand, led me out of the room. Jane and Andrea still looking relaxed chatting with Claire and Daniel when I saw them, I looked at Dave, following his footsteps leaving the living room.

I didn't ask much as Dave continued to lead the way in front of me. We climbed the stairs to the second floor. There were plenty of rooms on the second floor too, including Dave's.

I was hesitant when Dave asked me to come in, but I kind of thought I could talk to Dave about us now.

The room, which is dominated by light gray, looks neat and minimalist. Not much stuff there. Soft rugs cover part of the floor of the room, a mattress in the middle of the room, a medium-sized sofa by the window, and a table in the corner.

There are three other two doors from there, one is a bathroom and another is a room for clothes, shoes and other accessories.

Dave pulled me to sit on his bed. His hands wrapped tightly around my waist, ready to kiss me-as usual. If previously, I would have obeyed and not rebelled, then this time, I will not. I pushed Dave hard, got up.

He was about to take my hand again, but I backed away.

"I don't know the real reason you want to marry me, I won't care. I also accepted because I wanted my job back, you forced me of course. Even though this is not my dream wedding, but I accept it. I know I won't be able to run away from you, you will still force me no matter what. But I hope you respect my wishes too."

"Don't kiss and hug me carelessly, also hold hands and other things. If you're not satisfied you can find beautiful girls out there, I won't mind. That's all, I hope you respect me." I conveyed it firmly.

The words I've been putting together since the day before, hoping to say them without being nervous. I sat on the sofa by the window.

Dave looked at me reassuringly.

He was silent, one eyebrow slightly raised, looking like he was in deep thought. He walked towards me.

I looked up at him who was standing in front of me. He looked down, closing the distance between my face and his. His black eyes stared deep into me. I squeezed my fingers, trying to keep my expression calm.

"Did I do something wrong Lily?" Dave said quietly, his voice deep.

I turned my face away before turning red again if Dave stayed that close to me.

I got up, walked away.

"I don't know. I'm not saying anything wrong. I'm just stating my opinion. You may like me, whether it's real or fake, but I don't like you yet." I looked out the window.

"Don't like me yet? Does that mean you will?" Dave stood behind me, whispering softly. He deliberately blew out his breath slowly, trying to tickle me.

I wrung my shirt, trying to stay calm. I turned around, looked at Dave, trying to smile sweetly.

"I'll see your attitude." I answered him calmly, then walked back towards the door, leaning against it.

Dave fell silent, looking at me from where I was standing before. He looked at me, then smiled and walked over to me.

"Okay. I'll respect your wishes. But you really have to know one thing for sure Lily, I've liked you, since our first meeting." Dave said quietly.

I looked at him, trying to smile.

I grabbed the doorknob, and walked out just before Dave was about to kiss me.

I exhaled loudly. I've been holding my breath since earlier, Dave really endangers my heart health. Luckily I was able to stay calm in there. I need to be more in control of my emotions and my heart.

I know I'm hiding my growing feelings. I've felt the pain of falling in love, I can't fall back into it too easily. I said firmly in my heart.

I descended the stairs slowly, leaving Dave behind.