
Movie World Collector

Every movie is a journey, Marilyn Monroe's sexy style, the infinite loneliness of an isolated island overseas, Audrey Hepburn's passionate kiss, and the hardship of trying to live. Movies in this novel, Godfather, Malena and many more. Chapter will be only on weekdays.

Ok_Ko_3334 · Movies
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34 Chs

He who does not seek revenge is not a gentleman

After playing around for a while, they hugged each other again. Jiang Hao asked, "I heard from the guys that you were arrested by the police."


"Tell me about it."

"I don't know what happened that day. The police stopped me halfway and said that I had leprosy. They arrested me and put me in jail. I was locked up all night. It was dark, damp and smelly inside. There were always people screaming. I was so scared that I huddled in the corner and dared not move."

At this point, Jiuer rubbed against Jiang Hao again, getting closer and closer, looking for the safest harbor. Jiang Hao hugged him tightly.

After saying that, Jiuer turned her head to look at Jiang Hao, paused and asked, "Did you do the thing about Li Mafeng?"

In fact, Jiuer is very smart.

Before, she would definitely not think of Jiang Hao, but now it is most likely. This man took her body in the green gauze tent and told her when he left that he would definitely come to find her. That night, Li Mafeng was taken away by someone. No one knew whether he was dead or alive. Jiang Hao was the most suspicious.

Jiang Hao looked into Jiuer's eyes and said, "You don't need to know about this kind of thing. I'll take care of everything."

Jiuer was stunned and put her head on the man's chest, "I won't ask, I won't ask."

Both of them were tired today and had experienced a lot of things. They hugged each other tightly and fell asleep slowly. Jiuer slept very peacefully, but she didn't let go of Jiang Hao's hand.

The next day, the sun shone into the room through the window. Jiang Hao woke up and found that Jiuer was not there. He put on his clothes and came out. He saw Jiuer cleaning up in the yard. Seeing Jiang Hao coming out, she said with a smile, "You're awake, why don't you sleep a little longer."

"It's late, it's time to get up."

It should be eight o'clock in the morning. At this time on weekdays, the guys in the wine shop have already eaten breakfast and worked for half a day.

"I'll get you some water to wash your face." Jiuer said.

"No, I'll do it myself." Jiang Hao was going to take the copper basin from Jiuer's hand.

Jiuer dodged and said, "Don't worry about it. This is a woman's job." After that, he went to get water without saying anything.

The copper basin was placed on a short bench in the yard, with a towel on the edge of the basin. The water inside was warm. How many people can enjoy this kind of treatment? Conditions are only one aspect. Such women are hard to find.

In modern times, it has disappeared.

When Jiang Hao was refining, Jiuer brought breakfast again and placed it on a large wooden block in the yard. There was

a bowl of scrambled eggs, a scallion, a plate of soybean paste, a pancake in the basket, and a large bowl of thick millet porridge.

money. We need money to buy food. How do you think we can solve this problem?" Luohan said. Jiuer

frowned. She had no money now.

Jiang Hao listened carefully. He had been waiting for a long time to open a pot of new wine. The hope of completing the task was on the new wine. Jiang Hao asked: "How much does it cost to buy food?"

"At least one hundred silver dollars, two hundred is best. After all, it is not easy to open a pot." Luohan said.

Jiang Hao said, "I'll go find the money and bring it back in the afternoon. Brother Luohan can contact them to buy food and reopen the distillery."

When Luohan heard that Jiang Hao could get the money, he immediately showed joy on his face and said, "Don't worry about this. As long as there is money, the food can be delivered by the grain store. I will tell the guys to start packing up. As soon as the food arrives, we can start making wine."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Brother Luohan." Jiang Hao said.

After Luohan left, Jiuer came to Jiang Hao and asked, "You want to use that money, but it's your money. How can you use it in the distillery? I'll think of a way myself."

Jiang Hao pretended to be angry and said, "Why, are you still going to share it with me? What did you say last night?"

Jiuer looked at Jiang Hao's look and laughed, "Okay, okay, you are my man, I will listen to you."

"Then wait for me, I'll go and get the money out."

Jiang Hao led a horse away. Yes, he led it. For a hero, how can he not have his own mount? If he can't drive, he will push it.

The silver dollar was quickly taken out from the sorghum field. Jiang Hao hesitated for a long time and returned in the evening, fearing that the staff of the distillery would notice something. During this half day, Jiang Hao only did one thing,

learning to ride a horse.

Jiang Hao had neither theoretical foundation nor practical experience in riding a horse. His impression of riding a horse was basically from TV dramas. He only remembered that he seemed to kick the horse's sides to move forward and stop by pulling the reins. He knew nothing else.

This time, Jiang Hao deliberately chose the most docile mare among the three horses. This was also what he heard from others, and he didn't know if it was accurate.

Even so, he didn't dare to get on the horse directly. He tied the reins to a tree at the edge of a forest to prevent the horse from running around. Only then did he dare to climb up slowly. The horse was already a well-tamed old horse and was very obedient and didn't move around.

This made Jiang Hao feel relieved.

Swaying left and right, trying to experience the feeling of sitting on a horse, getting on and off the horse, and feeling it again, repeating this for half an hour, Jiang Hao gradually became bolder, loosened the reins tied to the tree, got on the horse, and began to let the horse walk slowly.

Sitting on the horse, swaying back and forth, well, this feeling is not bad, slowly feel the feeling of moving, slowly let the horse trot.

So far, that's it.

He didn't dare to let the horse go and let her run freely. With his current skills, the estimated probability of falling down is as high as 82.55%. Jiang Hao didn't have the hobby of rolling on the ground.

Back to the Shibalipo Distillery, Jiang Hao left two hundred silver dollars, and gave the rest of the money to Jiuer to keep, and called Luohan to give him the money. Luohan took the money and happily went to buy food. With this money, the distillery can be operated again, and it will be better in the future.

Carts of food were delivered, and Luohan and his men were busy, but Jiang Hao had nothing to do, so he prepared to go out for a walk.

Some hatreds cannot be forgotten, such as the police chief Qian Donglai.