
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs


Down in the Black Dragon training area, Alex was at first alone trying to meditate, trying to get answers to his dreams and to who he is, but his mind only wanders, preoccupied with other affairs. He knows he should be focused but he just can't. Without warning, he is flung into the air by a wall of earth, and Alex quickly rights himself to keep from getting hurt. He lands on his feet and looks about finding Tremor sternly gazing at him.

"Your focus waivered, Alex. You should have been able to hear even my soft steps. Something is wrong."

Alex looked down as the geokinetic ninja berated him.

"I am not myself, Tremor. The dreams this time are plaguing me hard."

Tremor's expression was unreadable. As it usually was to the young Dragon. Alex wasn't sure what he was going to say but Tremor spoke

"Trust your training, Alex. it's what it's for."

Tremor's face was inscrutable behind his mask.

"I do, but in the dreams, it's hard."

"Being punched is hard, being thrown is hard, what do you do when an opponent tries to harm you?"

"What I've been trained to do."


Alex paused. Tremor stepped forward into a combat stance, with the young Dragon slowly returning the gesture. There was always something good about a quick sparring session with your fellow dragons. Tremor rushed forward with a flurry of haymakers, with Alex, despite his large size, dodging each fist effortlessly. He turned with two punches, Tremor catching both fists with ease. Both fighters planted their feet on the ground and with their hands now joined, turned the bout into a quick test of strength. Though Tremor sported a larger build and far more strength, Alex remembered Bo' Rai Cho's training and kept a strong foundation with his feet, leaving both men at almost equal footing. They both broke their grip on one another and stared intently at one another before they exchanged blows and strikes before Tremor caught Alex's arm. He picked up the young Dragon and threw him several feet away. Alex quickly rolled into the impact to minimize the damage. When he looked up to face down Tremor, the ninja was just about to be face to face with Alex, a fist stopping short as it was about to connect with Alex's chin from below. Tremor lightly chuckled as he helped Alex up.

After the spar, Alec felt better but knew he was no closer to an answer to his dreams or in solving his recent existential crisis. He sighed, growling in frustration. He kept hitting metaphorical brick walls and it was no different to hitting walls of earth Tremor had thrown at him. The ninja looked at him and asks

"Have you ever heard of the fable The Fox and The Grapes?"

"I am not sure. Even if I had, you have a talent for oral storytelling and would love to hear it anyway."

Tremor's smile couldn't be seen by Alex, but his kind words eased him and he began

"A hungry fox, whilst searching for food, comes across a delicious-looking vine full of juicy grapes. However, the vine is too high for the fox to reach the grapes. No matter how hard he tries, the fox becomes angry, cursing the grapes and declaring that they are probably unripe and sour anyway."

Alex nods, pausing before asking

"How does it apply to me?"

"The lesson of this short tale is to encourage people not to become bitter over the things that they cannot have themselves. It is an unattractive quality. Not just in humans."

Tremor answered. Alex realized that as much as he would like to have his answers, he may not get them. He knew in time the dreams would be revealed to him. They always were, but he may never know the full truth of who he was and that was a difficult truth he would learn to live with. It wasn't anything easy for him to swallow but perhaps dwelling on the past would not bode well for the future. He looked at Tremor, smiled, and said

"Thank you Tremor. You gave me something to think about."


They exchanged a fist bump before Alex walked away, content after the recent conversation. Tremor's own hidden smile faded as he watched the young man walk away. Memories of his own childhood came back


Tremor had been a sickly young boy and his dad was the only one to care for him. His mother had left them after taking his healthier brother with her. They were poor and alone. Tremor never understood why his dad continued on like this. One night his dad told him a fable

"There once was a fox who got caught in a trap. She languished for hours. Eventually the blood and sweat allowed her to wriggle out. She began to limp back to her den through the wide forest. Exhausted and weak, she kept on. One step, then the next. Time passed. Crows and hawks began to circle. The fox found a stream and stopped to rest and drink. A crow swooped down and perched above the fox.

'Tired and mortally wounded I see. Best to lay down and give up, get it over with.'

The crow said. She ignored him.

'Hawks and eagles are circling. Mighty creatures. And do you hear that? Yes, the bears. They smell blood. Only a matter of time.'

'Leave me be.'

The fox replied and continued on her way. The crow was joined by other crows, each more carnivorous than the last. They jeered, belittled, and threatened the injured fox. She began to despair. But she kept walking. Although she was in pain. Although she ached. She had to get back to her den and her cubs. Time passed. There came a point that she felt she could not go on. And in that moment she heard a humming from the earth. And she felt a vibration in her feet. And through her body rushed a wave of healing warmth. As if she drew strength from the Earth herself. And she continued on. Eventually she arrived home. Over time the fox healed She raised her pups. They grew up and had adventures of their own."

"Papa, what does it mean?"

"Regardless of what happens, we have to keep moving. I have you, and you are why I keep going. Find that, my son, and you will go far. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Papa."

-End Flashback-

Tremor deeply inhaled and exhaled. Alex was why he kept going on, even so, many times that he had been hurt and beaten down. Tremor smiled knowing the boy wouldn't stop needing them and he would be happy to help his brother no matter what. And now, even more so as the poor boy still clearly battled with who he was. Alex was always the tallest, and most agile of them and even now, the glue that held them together. Tremor knew he'd lose it if they ever lost Alex and he would fight like hell to ensure that boy continued to draw breath, Elder Gods are damned otherwise. With a turn of his heel Tremor returned to his duties, resolved to help the young Dragon.