
H. N. M

"Good morning everyone" Jennifer said to the crowd in front of her, " Good morning mis. Jennifer" they all replied." well to day am going to be introducing someone new to " they all looked at mason, who was just sited at the back of the crowd rolling the tip of his heir, " Mr mason could you come up here please " Jennifer said smiling at Mason, he stood up and worked towards her then stop and faced the crowd, all eyes were on him, Jennifer continue's " this is mason vadak he will be working with us, I would like a volunteer to show him round the place" a lot of hands were lifted up, Jennifer was not surprised, she pointed at a young man at the back, he was in his last twenty. " Jerry could you come up here please"Jennifer said , he was worked towards her with a big smile, " you would be showing mr vadak around ' Jennifer said " thanks mis Jennifer" " No problem Jerry" Jennifer said working away, Jerry turned to mason " wow... you are .... just wow, my god how did you get your heir to be so white, I have tried my but it did not end well , I over heard the ladies saying you are to die for, well I don't think they are wrong." mason was quite this whole time Jerry continue " am Jerry by the way and you are mason right mason vadak. That's name sounds familiar" mason stoped and looked Jerry side ways and said " what do you know about vadak " " well am a big fan of history, I have study so much about the past and to answer you ask question vadak was said to be a warrior who was believe to have super human power's, ha, is't it funny super human power's can you believe that cause I don't shit they say " mason smiled softly and continue working, Jerry stop to wonder way mason acted that way , than he ran to meet up with mason ( the day was fast spent , work time was over). Jennifer was the last to leave the office before she left she saw mason" Mr mason I hope you work as good as you look " she said smiling with the side of her face mason smiled back and said " well I will try my best ". " well good night" she said working away " good night mis Jennifer" mason said.