
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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"I just wanted to make things easier for you and in-su ,I did not know I will be meeting the legendary uncle tin here,who would have known that that uncle tin is the heir of the lee family",

dong ju says as he finish cutting the stake for in-su passing him the plate then picking up Kim na-ra plate also to help her cut the stake

"I read it in the news that he was back,and the picture they posted of him was not that clear ,but he looks like one hard nut to crack,I like boys like that "

by then he had finished cutting Kim na-ra stake,kim na-ra watch him do the same to his then took a bit,

"hhmmm,in-su isn't the stake just lovely"

"yes it is, uncle,but momma did you know uncle tin still makes the best stake in the world, and he promises to make some this weekend for both of us and aunt hyun-a too"

kim na-ra could only smile at her son's naiveness,

"Kim in-su eat your stake, and besides don't talk while eating"

"kim na-ra leave him ,since we are all out why don't he just do what he wants for today , also it is only natural for him to be use to uncle tin right,he is the youngest male adult in-su has been around,your younger sister would be older than him right?"

"I am sorry I didn't ask for your help like I always do,I felt that you might be busy"

"that hasn't stopped you before right so why now?"

"I am sorry "

Kim na-ra says feeling guilty,

"don't worry about that,if it was someone else I might have been worried but on seeing the boy,I am at ease, especially since he is just a kid brother to you besides what happened why are you not eating, isn't the food to your taste" ,

"no it's nice I just don't have the apatite are you finished eating in-su let's go home",

Kim na-ra says on noticing the familiar face walking up to them,

"my my,what do we have here the couple of the century",

"hi to you too",

dong ju acknowledge his ex wife

"dong ju honey don't be to formal,we work at the hospital remember,and we all know each other,in-su hi,Kim na-ra dear what a pleasant surprise,sorry for intruding but can I borrow your date for some minutes it won't be long,just some medical related issue"

"well ,why don't you seat down instead,my son and I will get going now",

Kim na-ra says standing up with in-su by her side

"but wait,I will drive you home"

"no need for that I will get a cab",

'thank you uncle dong ju for the meal"

in-su says holding on to his momma hand as they walked away

"well then ,if that is settled I will seat down" then dong ju ex wife says smiling sweetly at kim na-ra

While Kim na-ra Waited at the bus station with as son she saw dong ju car pass by his ex-wife sitting beside him .

She was busy thinking of today's events she didn't even know when hyun-a car parked in front of her

"middle aged woman, aren't you entering the car,or do we have to wait here all day" ,

Kim na-ra could only laugh , entering the car with in-su, soon in-su feel asleep

"Did justin tell you anything hyun-a?"

"No ,not at all you didn't even call me all day" ,

" you know Justin like skipping things to himself "

kim na-ra calm down ,I am sure he doesn't expect you to leave dong-ju and go after him, especially since dong ju has been around far more than he has been "

"I know but it's still kind of awkward,And for a minute today i felt like i was two timing "

"that is why i don't stick to one relationship for long i am fine being single, free and being me" ,

hyun-a look back at kim na-ra to see her deep in though

"Why are you still thinking of something that has already happened besides you are not true timing anybody ,Let us be sincere among ourself none of them ask you out and you are not dating anyone of them ,for dong ju,You and i both know it was your family that puts you guys together you guys didn't date and all of a sudden he proposed to you the first time ,And because you are so good and nice you let it go on ,You did not stop him probably because you don't want to be alone"

"I like him,he is nice always there for me and my family,when ever I need someone to talk to, Besides he is good guy he will make a good father for my son ,the only thing is I don't sleep with him"

"You are describing another me Kim na-ra even i can make a good father for your son" with this they both laugh

"So my point is none of this is your fault, it is just the situation you find yourself in ,He was having family problems and you were also having family issues probably that's why you guys get each other"

"But sometime is hard to believe, dong ju wife,I mean ex wife is one of the nicest person i have ever met , to believe that she had an affair with another man especially when they have a 12-year-old child together Kim na-ra says recalling the first time she met dong ju ex wife, when Kim na-ra was in the Delivery room ,her suiting word that everything would be okay,Even when she knew that her ex husband had an interest in Kim na-ra,she still did her job well and perfect

She kept thinking that probably because the woman kept saying nice thing about her ex husband dong-ju even when she knew that the husband had interest in another woman maybe that was the reason she didn't want him to go away she felt like ,Such a man that is ex wife can say something nice about she wants to know ,to know which kind of man he is ,And at last when she finally did have him she later discovered that he wasn't hers , for some reason dong ju never felt like he belonged to kim na-ra but felt like he belonged to someone else.

Finally parking her car in the front of Kim na-ra house hyun-a says

"Even the perfect family still have family issues so don't get yourself worked up over that but what i will let you know is this, it us not too late to make your choice your choice belongs to you and no one else is not even my brother ,All your family ,Sometimes all you need to do is take a fall into a leap of faith"

In decent the two friends both hug each other,Kim na-ra then carried her son I'm getting to the doorstep she ran back to hyun-a side of the car as she tries to reverse her car

"Thank you thank you so much for everything hyun-a,You are the best of the best "

"Of course i know i am and you too Kim na-ra"

with that Kim na-ra watches hyun-a drive off finally she to walked back inside with sleeping in-su in her hand.