
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs


Alex woke up very early and checked if he had everything. it was still dark outside, but voices of cultivator's could be heard.

Alex put on his clothes and went out, he went to the Mission Palace, most of the palaces in the sect were very important to the sect, they had different important jobs, mission palace was one of the most popular, because Sect Members could get missions and take a reward contributions, that would give them ability to buy different resources.

Alex went to the palace but nobady really noticed him, he never really showed his face in public even now, even when sect tournaments happened he would decline offer to participate, if his Master Ling was angry because of that he would just show new abilities he got and Tell Master Ling he needed to perfect them.

In the mission hall there were many mission papers, Alex just went to them and took the one that had the longest distance from the sect.

Alex went out and checked the sun "I have about 3 hours before Demon Sect attacks, i need to hurry."

While Alex could not tell time from his prophecy, he could tell that Demon Sect invaded exactly at noon, he also saw defences of the sect ware easily broken, with that Alex Calculated that Possesed Sect Master put down sect's defences with bullshit excuse just before Demon Sect attacked.

He decided to go out when 2 hours were left.

Alex went around the sect and did what he didi daily, he went around the sect and bought bunch of things, his Space Ring had incredible amount of different types of escape and defence talismans.

He went around the sect 2 times and finally went to Get Lia, Lia lived in most center part of the sect, Sect was created like this, outer disciple's lived in Outer Sect, Inner diciple's lived in Inner Sect, Core Disciple's lived in Core Sect.

Alex went to get Lia, he opened the gorgeus mansion Lia lived, servants and butles immediately bowed their heads to Alex, they were one of the only people that knew who really Alex was.

"Lia!!, i've gotten the mission, do you want to come with me?"

Alex yelled, he smiled and waited for 10 seconds.

Sound of someone running down was heard.

Lia came down, he wore very beautifull red dress, she came down and when she saw Alex, beautifull smile came to her face.


She jumped from the stairs immediately to Alex'es arms.

Alex Masterfully dodged the hug, he smiled and said "Stop playing aroud, we need to hurry."

Lia just fell to the ground, she stood up and wiped her nose like it was hurting "you are still so mean Alex!!, what mission did you take?"

Alex said "Let's go, i will explain on the way"

Lia nodded and followed Alex.

Alex And Lia went out from the mansion.

Alex started explaining details about the mission "Our mission is to chatch a herd of monsters, they are mostly golden horned bulls and golden armadillos most of them came to Qingxia forest in the north after the great beast purge was done by Celestial Sect, out mission is to catch them alive first, if we cant we can kill them but we will get much less contribution rewards."

Alex explained in details, he never really showed his face in the sect or tournaments but he could not avoid going to mission's, he also didn't wanted to avoid it, actually Alex went out for missions very often, every Sect Member had to go to mission's every once in a while.

When Alex went out for mission's he collected information about this world, most of the information was about space ability users.

While Alex and Lia were going to the exit of the sect there was a big commotion somewhere else.

In The Basement Of Possessed Sect Master's Mansion.

Possessed Sect Master went down the stairs, it was a circular stairway going down.

After few minutes voices could be heard, they were filled with pain and despair, voices that could tell you with their tone they wanted to die.

Possessed Sect Master had a fanatical expression on his face, it was like he enjoyed this voices, and he probably did.

After another few minutes of walking Possessed Sect Master finally reached the end.

there was a big room, countless cages could be seen on the walls, there were also countless cages on the ceiling, in every cage there could be seen 2 people, one of the people wore dark clothes they stabbed the second person there, second person was wearing tattered clothes, you could see they stabbed with extremely dull knife, one time it was extremely dull next it was extremely sharp.

Dark clothed person stabbed the second person non stoppingly like a robot, they had white eyes like they lost their soul.

Wails of true despair could be heard.

In the center there was a altar, blood flowed everywhere and every bit of it was flowing to the altar that absorbed it.

It really seemed like a hell, and a true picture that Alex had of Sects before coming to this world.

Possessed Sect Master was smilling he went to the altar and cut his hand, a little droplet of blood came out of it, it flowed to the bowl that was filled with blood and was placed in the altar.


Sound like something was hitting metal was heard.


Blood that filled the bowl exploded, it stopped in the air it was absorbed back in the bowl, spiral could be seen and.


Smooth surface was created in the bowl.

"What is it Zagred"

Deep and scary voice was heard around the room.

A Tall figure that was shrouded in darkness was seen

Possessed Sect Master smiled and bowed, he said "Preperation has been completed Lord, we can attack Thousand Soul Sword Sect any time."

Shrouded figure looked at Possessed Sect Master, he had dark red eyes, but it was different from Lia or his sister, it was almost void black.

He opened his mouth and said "You are sure there is no one there that can stop you?"

Possessed Sect Master smiled again while having his head bowed this entire time, he said "Yes lord, except for few Peak Grand Elders there is no one that can go against our army."

