
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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51 Chs


Justin looks around his office,his office located in the last floor of the building, looking through the window at the endless buildings across,the people walking down like small,tiny ant's, only the color on there back as a form of identification, taking in a deep breath and the fresh air the office offered ,two sharp but brief knocks was heard,then the door opened

a lady of about 24 years of age,if asked to guess appeared, putting on a simple office wear of skirt and tee shirt which opened too much cleavage ,the make up on her face looking extra ordinary loud for a office at that

"excuse me sir,i brought you coffee,the one being offered to you would have been cold by now "

"and you are?" Justin asked wondering why someone he didn't send for come into his mouth office without his approval to do so

"sir,my name is "

"I didn't ask for your name,I want to know who you are,my secretary, personal assistant,the vice president who?"

"I am sorry sir ,I work at the marketing department,I am a team leader,just wanted to introduce myself" giving eye signals that make her look like a traffic warden

"and you where given the access to enter my office,I don't know how things work here but next time you barge in like that without me calling for you,you will be fired"

"I apo,,,,,apo,,,,log ,,ise sir,I apologise sir"

stuttering the girl who looked confident at first says finding herself the exit door

"hold on a minute"

Justin says his face expressionless

"when next I eventually seek your audience, make sure you have my permission to enter my office before you do"

" I will sir ,thank you sir"

"how can mr lee leave without even notifying us, even if he had been here for just some time, and he didn't even have the opportunity to get to know me yet "

kim na-ra says nothing but smile as the youngest staff kept on talking about how hers and Justin chance of love has been missed

"miss Kim I would like to talk to you for a minute",

the vice president says walking to his office which Kim na-ra follows suit,after settling down in his office he offered Kim na-ra a seat

"miss Kim ,I don't think you can collect an absence today maybe tomorrow",

'but why sir ?"

"you know we have just got a new President, and as we all can see with his brief presence this morning in the teachers office,he is a man who believes that his demands be met,and also he want to have a meeting with all the staffs,which we will be holding anytime soon"

"but I have somewhere important to be in the next 1 hour"

Kim na-ra says trying to surpass her emotions

"I am so sorry Mrs Kim but we all must attend the meeting"

"but mr vice president,I thought I informed you about this earlier and you agreed,it is very important for me to attend"

"I don't need to tell you that your job is being involved or do I?"

the vice president says

not giving any reply whatsoever Kim na-ra leaves the vice president office going to the rooftop of the school

after some minutes of looking at nothing Kim na-ra picks up the phone to call Justin.

Justin was having a brief meeting when Kim na-ra call came in picking up the phone after apologetically excusing himself

"hello noona"

"why do you sound dull,is school stressful today"

"no not at all Justin just want to ask you for a favor"

"what is it tell me you know I will always be happy to help"

"well it is not really,,,,,,,"

"what is it noona I am all yours"

"I don't think i will be able to make it to the parents and teachers meeting so can you help me go in my stand don't worry i will inform them that you will be the one coming "

"Is there any reason why "

"No no reason at all once it is over take him home with you i will come and pick him up when ready",

"or are you busy if you're busy then don't worry i will have someone else to go just thought you might want to go "

Sounding excited justin says

" I would love to go and i have got nothing to do ,So you just relax You have got nothing to worry about Just continue doing you what you are doing "

"Justin once you get there keep me informed, let me know Kim na-ra says, one could know that she was smiling as she talked ,She felt at ease that at least someone close could attend and her son won't be disappointed ,if disappointed maybe a little"

"bye then"

"you too noona"

And the call disconnected

Walking back to the people whom he is having a meeting with in his office justin sats down back listening as the meeting continued but his mind was not there,his mind was somewhere else,on his first day ever to in-su school.

once the meeting ended Justin got up in a haste putting on his coat with keys in hand about to leave when he saw hee-jin walk up to him,all workers that walked pass hee-jin all turned back to look at her in excitement,the model hee-jin is at their work place,to see her fiance they guess, thinking they look good together,hee-jin dressed elegantly with her innocent looks and smile,on seeing hee-jin Justin frowned

what is she doing here he wondered

"hi Justin, mom asked me to bring this over to you"

passing him a lunch box which his assistant collected in his place, giving the assistant an evil look before returning her bright smile towards Justin

"and I also want to give you this to welcome you on your first day of real work",

passing him flowers which his assistant collected again without even baiting his eyes,this time she felt like killing him but held it in

"and my former job at the school wasn't a real job",

Justin replies

"no,not at all Justin I just mean ,you know it isn't befitting for the only heir to the Lee's"

the look Justin gave got her mouth shut ,after giving some instructions to the secretary. Justin walked off with hee-jin after him smiling as she passed by her fans.

Justin driver already waiting for him outside with the Mercedes-Maybach Exelero

"where are you going can I come with?",

hee-jin says trying to walk fast as Justin to meet his steps,but her heels where too high for that,the driver passing Justin the car keys which Justin took and drove off not listening to hee-jin screaming for him to wait,not trying to disgrace herself further hee-jin went back to smiling entered her car and drives off.

Justin was excited about his visit to his son school,as he tries losing the guards who's cars followed after his, successfully getting to in-su school.

in-su sat at the far corner of the class room beside the window waiting for his momma, though his teacher has already informed him that his mom is too busy to come over and someone else will be attending instead,in-su still hope for his mom to attend he had just resumed school some months ago he wanted his momma

"start already",

a mother of a student says out loud

"which another mother?" says to the female teacher

"we have been around for the past 5 minutes now why are we not starting yet"

"I am sorry ma but a parent is till yet to come let's wait for some minutes more after that we will start" the teacher replies

"what parent ?"another woman grumbles

"it must be that single mother again because I don't see her anywhere,I don't know what could be keeping her late ,she is just a teacher,which parents even accept someone like her to teach their children"

"have you not heard that she is now following a divorcee ,that doctor must be blind,I wonder what he sees in such a loose woman,I only pity her son,the poor boy doesn't even know who his father is,I am sure she doesn't even know who fathered her child"

"please everyone calm down,don't say such things,the kids can hear you, such words are not accepted here"

the teacher says looking at in-su who looks like he is accustom to people talking bad about his momma,his only concern was for him momma to show up ,he does not know why the grown up don't like him and his momma, just because he didn't have a daddy.

the parents kept feeding themselves with fake gossips,what they bought, fake bags which the other parent carried,at that moment the door opened, Justin came strolling in,the look and presence of a multi billionaire following his ,all eyes turned to him,the parents wondering how such a handsome and young guy be doing here, some even calculated what he wore and how much it worth,he smelled like money and power, some even going him seductive eyes, admiring him,in-su class teacher was speechless and was taken away by his looks as he walked up to her,in-su was so focused on the window that he didn't see Justin entered .

"excuse me please,I am here for in-su,Kim in-su ",

Justin says to the teacher with his audible and manly voice,in-su turns to see who came for him after hearing his name thinking it is probably his uncle,his momma brother to his surprise it was uncle tin,he will teach those who thinks he doesn't have a daddy a lesson.

"daddy, daddy",

in-su calls out to Justin running towards him with his little self to give him a hug.

Justin was so shocked to hear those words come out of in-su mouth,this is the first time ever his son would call him Dad, Justin didn't know what to say not until he saw in-su run towards him did he spread his hands which in-su ran into.