
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs


Siris sat across from Alex as the two sat in a Black Dragon-owned Café, having lunch and catching up with one another. Siris swallowed a bite and wiped his hands and asked Alex

"What have you been up to, man?"

"I am doing well, despite trying to learn about myself."

There was a pause as Siris sat there, unsure of what to ask his fellow Dragon as Alex was so different from him. Alex sipped his coffee and inquired

"What was your life like in the Yakuza?"

Siris and said

"Well, I was a part of the Kogoshibofuukai or Celestial Tempest Association. My family had been long-time members but low-ranking grunts. Our group was a just and religious group, but we were mostly wiped out by other warring clans. I was one of the few survivors. I fell in with the Dragons not long after the Outworld invasion and have been a member ever since."

Alex was in awe and had listened to every word. Siris noticed the tall Dragon leaning far forward as he exposited, finding it humorous. He chuckled lightly and continued

"I'll take you to the old hall some time, my friend, but for now, why don't we hang out today, huh?"


Alex agreed. They went out to enjoy being young men. Siris figured he could teach Alex a new fighting style he knew would fit the young man's athleticism and love of dance and music. Siris led him to a Black Dragon grunt, Cícero Bosco Simões, who owned a dojo that taught this style. The dojo also housed several other masters and combatants and served as a local gym. However, the dojo was a recruitment front for the Black Dragon, scouting members with potential. Cícero was a six-foot brute of a Brazilian whose accented English had been something everyone enjoyed, though he still also spoke his native Portuguese. He smiled and in Portuguese said to Siris as he approached,

"Hola Siris, meu amigo"

"Cícero, meu irmão, tudo bem?"

There was a pause before Cícero answered Siris

"Já estive melhor, pior não posso reclamar"

"Ah assim é a vida"

Siris replied before he asked of Cícero

"Eu tenho um pedido, você estaria disposto a ensinar Alexandre Capoeira?"

Cícero circled Alex seeing his lean yet muscular body before he said to Siris

"Sim, Alex é um candidato perfeito"

He smiled and said to Alex, addressing his superior for the first time

"Alex, I will teach you Capoeira, a martial art from my homeland."

"Thank you, I am honored."

Alex said and Cícero nodded and began to show him the style that could be disguised as a dance routine. From the core rocking step, to handsprings and tumbles, Alex, having done gymnastics his whole life already, had much of this style mastered. Alex was then shown how to incorporate his knives into the dance and fighting style, even being shown how to hide his knives for a quick draw and attack. As the day's last lights were fading, Cícero deemed Alex was a skilled enough practitioner of Capoeira, that he halted the young man, saying

"Wait here, Grande lobo."

Cícero disappeared into his office within the dojo he ran, and then returned with a red scarf, and then tied it around Alex's waist and said

"You have learned all that I could teach. You learned in several hours what takes years to learn. You have earned this mark of your mastery."

Alex bowed his head in respect and said

"Thank you Cícero, I am grateful for this training and will use this well."

"I know you will, Alex"

Alex and Cícero bowed to each other and then parted ways. Alex and Siris returned to the base. Alex smiled as Siris brought him to the dojo and Alex sparred with Lawrence Hogan, his long-time friend, and shadow, using his new fighting style to take down his shadow with ease now. They laughed as Alex helped him up and smiles as Lawrence slapped his back and said

"You have improved in your fighting style and I am impressed."

"Thank you, brother."

"You're welcome, friend."

The four hung out together for the rest of the night. Alex soon fell asleep, with Lawrence taking him to his room where he saw Cassie happily waiting for Alex. She helped Lawrence put Alex to bed and smiled, thanking him for his help. Siris stopped by to check on Alex, glad to know his fellow Black Dragon was safe and happy.

Siris went on a mission the following day, completing it, but in the last moments was betrayed by a Black Dragon traitor who had turned Red Dragon. The traitor was quickly executed, and Karkas did his best to save the former Yakuza, but the wounds were too grievous. Alex learned of Siris' death and mourned his friend. In his grief, Cassie consoled her husband and in turn, witnessed the Black Dragon funeral rites. Within a sacred hall, a statue of Siris was erected and his body laid to rest in the Black Dragon tomb, full honors, and protections awarded to him. His family, a younger brother, sister-in-law, and nephew were then taken care of for life by being protected by the still living membership. The brother Tyo looked at Alex and said

"We Kogoshibofuukai are men and women of honor, my brother wanted to take you to the old Clan hall that I have now reclaimed. I feel it is fitting it goes to you as you were the closest to an heir my brother had. It will take time to restore to its former glory, but it should go faster with Black Dragon support."

Alex was shocked before he said

"I can not accept the holding as I have already been given a home. However, I will accept it on behalf of the Black Dragon, merging the Kogoshibofuukai into our clan for the strength of numbers and protection. As well as to expand our reach."

"You honor me with your humility and strategy Alex. I accept this proposal, the Kogoshibofuukai shall rise once more under Black Dragon leadership and guidance."

The two clasped hands in agreement and sealed a new fate for both groups ushering in a new era.

Portuguese – English

“Ola siris meu amigo” Hello Siris my friend

“Cícero meu irmão tudo bem?” Cícero my brother, how are you?

“Já estive melhor, pior não posso reclamar” Been better been worse can't complain

“Ah assim é a vida” Ah such is life

“Eu tenho um pedido; você estaria disposto a ensinar Alexandre Capoeira?” I have a request; would you be willing to teach Alexander Capoeira?

“Sim, Alex é um candidato perfeito” Yes, Alex is a perfect candidate

“Grande lobo” Great Wolf

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