
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Plan For The Escape!!.

After Alex opened his eyes nurses dressed as as a cultivators came rushing in.

"Young master!! have awakened!!!!!"

Old man came in, Alex immediately recognized this old man, it was Elder Fion he meet when he first arrived in the sect.

"Hello Elder Fion, can you tell me where is master?"

Alex asked immediately, nurses frowned at his disrespect, he didn't make weird hand movement like everyone here, and just asked the question.

Elder Fion didn't mind and answered "Your master will come here any moment now, when he discovered you were attacked, he was furious, he went out and locked the sect down, he wanted to find the culprit who hired assassin".

Alex frowned and said "Assassin then?"

Elder Fion said "Sect Master wanted to search his memories but the moment he touched Assassin's mind it exploded into pieces, not the body only consciusness, but Sect Master did find out Assassin belonged to the organization called Shadow Killers, it's a big organization that streches through every continent."

Alex frowned even more and asked "Oh by the way Elder Fion, do you know if anyone is targeting our sect now?"

Elder Fion looked ad Alex and was suprised "We do hav enemies but last war happened about 100 years ago Young Master, why are you asking about this?"

Alex Smiled and said "Nothing, just asking"

Elder Fion was about to say something but.


Door opened with the bang, a middle age man came rushing in, behind him were boy and a girl.

They were two that Alex saved that day.

Elder Fion immediately bowed with weird hand gesture.

Master Ling came rushing in and hugged Alex.

"Oh Great Heavens, are you okay??"

Alex was suprised by this passionate act, he smiled and said "Yes master i am fine look" he showed his hand to his master.

It wasn't bleeding anymore and there was only slight pain.

Master Ling calmed down and then said "I am sorry i didn't anticipate this to happen, i really never thought anyone would threaten you in the sect, not especially those bastards in the SHADOW KILLERS" his eyes was filled with killing intent.

MAster Ling wanted to continue but well built young man interupted him and went running towards Alex.

Young man had dark hair and very unique colored yellow eyes, he had a sword on his wrist and a weird clothes that everyone weared here.

He was filled with smiles and grabbed Alex'es hand he said "OH GOD YOU MUST BE ALEX!!, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING US BACK THEN!!." He was very excited for some reason.

Alex looked at him "It Was No Problem , Don't Worry About It" then he stole a glance towards the woman.

Woman had a red hair and dark red eyes, looked very similar to Lia, she had cold look on her face, it was like her aura was saying Fuck Off to everyone.

Woman Looked at Alex with contempt and humpphed, she turned back and left.

Alex frowned, he felt this look was wrong, he didn't know why, it was like someone bellow him was looking at him like that was a sin, like a ant looking at the god with contempt, this was stupid he thought of this and...

He immediately calmed down his emotions with one thought

Young man looked at Alex awkwardly and said "Do not mind her, she is always that cold, but she has go--- Cough!! she has very interesting heart."

He added "My Name Is Milo By The Way"

Alex looked at Milo weirdly and was about to say something but his Master Interuppted.

"Cough!! Milo and everyone, do not disturb Alex anymore, let him rest" Master Ling said and was about to leave with everyone else but.

Alex said "Master!!!"

Master Ling turned back and looked at Alex weirdly he said "Whats wrong?"

Alex was contemplating if he wanted to tell what he saw Master Ling, but after a long time he sighed and said "Master i want to start cultivating now"

Master Ling was about to educate him "As i said Alex, you nee--"

"Master if i had better cultivation back then when i was attacked, i would not get injured, or at least i would be able to notify you sooner!!".

Seeing Alex'es eyes Master Ling Just sighed and said "Huuuh, alright then, you can just fix foundation with natural treasures, when you break through Foundation Establishment Realm, you will have a chance to go to sect's treasury, Remember pick something that fixes your foundation ALRIGHT?????????"

Alex said "Of course Master!!"

Master Ling sighed and said "Alright then rest today, tomorrow we will start cultivating, do you understand!!"

Looking at his Masters eyes Alex nodded and said "I Understand!!!!!!!!!!!"

Master Ling was about to leave but voice was heared.


Sweat voice could be heard from afar, it was getting closer and finally it came from the door.

It was Lia, she was sweating hard, she didn't even notice Master Ling and immediately went to Alex'es arms.


Alex grunted "Ouch!!, Lia i am injured do you remember this???????????"

Lia got off him embarassingly and was about to say something but.

"Young Lady, Why are you not doing the mission now?"

Lia looked back and found his father's fierce eyes.

She immediately said "F- Father, i just did my mission and came running here."

She didn't really seemed that she was respecting his father much, it was just, she was just suprised.

Alex reminded her "Lia, you should change you clothes"

Lia looked at Alex and then looked at her clothes, it was drenched with sweat, it was pretty see through like a glass , her cheeks immediately became red, she chanted some kind of technique.


Wind was created, it was like a tornado. almost destroying the entire room.

Master Ling eyes twitched and said "This... Girl"

he used a spell and wind disappeared.

Lia came out of it completely dry, she smiled and said.

"All Done!!"


She heard her fathers angry voice behind her, she looked back and pocked her tongue out.

Master Ling had veins on his forehead.

Lia looked back and said "ALEEEX, i had a such a incredible story to tell you, you wont believe what merchant told me earlier today, it went like thi--"

She was about to continure but then a big hand picked her up with her clothes and said.

"NO!! Alex needs to rest, you can talk to him later!!"

Lia throwed her hands around while screaming "STOP TUGGING ME, you mean old man!!!"

"OLD MAN???" Master Ling was really angry now.

"Looks like you haven't had our education lessons for a long time!!"

Lia immediately stopped smiled and said "Just kidding father, how could handsome and beautifull and powerfull man like you be old, you are like a sun shining to the earth, very very young"

Master Ling was enjoying praises, he picked down Lia and said.

"Still, we need to go let Alex rest"

Without saying anything else he used some technique and two of them disappeared.

Alex looked at this conversation with smile.

He looked back and sighed.

He smiled bitterly and said "They really are like familly huh."

In his eyes there were memories, countless memories, with a handsome middle aged man playing with him, there was also woman that he could not remember a face of.

They were playing together, he looked at his face back then and smiled, he looked at how happy he was.

Alex became even more determined to get back to his world, he didn't know if his father survived but if there was even a little chance, he would take it.

He sat down with his legs crossed.

Alex frowned and growled "Fuck... My... Leg... Still hurts!!"

But he resisted this pain and meditated.

The moment he opened his eyes earlier today he wanted to escape he even started to make escape plan, immedately escape, he thought about the face of that dark clothed person and still shuddered, i mean himself in the future that was trillion times stronger than him died with just one look, he was not a dumbass to stay in this place.

was targeted by dark clothed person, it was destined for destruction.

But when he saw how Lia and Master Ling talked to eachother. he decided to try just once.

But still he had to cultivate enough, so he would have a say in the sect.

He didn't say anything to Master Ling today because he would definetely not be believed.

And would definetely be asked how did he knew this, even if he made bullshit excuse he would definetely not be believed then.

While he was a Sect Master's Direct Disciple, in this sect he had really low say, this world was ruled by strenght and only strenght mattered.

In a while he could relax, first Master Ling needed to die and then 3 years later, the dark clothed man would attack.

And how things were going and how strong Master Ling was this definetely would be very far into the future.

But... he would still make a escape plan, a very, very, perfect escape plan.. just for in case... in case Special circumstances happened.

Alex closed his eyes, and started meditating.

And like this time continued to pass.


10 Years Later.

"Finally, Its time!!"

End Of Chapter.