
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

The Wedding

The big day had arrived. Alex was nervous as hell. It was his wedding day and the beginning of a new life with Cassie. He sighed as he waited with his best man and groomsmen. His best man was his new friend Takeda Takahashi and his brothers from the Black Dragons made up the rest. Alex tried to remain calm but both Kobra and Jarek saw just how nervous he was and Jarek nudged Takeda as the young Shirai-Ryu telepath was the closest to Alex. Takeda noted his friend's nervous energy and whispered

"It's ok Alex. It's not like your fighting Shinnok."

Alex snorted, though Jarek snarked

"Sometimes you will feel like wishing you were."

Now that made Takeda worried. Kobra smiled at him and said

"It is not often. Not when you really love your partner."

Both men relaxed and Alex smiles. He and Cassie finally decided to do a Dungeons and Dragons-themed wedding. Alex was dressed as his favorite famous Drow Drizzt Do'Urden, though he didn't match the skin type. He chose to dress in the Do'Urden finery. He even had twin scimitars tied to his sides, tied on by grandmaster Hasashi who forged the blades for Alex. Alex smiled looking at his groomsmen, as they too were dressed in the medieval high fantasy style. The musicians were fans of Dungeons and Dragons themselves, so they were dressed as their characters. Johnny Cage managed to swing Nicole Oliver, the voice actress of Princess Celestia, to officiate the wedding which was to the shock of Alex and Commander Firebrand.

Meanwhile, Cassie was in a flurry herself. She was getting ready with the help of her mother, grandmothers, aunt, and her maid of honor Jacqui. She looked stunning in her Drow Matron's dress, as she had chosen her own Drow O.C/Player Character who was a matron mother. She had held strong through the planning when she had seen Alex so nervous and overworked. Yet now it was her turn and she was very nervous. Her grandma Rose said

"Now now Cassandra dear, you are marrying a man you love very dearly, and he loves you dearly. You shouldn't fret."

Her grandma Erica smiled and said

"You have no reason to fret Cassandra. You have a strong handsome man to take care of you."

Her aunt Rebecca shook her head and said

"Cass is a strong woman herself. She can support Alex if need be."

Sonya sighed shaking her head at her mother before saying

"Mom, Cassie is a grown woman capable of making her own choices. She has made the choice to marry Alex. I really can't think of anyone better for her."

There was a scoff from Grandma Rose Carlton who said

"A solider or some rich man."

It was Jacqui who looked pissed off. How dare anyone say Alex wasn't worthy of Cassie. Jacqui stood with Cassie before saying

"We do have a wedding to get to."

Grandma Rose tcsked but kept her tongue as they escorted Cassie to the main hall where the wedding was to begin. They made their way in, with Cassie back with her father Johnny. Johnny could tell his mother had said some things to Cassie which had disparaged his little girl. He held her at arm's length and said

"Cassandra Carlton listen to me. You are a wonderful young woman full of charisma and cocky wit which you got from me, yet stern, with a tough as nails attitude which came from your mother. Yes, you have a brash demeanor, yet a deep sense of morality, and genuine respect for your elders and masters. I could not be prouder of the woman you have become. I may not have liked it when I found out you were dating a criminal, but Alex really changed my mind, especially when he brought you home safe on your twenty-first birthday. I doubt you could have found anyone better than Alex. I am honored to give you to him in marriage today."

Cassie hugged her dad and the two then signaled they were ready. They then proceed to walk down the aisle as friends and family had gathered to witness this. A bonus was that a Templar Honor guard had been dispatched to line one side of the aisle while Alex's Uncle Ryker and his men flanked the other side. She was soon delivered to Alex who, in an Outworld custom, gives something he valued greatly to Johnny who took a look at it before returning the necklace, Alex's only connection to his parents, to its proper place around his neck whispering

"I accept and humbly return it to you as it belongs to you alone."

Ryker gives an approving nod. With that Nicole Oliver, taking her role of Celestia began

"Mares and gentlecolts, lords and ladies, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Sargent Cassandra Carlton and Specialist Alexander Valkyrie Darkov. I could bore you with the traditional wedding monologue and recite some prayers but neither of these two are quite into that. However, they do wish at least would wish to state their vows. Cassandra, would you care to go first?"

Cassie nodded before she began

"I vow that through any kind of weather, sickness, and health that I will live only for you Alexander. You alone hold my heart and guard against all that would oppose us."

Nicole Oliver nodded and turned to Alex who began

"With each breath, I breathe from now until my grave that I will ensure your love, trust, happiness, and safety even at the cost of my own. There is no other that I would live for or die for then you Ma vhenan."

Alex paused before he said

"Ar lath ma, vhenan"

"Se agapó kardiá mou"

Much to the surprise of many in the room, a small display of love magic occurred not on the grand scale as shown in a certain My Little pony episode but enough for Nicole Oliver who smiled and said

"The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please?"

The ring bearer, one of Fred's triplets, came up with the pillow in which two blue and sliver D20 rings sat. The couple each took one and placed it on the other's hand to which Nicole Oliver smiled and said

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife!"

With a resounding cheer, the couple kissed. They walked down the aisle and to the limo that took them to the rented-out Pavilion for the reception which everyone enjoyed. Alex and Cassie shared a kiss as they looked to their future as one together.

Ma vhenan: My heart; sometimes shortened simply to vhenan, "heart"; a term of endearment.

Ar lath ma, vhenan: "I love you, heart/my heart"

Se agapó kardiá mou: I love you, my heart

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