
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Change Of Thoughts.

It's been 10 years since Alex came to this sect, he put a goal for himself, he would break trough Nascent Soul Realm, but... there was a change of thoughts.

In the beautiful mansion, there was a stadium like space, there stood a boy and a middle aged man, boy was doing exercises.

Middle Aged man smiled and went towards the boy he said.

"Good Job Alex, you are about to break through Golden Core realm, this is an incredible feat for someone your age"

Alex smiled akwardly and looked at middle aged man in eyes he said "Yes Master, its only thanks to you i got to this point"

Master Ling smiled and took out a pill he said "Go ahead daily dose of Foundation Reconstruction pill"

Alex took the pill put it on his mouth and swallowed it.


[World Traveling System

Warning!! Mind Control pill has been taken.]

[World Traveling System

Effects Destroyed, Turning pill into a Qi Energy Experience]

Middle aged man smiled and said "Alright let's rest for today, take your time to rest well, something interesting is going to happen in the future"

Middle aged man was about to smile ferociously, but voice interrupted him.


Alex Asked.

Middle aged man smiled and turned back "See you tomorrow "

Alex stood there quiet he looked at the man's back, and then sighed, he had a bitter smile on his face.

Yes you guessed it right, this man was not his Master

"(Appraisal)" thought Alex

[World Traveling System

Name: Ling Chang (Possessed By a Speck of the soul of Demon Saint Zagred)

Cultivation: None

Cultivation Root: Peak Level Fire Root

Talents: Killing Machine, Fire Pheonix, Sword Fire Technique 9 Moves...

Mythic Talent: Fire Sun Explosion.

Current Goal: Create a Sect, Reward: 150 System Points.

System Points: 0

System Shop: Locked

Attributes: Locked]

Master Ling was possessed, Alex didn't understand when did this happen, or how did this happen but he guessed it happened.

Somewhere between when he came here first in about 5 years to 8 years.

When Alex found out this he wanted to help the Sect Master but, he read the legends and what people said about Saints, Saints were level Above Nascent Soul level.

In the legends Saint's were people that could turn mountains and rivers upside down, they could destroy continents, just their simple attack could wipe out anything bellow their realm.

Alex'es eyes almost popped out from their sockets when he read this, He immediately thought that Saint's were like gods in this world, it just more real.

In the end he gave up and decided to escape.

He definitely would be fighting for nothing, Saint was just too above him like 2 realms above, because cultivation realms went like this,

Qi Absorbing.

Foundation Establishment Realm.

Golden Core Realm.

Nascent Soul Realm.

Saint Realm

Void Traveling Realm.

Deity Realm.

Immortal Realm.

Transcendent Realm.

Alex sighed again and left the stadium, he went back to his residence and said

He pluncked to his bed and said...


[World Traveling System

Name: Alex Parker

Cultivation: Golden Core Level 9 [98% I ]

Cultivation Root: Heavenly @#$%^%$ Root

Talents: Survival in the wild, Talent Gathering, Appraisal,

Mythic Talent: Talent Copy.

Current Goal: Create a Sect, Reward: 150 System Points.

System Points: 0

System Shop: Locked

Attributes: Locked]

Alex discovered different functions of his system, one of them being he could show whatever cultivation he wanted to others, it was op ability, but one of the most important things he learned was how to control his gift.

It couldn't be called control, because he couldn't just go into the future and see what would happen.

He could use the Rashak's gift to predict his enemy's movements.

But prophecies also came very often with his control.

He finally understood how to Sect Master died.

Few days later from his time demon sect would invade the Thousand Soul Sword Sect With the leadership of Demon Saint Zagred, there would be big war that would happen almost immediately, possessed Sect Master gave the pills to almost everyone, it was a mind control pill that would control people's consciusness, he only left out few overly powerful elders, a possessed Sect Master would go to Demonic Sect's side and would fight with them.

This was a sure death scenario to Thousand Soul Sword Sect but...

In Alex'es dreams old man appeared, he had completely white weird clothes, he simply looked down at the sect and effects of mind control pill dissapeared, this man was The Ancestor, or whatever people called him, Possessed Sect Master went mad because his plan was foiled and started to fight, Possessed Sect Master only had Speck Of The Soul Of Demon Saint Zagred. The Ancestor, Alex didn't know who this old man was but what kind of cultivation he had but he simply was playing with the Possessed Sect Master, after a while he slapped him to death.

This...... Was just too simple one sided match, Alex doubted even if Possessed Sect Master was here with his real body would be any match to The Ancestor.

It Was scary how strong people could be, one slap and he destroyed entirety of the Demon Sect's Army, while taking few mountains in the way of the slap.

Alex then finally understood why did he became the Sect Leader.

The Old Man took out some kind of wooden plank from the Possessed Sect Master's clothes, Possessed Sect Master was killed so thoroughly that only his head exploded nothing more was harmed, not even his clothes that was just teared from fighting.

Old Man Took Out Wooden Plank, he just throwed it to Alex and left, Alex has seen himself killing Demon Sect Members, but he was still weak in the eyes of the Higher ups of The Demon Sect, they were fighting Sect Elders, probably this was why Alex Was left to kill so many of their Sect Members.

Old Man Left like that,

Just like this without saying anything else.

After That Everyone just kneeled to the Alex and prophecy ended there.

Alex Was dumbfounded when woke up in the past, he thought he gained recognition by his own strenght but looks like it was wrong.

Alex was also scared that that was the future and he could not change it, but after testing it few times he was reassured, one time he had a prophecy that one of his fellow Sect Member's would die in the mission, he saved him.

And prophecy changed like that, with literally no effort.

With that Alex learned future was inter changeble, you were the one that wrote your own future.

Alex was not stupid, so he wanted to escape this place, he would definetely do it already, if it wans't for.. Yes Lia.

Alex tried not to make any connections in this world, He only made one friend Milo, did but Lia Was different, she just crowled to his mind time to time, While Alex made sure they would not became anything else than a friends, they were still good friends.

While Milo, Alex saw he survived in the prophecy so he had a good future... probably, prophecy's were 90 % sure happen ones, so.. Alex'es escape would PROBABLY not change anything...

Alex got this thoughts out of his mind.

He went back to his plan

Alex Made a plan to escape on the day of the invasion.

He couldn't do that just yet, entirety of the sect was heavily guarded, this was also one of the reason's why Thousand Soul Sword Sect was one of the most powerfull Sects in the empire.

Thousand Soul Sword Sect never let their guard down, well they just did when Sect Master was possessed but that was unavoidable it was a Demon Saint After all.

With this thought Alex was about to sleep, he always slept at night even if he didn't needed to, this was a great Relaxation to him.

He had to rest, to trick Lia to come with him to complete 'Mission', slip past the Possessed Sect Master, and get the fuck away from this sect fast as possible.

After that he would think about acomplishing the mission system gave him.

After that he would definetely think about Rashak's words about him being the hero.

And After that may fate decide what he would do.

He had everything planned out, now he just had to wait.

With this thoughts Alex went to sleep.

End Of Chapter.

This was the introduction to the timeskip, action is going to come very very soon, so this will probably be one of the last calm chapters for a while, ;) ;).

DreamWr8ERcreators' thoughts