
The Search

"My Lord it been ten years now and no sign of prince mason" General lasda said. " yes your highness, seen the Great war when we lost our king, your father, we haven't heard or set eyes on the young prince" Elder white said. king ziris was just sitting as quiet on his father's throne. finally he spoke " we shall send to the human word to look for him" " and who would that be sirya" lasda said " I think Melina " ziris said

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( At academy magic, the bell rang all students were sited in class it was time for lessons when mason walked in )

" hey look everyone it prince mason" jarob said laughing, the class laugh at well. mason held his bag tight and slowly work to his sit jarob began toeing paper at mason, Mason just sat quite his finger were deep in his hands making him bleed, than jarob began choking, the teacher quickly turn to a black girl sited at the back of the class " Melina would you stop" the teacher said jarob was almost blacked out " Melina!!!" the teacher screamed, Melina lifted her head and smiled softly than jarob fell down gasping for breath, he stood up and ran out of the class crying

( school time was over mason was making his was to his pick up car when Melina came in front of him, " hey " she said " hey " he replied " thanks back there" he continues " No problem, but why don't you do anything? hh" she said " good bye " he said and worked

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( car horned loudly) Mason open his eye get up from the bed slightly looked outside the window saw a black car. he took his shower put on a black sleeve and dark green pair of pants, he want down and stood in front of the car, the window's rolled down and inside was Jennifer " hey there " she said smiling widely at Mason, he didn't say a word but just stood there wondering what she was doing at his house by this time of the day. " come in " she said, he worked in the car his heir was tied behind his head " you should take that off, you are going to work you k know that right" she said. he slightly moved hiss hands towards his head, he pulled the band holding his heir. his heir fell on his shoulder's he than moved his finger's though his heir. she was speechless at that moment. she drove into a packing lot , it was a dinner they both got down, mason was still wondering how and what he was doing here, she held on his hand and pulled him in, they sat down and called on the wetter. the wetter work towards them stop at the site of mason look at him for some time, Jennifer notice and chough loudly. she came back to her sense " good morning ma and good morning sir" she said " what would you like" she continued " well I just wont coffee" Jennifer said " and you sir " the wetter said " warm water" mason said with a straight face " warm water? " the wetter said working away " what are we doing here? " mason asked " well as your boss I decided to take you out on your first day of work " Jennifer said proudly, mason just looked at her with disbelief. the wetter finally came " here is your coffee ma and your warm water sir" the wetter said winking at Mason. mason looked at the water in front of him took it up and drank all of it Jennifer was surprised she could not believe her eyes did he just drink the without burning his throat there most be something about his guy she said inside her ," so mason were you from " " camason" he said" camason and were is that " she asked, he did not give her a reply she finished her coffee and they both got in the car. they drove slightly to the campany. they both came out of the car worked into the building she took him straight to the changing room " here , go in and try on your clothes for size" she said pointing towards the door he want in, he took about two minutes before he came out, he was putting on a white long sleeve and black pair of pants, round him was a gun, he took it out and gave it to Jennifer saying "I won't be needing this" " ohh playing brave right" she said. she took it from him and placed it on the table and worked away.

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Door open wild ziris walked in the ball room with lasda behind him. in the room was a woman she was in her early twentieth " hello ziris long time no see" she said. " I knew you would come..... Melina " he said " of course I would come my little mason is out there on his own " " all I wont you to do is to bring him back home .... we're he belongs " ziris said