
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

No Face

Alex walked into the recreation area and found No Face alone at the billiards table. His shots weren't perfect, but sufficient enough. No Face had just finished up when he noticed Alex watching him and said

"The gaze that sees is the gaze that dominates."

Alex looked at him and blushed

"Sometimes I forget that I stare off or stare at someone."

"Don't feel bad, Mr. Darkov. I meant that comment as a compliment."

No Face said and Alex smiles at him. No Face motions to the billiards and then asks

"Care for a game of billiards?"


With that, No Face grabs a pool cue off of the wall and throws it at Alex, who catches it with a smirk. The two reset the table and begin with Alex getting solids and No Face getting stirps. The two traded turns as they worked to win. In the end in a close ending, Alex won. He smiled and said

"Great game, man."

No Face smirked, having lost to the young Dragon, but took Alex's outstretched hand and shook it in a show of sportsmanship. No Face then said

"Thank you, Mr. Darkov. You did great too."


Alex went and sat down, his phone buzzing that he had a message from his wife. He smiled as he read the text

'Miss you, sweetie. These solo missions suck.'

Alex texted back

'I know. Stay focused. It will be over sooner than you think.'

'Thank you, dear.'

Alex smiled and No Face joined him, placing a hand on the young man's shoulder.

"Ah, young love. I remember being your age and in love. Being married doesn't change that. But I know the feeling."

Alex looks at him and says

"I know I never asked, but you also never spoke of your love life. Or your life in general for that matter."

No Face sighed and vented

"I fell into the Black Dragon to try to find a way to save my love from a rare and deadly disease. There was a treatment, but it was very expensive and neither of our families could afford it. I tried to get the money but…"

No Face stopped, the memory stinging him.

"My girl wanted to accept the money, of course. But her father, proud as most are, refused the money as it was ill-gotten. A month later, she was gone. She didn't have to die. He killed her."

He finished. No Face hung his face as silence filled the room. Soon he felt Alex hug him in sympathy. Alex looked at his brother-in-arms and said

"I will do everything in my power to ensure that doesn't happen with Cassie. I love her too much to let something like that happen to her."

Alex relinquished the embrace as No Face met his eyes and stared intently.

"Yet it almost did, Mr. Darkov."

"Please don't remind me of that. Even Johnny admits he made a mistake."

There was a pause before No Face replied

"He is a father, who wants only the best for his daughter. That I can understand."

"Is there any advice you have for us?"

"Yes. Cherish each other, Mr. Darkov. None of us know how long we have in this world so make each moment count. Respect her wishes too. If she wants to spend time with her family alone, then it shall be."

Though a harsh truth, Alex could only agree and accept No Face's advice. He asked

"What was her name?"

"Akina. Means "relations" in Swahili."

Alex nodded, filing the name away for later. He would do something for No Face regarding the girlfriend he lost so long ago. Some fitting memorial for her. Alex smiles as he gets up and heads on his way to see what his creative mind can come up with, confusing No Face. Nevertheless, a clear conscience filled No Face. Confronting it was something he

He got up and left heading for the family home of Akina. He arrived rather quickly and found her father there alone. The man, Badru, which meant "born during a full moon", saw him and met him outside. He didn't look happy to see the Black Dragon pyromancer

"What do you want, Taka?"

No Face flinched at the cruel nickname that meant "waste". He looked at Badru and answered

"Sir, a young man I know recently reconciled with his father. I wish there to not be bad blood between us."

Badru only eyed down an emotionless No Face. Badru walked back onto his porch. He sat down on a chair and pulled another beside him. He then stared at No Face, as if beckoning him over, to which No Face obliged.

"You're right. I am sorry. It's that after my daughter died, Sanura, my wife, left me, saying I should have taken the money. She blames me for her preventable death. And since then, so have I. Akina would still be alive if I had put aside my pride and morals. I...I believe I have been in your shoes, I perhaps would have done what I can to save my dear Akina, regardless of methods. Damn the world. I feel like the right fool. I'm now alone and have no one to blame and hate but myself..."

No Face felt sympathy for Badru, placing a hand on his hand, saying

"I am sorry too, for any part I played. Regardless of intentions, my actions affected you and that is wrong."

"I accept, young man. Asante, thank you"

"You're welcome, Badru."

No Face smiled and asked before he took his leave

"Do you need anything?"

"No. Again. Asante."

No Face smiled walking away feeling a warmth around him. Unlike the fire he wielded, it was a comforting warmth. And he could swear he saw Akina. He shook his head and returned to base a happier man than when he left, proud of the fact that he settled the past and could move forward from here on out. He saw Cassie had returned from her Special Forces solo mission and Alex was overjoyed to have his wife safely home, that No Face smiled at the couple and wished them well reminding them to cherish each other and love one another. Once he disappeared from their sight Cassie asked Alex

"What was that about?"

"No Face loved someone who died from a rare disease that she could have survived."

"Then why did she die?"

"Her father was too proud to accept the money No Face acquired for her treatment."

Cassie looked sick. She sighed realizing that if her father had known when Alex had been critical after the Red Dragon, she might not be married to the best person in the world she knew. She smiled at her husband and the two entered their personal and private quarters to enjoy their time together before they both were sent on their next missions or they went on their next one together. Regardless these times made them long for the other and made their time together all the sweeter.