
Movie World Collector

Every movie is a journey, Marilyn Monroe's sexy style, the infinite loneliness of an isolated island overseas, Audrey Hepburn's passionate kiss, and the hardship of trying to live. Movies in this novel, Godfather, Malena and many more. Chapter will be only on weekdays.

Ok_Ko_3334 · Movies
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34 Chs

Be kind to others

Jiang Hao told Jiuer that he was going to do business, and left Shibalipo. He

walked all the way to Gaomi County. When he entered the city, he found that there were two guards at the city gate. It seemed that the tension caused by his snatching the gun had been relieved, and the guards ignored passers-by entering and leaving the city.

It was almost noon.

Jiang Hao walked into a restaurant, and a waiter hurried over to entertain him: "Sir, please have a meal, how many people?"

"Just me."

"Then you sit here," the waiter asked Jiang Hao to sit at a table in the hall, and wiped the table vigorously with the rag on his shoulder, "What do you want?"

"One meat, one vegetable and a pot of wine, you decide." He threw out a silver dollar, and the silver dollar spun around on the table. The waiter patted it, and the smile on his face became even stronger, "Okay, I'll arrange it for you right away."

The waiter left.

Jiang Hao looked around and thought about the past. Well, just a few days ago, his pockets were empty and it was difficult to eat. Now he has money and can go to restaurants openly. It must be said that money is really important.

The food and wine were served, and Jiang Hao ate slowly. Slowly, more customers came into the restaurant, and the hall gradually became lively. The two people at the table closest to Jiang Hao ate and chatted.

Is Jiuer going to have to go through all that?

After dinner, Jiang Hao walked around the street. He was very familiar with Gaomi County. He walked to a ready-made clothing store, bought a set of clothes, and bought a hat. He looked more energetic.

In two days, Jiang Hao found out the information he needed.

Under the east wall of the city, there is a house with three entrances. It is Qian Donglai's house, but this is not Qian Donglai's home, but the house where he keeps his mistress. His home is in the countryside, and his wife and children all live in the countryside. Qian Donglai is

greedy and lustful. He asks people to find those beautiful prostitutes for him, or if a family wants to sell their daughters, if the women are beautiful, he will spend money to buy them and keep them in this house for one or two years. When the novelty is over, he will sell these women and replace them with new ones.

Jiang Hao raised his hand to open the curtain and walked in. Qian Donglai was excited to beat her, but suddenly he found that the woman's eyes were wrong. He turned around and saw a masked man entering the room. He knew something was wrong and dropped the whip and rushed to the dining table.

His gun was on the table.


Jiang Hao kicked him out. Qian Donglai was in his forties and had long been drained of his body by alcohol and sex. Jiang Hao's kick was solid, and Qian Donglai fell to the wall, right at the woman's feet.

He took the gun on the table and pointed it at Qian Donglai.

Qian Donglai didn't dare to move when the black muzzle pointed at him. He was also worldly-wise, so he immediately put on a face and said carefully: "My dear hero, I, Qian Donglai, usually treat people kindly. I think you are here to make money. No problem. I value heroes in the world the most. I will take the initiative to help you when you are in trouble. As long as you open your mouth and tell me the number, I will definitely give it to you with both hands."

Jiang Hao looked at Qian Donglai's cowardly look with contempt, and then looked at the woman who was hanging on the wall with blood on her body, thinking that such a scum should not be left.

Qian Donglai had obviously misunderstood. When he saw the masked robber looking at the woman, he immediately said, "Good man, this woman is also for you. I just got her three months ago, so she is very fresh. I will sell her to you. From now on, your life and death will be up to you."