
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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Jacqui knew something was wrong when Takeda didn't check-in at the end of the projected time for the mission he and his father Kenshi were on. She told herself the mission took longer than it was meant to. But when Grandmaster Hasashi came asking, and Major Briggs and General Blade knew nothing, Jacqui got worried. While the adults were confident in both Takeda's and Kenshi's abilities, Jacqui wasn't convinced. This was her love interest and it made her sick with worry. Now she understood Cassie's dread five years ago, and again eight months ago. Speaking of, it gave her an idea. Jacqui went to the Pavilion nightclub and found who she was looking for dozing in one of the booths looking like he had a rough shift.

"Alex, wake up."

She said, shaking him. He jolted, knife in hand pausing when Jacqui twisted his arm causing him to drop the knife.

"Jacqui? What are you doing here?"

She paused before saying

"I don't have proof, but I have a gut feeling Takeda is in danger."

That woke Alex up faster than any jolt of caffeine. He got up, beckoned her to follow him down to the base and meet with the senior members of the Black Dragon. She knew them all now by name thanks to Alex. Kano asked her

"Watz this bout Takeda possibly being in a spot of trouble."

She paused and then said

"He and Kenshi went on an off-the-record mission to attack the Red Dragon because they killed someone they both cared about, Takeda's mom."

Several members grew serious hearing that. Hayashi spoke

"That is taking the clan mantra to an extreme."

Jacqui knew what he meant; the Shirai-Ryu embraced danger. Kano smirks and asks

"Why come to us blokes?"

"Cause I once helped you get Alex back from the Red Dragon."

Kano frowned, his head bowed a moment before he looked up and said

"Yah sure yah anit Sonya's girl?"

Cassie and Jacqui both laughed in good nature. Kano nodded before ordering

"Alex, take this one. Bout time you repay your debt to Specialist Briggs. And Lawrence, go with them and give 'em hell for us."

Both men agreed and Alex smiled. He and Lawrence head off to suit up for this mission, as does Jacqui and Cassie as Cassie isn't letting her sister go at this alone. Alex was dressed for the mission, jeans, a t-shirt, and boots. He wore leather bracers on his wrists and appeared unarmed, but Lawrence knew better. Having witnessed the boy's new fighting style which better suited him knew the young man was armed. Lawrence was armed like any sane full senior member, only recently having been promoted himself. Once armed the team of four returned to the war room where a holographic map was displayed. Alex, being the one to have set it up, brings up the main base, as Jacqui said that is where the father/ son duo was headed. It was deep in the Boton Jungle, a mighty pyramid loomed over a hidden valley way off the beaten path. Alex surveyed their digital 3D map and said

"The Dragon Pyramid is heavily fortified and will have the last of their grunts on high alert. As far as we know the last remaining senior member of note for the Red Dragon is their leader Deagon. He is an Edenian demi-god, so he is going to be just as tough as Rain to beat."

Alex paused shaking a moment remembering meeting the man

-Flashback five years ago-

Alex awoke finding himself restrained after a sedative dart had entered his neck. He was still clothed but tied to a chair in a dark room with the only light shining on him. Out from the shadows though stepped a six-foot-three-inch-tall male who had a scar over his right eye, and the eye was blinded. But what was striking was the dragon tattoo on the left side of his face. He looked at him up and down. A smirk was on his face and said

"Well well, Alexander Valkyrie Darkov, Kano's latest lacky. I will rather enjoy this."

He said as he snapped his fingers and two of Red Dragon senior members stepped forward at Dageon's command. One, pale, wearing a long, red scarf around his neck and face, who looked rather young, with a chain whip, like Grandmaster Hanzo's kunai, and wearing light metal armor over classic shinobi attire. The other, a dark-complexioned woman wearing a skin-tight black bodysuit outfitted with wrappers and built-in padding, conjured blue fire and concentrated into daggers, pointing one at Alex. Alex hissed

"Jed, Maya. We meet again."

Jed smirked and said

"Indeed, but now we are in control."

Alex struggled to get the ropes off, but the sedative was still in his system. So, there was little he could do as the two came closer, and cut the ropes tying him to the chair. Jed grabbed him by his long black hair and held him still as Deagon took one of Alex's knives and used it to cut the teen's clothes from his body. Alex hissed a bit in the cold air as his flesh was exposed. Daegon touched ever so gently the dragon brand on his side, and the scar on his neck. Maya had brought the restraints and with Jed's help they restrained and strung Alex up by his wrists. Daegon took out a burner phone and smirked

"Jed ensures he looks at the camera. I want him to look at it knowing his sweet beloved will see it."

Jed obeyed and made Alex look, while not being in the shot. Deagon laughed before he had Jed and Maya beat Alex. Once they were done, Daegon took a photo of Alex's injuries. Daegon noticed something and smirked as he got in close to Alex. He slipped a finger behind Alex's member and the youth was surprised

"What didn't know about that?"

Alex kept his tongue, he knew, but few people knew. Deagon laughed as he said

"Maya, Jed spread his legs wide, there is something that needs to be seen."

The two obeyed and Alex screamed in pain as it was rough. Daegon took a photo of his exposed genitals and the hidden pussy he had. He smirked and released the youth before putting Alex on his knees, blindfolded, gagged, arms restrained heavily behind his back. He took the last photo of the scared Black Dragon before he had him returned to being strung up by his wrists.

-End Flashback-

Alex shook his head as Lawrence put a hand on him and said

"You blanked out there, you ok?"

"No flashback to being held captive by the Red Dragon wasn't fun. I worry what Daegon has done to Takeda-san."

Lawrence nodded and the two caught up to the girls and set off to rescue Takeda and Kenshi from the Red Dragons.