
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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throughout the meeting all focus was on Justin and in-su curious minds wondering the relationship between them, in-su was so happy that he could nearly explode, what killed it was after the meeting which Justin stepped out facing everyone

"my apologies once again for keeping everyone waiting and for that,I will like to treat everyone of you",

clapping his hands ,some workers wearing lee-x exclusive restaurant tee-shirts,the restaurant of the lee family , walking in with special lunchboxes passing it to everyone present and kids too no exception, everyone there almost fainted, someone who is not someone can be allowed to dine in such an expensive and big restaurant,what the hell is going on they thought as they happily and greedily took the lunchboxes,they can have such luxuries just because of in-su and his mother, walking towards the teacher Justin says

"I hope you can help me look after in-su"

"no problem about that I will",the teachers says blushing,

but do you mind if I ask what your relationship with in-su is because you look so young to have a son who is five years, even if you both look so much alike, Justin looks changed from friendly to expressionless in a matter of seconds,his arms folded across him by

"he is my daddy"

in-su interfered standing at their middle his hands folded in his front with his face looking angry which made him cute,the expression on both faces made the teacher truly believe,their resemblance so shocking.

most parent present especially the bad one's who's husband where present were so irritated of how irrelevant their husband is.

one of the parent talking ill of Kim na-ra and in-su after pushing her husband hand away walks up Justin interrupting his conversation with the class teacher

"I am the mother of that handsome boy over there,I would really like to complement you for deciding on treating in-su whole class"

"I am sorry ma,I think you are quite mistaken about something",

Justin didn't even bother to give her a glimpse

"sorry sir I don't get it"

finally looking at her Justin replies

"I didn't just treat in-su class for lunch,I treated the whole school ",

like a shocker all parents ran towards the window to look down indeed the restaurant van of lee-x exclusive was packed at the middle of the field with parents and children running over to get their lunchboxes.

walking out of the school Justin holding on to in-su hand having a feeling of accomplishment,not even when he temporally worked at their branch in Liverpool at the age of 18 year old did he feel this way,

"uncle tin we did it, did you know the those bad people were making fun of momma and me, because I have got no daddy"

this made Justin stop walking bending down to look at in-su ,

"I know and it is good that you know it is only bad please that do bad things"

"yes momma told me too,also uncle tin,I am sorry"

"sorry for what big man"

Justin replies with worries written on his face

"I am sorry because I lied that you are my daddy, momma says it is bad to tell lies",

Justin don't know what to say about this,it is at moments like this he wishes for noona, because technically in-su wasn't telling a lie he is indeed in-su's father,the only thing was that the poor boy has no idea about it.

in-su a voice calls from behind, Justin raising his head up to see a man come out from a BMW, probably in his mid forties, presumingly .the look of questioning on his face, expecting in-su on seeing him to run to him but the small boy only waved happily at the poor man calling out

"uncle dong-ju , uncle dong-ju "but still holding tightly to justins hand.

Justin slowly stood up thinking his guess being right it is indeed the old man

three black cars came parking behind them,they were the guards which Justin thought he lost ,the all came rushing out of the car to stand behind Justin looking like they are ready to kill who ever laid a hand on their master.

"bye, bye" the teachers greeted each other ,

" tomorrow is going to be a long day,with all we are asked to do",

the head teacher says to no one in particular,Kim na-ra could only smile as all the teachers lazily moved about to get their things leaving the school for the day,also packing her bag to leave for home , picking up her phone did she notice a message,it was from dong ju

"I don't want to disturb you because I know the meeting in in-su school would have started, that is why i am texting,I am on my way to pick you up,since I am in the area I am thinking of picking you both up be there is about 10 minutes"

the message was half an hour ago, panicking not sure why, Kim na-ra tries calling dong-ju back but his line wasn't going through after numerous attempt Kim nara pick up her bag leaving in a haste with her fellow teachers asking what happened,on such days Kim na-ra wonder why she could not get a cab, at last she finally found one after entering the taxi calling Justin which his phone keep ringing on the fourth ring Justin picks up the phone.

strolling confidently to Justin dong ju stretches his hand to Justin

"hi,my name is dong ju and you are ????"

wondering who this young man was,that in-su seems close with and he didn't know besides where is kim na-ra but his questions were soon answered

"I am Justin, noona couldn't make it so she asked me to come instead"


dong ju says, wondering so this is the Justin she talks about, guessing this must be the uncle tin in-su keeps calling and this is no old man at all but quite young.

"oh my apologies,I am hyun-a junior brother",

"hyun-a doesn't have a junior brother that is except from the lee grandson"

"yes, you are right I am Justin lee",

dong ju thought no wonder he commanded such presence, even the guards watching him like they are ready to bit him on Justin command,

"no wonder you call Kim na-ra,noona,well then sorry for the inconvenience I will be taking in-su home now",

dong ju says

"well I apologise also ,I can't give him to you, it is just plain wrong"

"I didn't introduce myself properly,I will soon be getting married to na-ra"

by then little groups of onlookers had already begin to form,

some of the gossipers excited wondering what will happen between the young man which is Justin and dong ju the doctor

"as I said,I can't give him to you except if noona days so herself, why don't we leave here I don't think both of us standing here will do any good but harm for noona and in-su"

Justin then looks down at in-su who kept holding Justin hand tight,

"in-su how does it sound if we go get some ice-cream with mr dong ju here",

qJustin says looking so calm which made dong-ju so curious

sitting down to take the ice-cream his guards some feet away,due to Justin order to stay as invisible as possible

Justin sat down casually watch dong ju and in-su chat away at that time Kim na-ra calls Justin over the phone,

not leaving time for greetings Kim na-ra went straight to the point

"Justin are you with dong-ju ?"

Justin only replied with a word


"was he angry? because he told he was on a day off today and I still didn't ask for his help like I always do"

Justin replied again with a word


"where are you guys?"at this Justin told Kim na-ra the address.

not long after ,Kim na-ra arrives walking towards them, noticing how relaxed the two men where like they are old friends wondering why she ran over when the two men didn't even seem bothered ,on second look dong ju looks a bit on the edge ,the first person to notice her arrival was in-su ,

"momma, momma"

in-su says running towards Kim na-ra

which she hugs then carried him up , walking together to where the two men sat, using her hands to adjust her hair,her second hand playing with her skirt, Justin notice she does that when ever being put in a tight spot,on seeing Kim na-ra dong ju immediately stood up to give na-ra a kiss but Kim na-ra was quicker and the kiss landed on her cheek, Justin could see dong ju putting his hand on Kim na-ra shoulder even though she looks uncomfortable,after receiving a phone call

standing up Justin adjusted himself smiling as he looks at them ,

"Justin thanks for coming in such an emergency",

Kim na-ra says to Justin not know what to say in such a situation but what situation really

"I will get going now I have to get back to work"

Justin says not giving a second glance he walks towards his car, uncle tin wait in-su shouted pulling his momma hand to let him down once Kim na-ra let go of in-su her ran towards Justin

"uncle tin thank you for saying you are my daddy"

in-su says bowing down to him as a form of appreciation

bend over in-su says in a childish voice Justin was first surprised but later did bend over,

"bring your ear closer "

in-su says going closer to Justin as he wispered into his ear

"uncle tin, you are my number two favorite person , momma is number one and you are number two".

then peck Justin on the cheek this left Justin frozen to that spot .

with that in-su runs back into his momma waiting arms with Kim na-ra and dong-ju wondering what in-su could have told Justin to make him so out of it.