

( Long ago the tribe's live together,trolls, wolves, wizards, witch's demons so on, dispirit there difference they learn to leave with one another. but there was a difference tribe that live at the far end of the word and they were called the 'MIVERT' there were send to be god's weapon, they were powerful begin's said to have the strength of a ten men , faster than the wide , but a curse befall them and they were wiped out , they god's came together and had an agreement to send one MIVERT ever thousand years, it been a thousand years and finally they have sent one )

"Good morning mis. Jennifer" Jennifer's Assistant said "morning glory" Jennifer reply's "we have a lot of people here today" Jennifer said working in the direction of her office. " yes ma'am" Glory said handing Jennifer a cup of coffee, Jennifer stop looked slowly and said " Who is that " referring to Mason " well ma'am that the reason we have a lot of females here today, " Jennifer takes a sip of her coffee and said "send him to my office right a way " "yes ma'am" Glory said . she started working towards mason and stop when she got to his front her feet were weak, her hands sweety she stood there for about five minutes before getting her self back "am very sorry sir but you have to come with me " Glory said to mason, he sat for some time and then he stood up Glory moved back slightly she was without words,his chest out, his white heir on his brood shoulder his deep blue eyes "my my he must be from heaven" Glory said in her heart " come with me"she said, he walked silently behind her they got to the office and Glory moved out of the way and said "you can go in" mason open the door and work in he then close the door behind him he turned to look and he saw Jennifer siting at her table as beautiful as ever she was on the line with some one mason just stood by the door she ended the call looked at mason and said " please sit down, sorry for keeping you waiting" " no problem" he said with out a change in his face " so what brings a handsome man like you to my company " Jennifer said smiling widely " I came to apply for the job of a security " mason said . Jennifer was surprised" really, of all the jobs you choose security wow " Jennifer said, mason was quite " well ok let me see your papers ". mason handed her a booklet she took it and opened it she then closed it and handed it back to him " your hired "Jennifer said " what " mason said confused ' yes you hired you start tomorrow" "well thank you ma ". "don't call me ma, you can call me Jennifer ". " ok thanks Jennifer " he said looking uncomfortable. " your welcome " Jennifer said smiling he got up and worked out her office.

Work hour was over Jennifer was on her way home when it started raining she was driving when she saw some one working under the rain. It was mason she slowed down and stop in front of him she lowered her window and shouted " hey hey get in" Manson look at Jennifer with Surprise and was wondering if she was stocking him he kept working she drives forward and stop again " please get in the rain is getting heavy you know that" she pleaded. he stop and looked at the car for some time he then got in. she then started driving while driving the car was as quiet as a grave yard she turned and looked at him smiled and said " I don't get your name" " Mason" he said without looking at her " oh ya Mason. mason vadak. hmm " she said. they drove quietly again they got to a Manson " wow " Jennifer said " I will get down here " mason said " thanks... Jennifer" he got down

" oh my God" Jennifer said " this is were he lives " she said again. she drove off with questions in her head.