Shrouded figure looked down and said "I see, then go ahead, do it today, you remember what will happen if we fail right?"

Possessed Sect Master said "Yes, we will be annihilated with our sect" he seemed afraid on his last words.

Shrouded figure said "Alright, do not disapoint me".


Shrouded figure exploded in the bowl, and once again blood that was exploding was stopped mid air and was absorbed back in the bowl.

After a while everything was calm agaim, except voices of wail that disapppeared for a while returned.

Possessed Sect Master stood up and took out some kind of talisman and lighted up.

"Lord Zagred!!"

Sinister voice was heard.

Possessed Sect Master said "Get ready Rail, we are attacking"

Sinister voice was suprised and asked "When sir?"

Possessed Sect Master was annoyed and said "NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"

He burned the talisman and looked up.

Possessed Sect Master smiled and that smile turned into a laugh.




He stopped and left the basement.

In The Sect.

Alex and Lia were about one eight way to the exit of the sect.

Alex thought about staying here many times, but every time he rejected it, in this years he wanted to find something that could be used to travel worlds, space power or something like that, but even in the treasury Alex could not find anything, there were techniques that could help you Travel The Space but that technique's could only be cultivated When you reached Void Traveling Realm, Alex estimated he would take about 330 years to reach that realm, even with his system absorbing Qi Energy, it was harder and harder to actually advance, even with that he spend 8 years advancing 1 major realm, he was about to break through Nascent Soul Realm.

Maybe he would find something in the most Core treasury that he could not go yet when he became Sect Master, but he still rejected it, he found much more information when he traveled in the world than staying here.

So in the end he decided to leave the Sect, He could not save Master Ling, he would definetely even if he cultivated for 3 years, and became stronger than what he was in the prophecy, but he didn't have a idea of beating that dark clothed young man, he felt even if The Ancestor and the Possessed Sect Master fought together they would not be able to defeat that dark clothed young man.

So because of that.

Alex didn't fasten up the process, he didn't wanted to arrouse suspicion, Lia might look like she was a innocent stupid girl but Alex has seen her do cunning things that even made him, someone that could control his emotions well shudder.

Lia was also one that helped him achive his first kill, back then they were fighting Demon Cultivator's and Alex managed to defeat one of them, and because he didn't know how to control his emotions well back then he could not bring himself to kill him.

Because of that he almost got killed from the other Demon Cultivator.

Lia understood something back then, she jumped on Alex'es back and pushed the blade into Demon Cultivator's heart.

When everything ended and Alex returned to the sect, Alex almost had mental breakdown back then, and that was the time when he acquired new skill [Emotion Control] in his Mystic Talents.

Alex was happily chating with Lia with his wind on guard, he thought he coud have made a mistake in time but as a Astrology expert he could definetely see what time it was with the sun.


Alex forgot that in his prophecy he saw the fighting, not the fight...

DING!! DING!!! DING!! DING!!!!!!!!!!!



Hoarse voice was heard around the sect.


Thousand Soul Sword Sect's Gate defence's were broken at this moment with some kind of explosion.

Lia got panicked and yelled "COME ON ALEX!! We need to go to Fighting Palace now!!!!!!!!!!!"

Alex looked at the Exit gate, he could already see it from here,

There were countless Demon Sect Cultivator's gushing in the sect, coming in hundreds, every one of them were almost Foundation Building, weakest one of them were Qi Absorbing Level 9 ones.

He just thought in his heart "(Fuck..)

Lia looked at Alex not moving and thought he stopped like he did stop when he was about to kill that Demon Cultivator.

Lia said "ALEX!!"

She was about to touch Alex'es hand and got him out of this Mode.

But Alex looked back.

Lia just stood there and said "Alex... You........"

This was what she said before losing consciusness.

Alex looked at her and sighed he withdrown his skill [Vampiric Charm].

He got bunch of ussless spells over the years, this happened because he could not control his Mystic Talent: Talent Copy.

He would have gotten bunch of junk talents and would probably not be able to look at his stats anymore if system didn't hide the talents and Mystic Talent: Talent Copy didn't had restriction that he could only copy 2 times from the same person.

Alex saw how cliche Lia's Death was in his Prophecy, it was cliche 'You are not father, i know you are here Fight for yourself father' situation.

Alex just picked up Lia and went to the gate.

He also thought in his heart "I don't care if she hates me after we leave."

Alex dashed to the Exit Gate, he was about to leave but as always nothing can go on your way when you are doing something.


Alex heard the scream, he looked back and saw.. yes he saw Milo.

He was fighting Demon Sect Cultivator.

And yeah he was using all of his strenght to fight and was losing pretty badly.

Alex Just Thought "(FUUCK!!)"

Nothing can go your way when you want to, but when you don't it luck god will come your way.

End Of Chapter