
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

Mortal Kombat 2021

Alex, Cassie, Jarek, and Tasia had just walked out of the movie theater, after seeing the latest Mortal Kombat movie. They held their words until they were in Jarek's H1 Hummer and were returning to the Pavilion for dinner. Jarek gave a quick twitch of his head and asked

"Well, what did everyone think of the movie?"

Cassie was first to speak

"Objectively, it is a meh movie. It was Entertaining but not the best thing since sliced bread. I liked it well enough. They got mom and Kano right. But their relationship not really. It's well known that Kano killed Mom's old partner so this while refreshing, just didn't work in their overall arch."

Tasia gave a nod

"For what it was it was good. The Boss was just great. Didn't know he could draw and draw well."

"I did"

Alex says Jarek snorted before saying

"And you didn't tell us?"

"I don't go telling him you secretly like Romcoms Jarek."

Alex bit back. Jarek flushed but relaxes saying

"Thanks for not telling him."

"Your welcome Jarek."

There was a pause before Alex said

"So, in my opinion, Mortal Kombat 2021 was good for what it was. It's a good prequel movie to a greater tournament arch. See I went into it knowing that it wasn't going to be like the games and was still mostly impressed by what was there. I like this Liu Kang and Kung Lao better than in-game. Liu is gentle yet wise, humble, and kind. Lao was toned down in his arrogance, only bringing it out to bring out Kano's power. Kano was a riot in his dialogue, Sonya was a perfect straight from the game character, Bi-Han was well done, as was Hanzo, and for what he was Cole was good too. Sonya's energy rings were a nice addition from the game, Lui Kang pulled off his bicycle kick, fireballs, and fire dragon, Lao teleporting in and using his buzzsaw was nice, I actually liked that he took the time to meditate in the fight, Kano was great fighting wise, Kabal was good fighting wise as was Goro, loved how he popped his bone back into place. As for negatives, I hated what they did for favorites like Reptile, Reiko, Mileena, and Nitara. Reptile's skills were game accurate, and I love the easter egg to his real name, but his design, lack of dialogue, and short life span hurt. Reiko also suffered from a lack of dialogue and was missing his tattoos and fully white eyes, as well as the fact as in my opinion, he is just as calculating as Shao Kahn, aspiring to be him, which I did like the hammer. Mileena was not handled well at all. First off, her introduction was horribly unsubtle, what they should have done was have her sais, and face hidden, make fans think it's Kitana, even saying "Sorcerer" rather than "Master". Then as she goes to fight Sonya, the sais come out, and when she goes to taste the blood, the veil comes off revealing the teeth. Nitara was also misrepresented, and I don't want to get into it. The Arcana thing was ok but should have been handled differently. Jax is a mixed bag, good personality-wise but the mechanical arms don't make him. Shang Tsung was also a mixed bag, he was in character, but Cary should have returned, there wasn't any fighting with Shang Tsung so I do think Cary could have reprised the role. Hell, he still could have in a similar way to how James Earl Jones was just Darth Vader's voice. Raiden was another that they could have taken Christopher Lambert and did the same thing I just mentioned above. Though Raiden was, and please don't shoot me for saying this, the Celestia of the movie, and I think Raiden is at his best in that wise mentor who guides but doesn't interfere with his students learning. Overall a decent movie, 6/10 rating in my book."

Jarek looked shocked, Tasia smirked and Cassie laughed that Alex had so much to say about the movie. They knew Alex had studied the history of the tournament and Outworld history as well as played the Mortal Kombat games which were not entirely accurate to history, but such was how things were. Jarek then said

"I hate to be that guy, but I didn't like the movie. It wasn't Mortal Kombat Annihilation levels of bad, but it wasn't good either. Alex, I fully agree with your negative points and can see the positives but it's not enough. I thought the writing was bad, the fighting clunky, and they wasted too much potential. It felt like a Star Wars prequel movie."

"Ow hey I like the prequels sure they aren't the originals, but they are still good."

Cassie says Alex nods but adds

"I can respect your opinion Jarek because that is what it is an opinion, my statement was also an opinion, equally valid to yours. As is Tasia's as is Cassie's."

The three had to agree. They soon arrived at the Pavilion and went in. They were seated at the best table and Alex gave a friendly nod to his shadow and bodyguard. A fellow who could pass for a high schooler. With a returned nod Alex turned his attention back to the group and to his wife. Alex sat happily chatting with his parental figures within the Dragons and his wife as they traded love stories and some teasing of Alex from his childhood.

When done Alex and Cassie went down to Alex's room in the base for the night and Cassie enjoyed being in her husband's company. Alex was always so kind and caring to her, always wanting what was best for her. She could appreciate that from him. She loved really everything about him. Sure, he was seven feet tall and was well built in the muscles department which put off many people from him. His lovely crimson eyes reminded her of the Drow and she could get lost for hours staring into those crimson eyes. His long silky black hair was also soft to the touch and she enjoyed running her fingers through his hair. Alex was handsome and he was hers.