
Not Human

it was about an hour Jennifer Left the office,Mason was just sitting in the control room when he saw some man dressed in black ,sinking into the company, he quickly went down stair, " good evening gentleman" Mason said standing next to a Pilar resting his Left shoulder on it. " who the fuck are you suppose to be?" one of the thief's said " some one you should not know" Mason replied " man, fuck this guy let go " said the other thief.they were about to take a step when they saw Mason in front of them, the both looked back and looked at Mason again" how did you do that?" the asked " please kindly leave" Mason said directing his hand to the door

one of the thief's looked at the other and hit Mason on the face " ahhhhhh" he shouted as he held his bented hand , the other thief was confused, Mason moved towards him " if you come any closer am going to pull the trigger" he said shaking in fear " what your name? " Mason asked " fuck off " he shouted, Mason moved a step again towards him. in fear he Short at Mason, the bullet turned gold dust as it got closer to Mason's face, the thief fell on the floor in shock" how the hell was that possible.....are ..are you Jesus?" the asked, Mason smiled and said " please leave" . the thief quickly picked up his partner and let.

Mason was about to go back up stairs to the control room, when he noticed a different smell " who's there?, come out now " he said .the next second he was standing next to a desks, " come out ...Jerry " he said, Jerry slightly rised his hand in the air and came from under the desks slowly. " how did you know it was me ?, and how did you do that , what you did with those man" Jerry asked shaking , Mason looked at him for some seconds and said "go home" as he worked away, " I got it all on camera" Jerry shouted, Mason just brought out his left hand from his pocket in his hands were Jerry's phone, still working he hits it on the ground " my phone, and how did .... he do that?" Jerry asked.