
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

Le Fantôme de l'Opéra

Cassie and Alex were joined by Kobra and Kira at a local production of Phantom of the Opera, a favorite musical of all four involved. Kobra and Kira have only ever seen movie versions of this famous production. Kobra preferring the Lon Chaney production for its simple horror. Kira liked Joel Schumacher's adaption with Gerard Butler as the Phantom. Alex was fortunate to see a run with Michael Crawford as the Phantom but didn't get to meet him, though with him being an avid Classic's reader also read the novel Le Fantôme de l'Opéra by Gaston Leroux. Cassie hadn't seen a production with any of the big names. She only saw Highschool productions which were good. Now they were seated in the hot zone of the show. Alex hadn't sat in that section before but knew what was coming. Cassie should have too.

They sat through Act I of it enjoying the wonderous show, and Alex was most thrilled. He always rooted for the Phantom despite knowing that the deformed genius wouldn't get his happy ending. Alex of late found himself relating more and more to this tragic character. While not deformed Alex was still a hybrid whose darker Olive skin wasn't common here in Earthrealm. For that matter, his canine teeth were sharper than a normal human's. He also was a bit of a tactical genius and great at map making. For her part, Cassie honestly felt like Christine Daaé the lead female. She hadn't lost anyone, yet, but she once been in the relative comfort of the upper-class life thanks to her father. Her mother got custody two years later and it did feel like going to the opera house and having to work for your meals, though in Cassie's case she really didn't. Kobra and Kira felt a bit called out as they did see themselves as Carlotta Giudicelli, Kira, and Ubaldo Piangi, Kobra. When that chandelier swung down just an inch from their heads Alex was thrilled, though his wife and his two fellow Black Dragons weren't really.

During intermission, the two couples got up to stretch their legs. Alex felt kind of bad that his wife and fellow dragons didn't enjoy that one bit with Cassie saying she should have remembered that from the high school productions she had seen. Alex had wandered over to the merch vendor and saw music CDs, DVDs of the anniversary, shirts, and many other things for sale. He sighed as he hung nearby. Beside him was a man of average height with a sandy blonde look to his hair, with brown eyes. He wore a grey suit with a subtle paisley blue shirt. They made eye contact and the man instantly knew who Alex was.

"Specialist Darkov. I see you made it."

Alex paused before saying

"Wait, your Andrew Lloyd Webber, it really is a pleasure and honor sir."

"No, the honor and pleasure are mine. Enjoying the show?"

He asked and Alex sighed

"I am but not those with me. My wife and another couple we are friends with didn't like the chandelier falling mere inches above their head. Even if they knew it was coming."

Mr. Webber nodded. He gave Alex a smile before saying

"Hey, stick around the four of you, I'll introduce you to the cast."

Alex smiled and said

"We couldn't accept."

The genius behind the very show smiled and simply said

"I insist young man."

And with a turn, he left Alex to think. Cassie walked up to him surprised saying

"That was Andrew Lloyd Webber Alex. He spoke to you. So, what about?"

Alex looked at her and said

"He'd…like the four of us to stay to meet the cast."

Cassie squealed and said

"We are so staying then."

"Yes, dear."

Alex said. Then the four returned to their seats for Act II of the show. Alex was still invested rather enjoying Masquerade and was easily able to spot and follow the Phantom during the song. By the time Don Juan, something added to the musical that was only ever hinted at in the novel, Alex was back invested in the scene. When the final words had been spoken and the final notes died away, everyone gave a standing ovation. The cast looked thrilled at their triumph. Once all the crowd had left Andrew turned from were, he sat just in front of the foursome and said

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Cast, I'd like you to meet some important guests of mine. Specialist Alexander Valkyrie Darkov, his wife Sargent Cassandra Darkov, and their friends Kobra and Kira."

Now it the foursome to be shocked as they were clapped and cheered. Up stepped veteran performer Michael Crawford, reprising his role as the Phantom and said

"We bid you welcome. We are honored to have performed for you tonight. As I understand it this was not your first time seeing me perform Alexander. You saw me once before."

Alex nodded and said

"I wanted to meet you then, but…"

Neither needed to say anything more Crawford remembered that day too well. Alex had been around thirteen at the time and very well dressed. He was patiently waiting in line to meet his favorite actor when a rude woman and her daughter cut in front of him and the daughter even shoved him. He was embarrassed, and he was also sad as they got to be the last ones to see Mr. Crawford that night. Alex had been heartbroken and devastated. Michael Crawford though never forgot that boy's face and his heartbreak. He had been why they were here now.

"Alexander, I remember you. I felt bad that you got cheated out of a chance to meet me. That is why you got that strange invite with the tickets. Here you are."

Alex smiled tearing up, all he could do was hug the man who hugged back. Alex, once he was done pulled out his old prop of Don Juan, he made for a community event he had done. He carried it with him so that maybe he could get it signed.

"Then I was hoping you could sign this. It would have meant the world to me then and given me the confidence to perform. After that missed chance…I backed out of the event, haven't acted again. Cassie only has seen glances. Could you sign it for me? So at least I can say I have something signed."

He asked and Michael Crawford smiled and wrote a message on the cover saying to never give up on his dreams to always listen for the Music of the Night. Alex smiled thrilled at his prize and Crawford took both couples to dinner where they bonded over the play, what characters they liked best, and who they often felt like. After the nice dinner and Alex and Cassie had returned to their home, the one Bo' Rai Cho left them Cassie looked at Alex as she presented him a prop rose with the black ribbon tied around it.

"I asked Crawford if I could have the prop rose from the performance to give to you. He said only if I gave it to you in the pretense that the Phantom had delivered it, impressed with his spirit and spunk."

Alex accepted the rose and said

"And I accept his humble praise."