
Kidashe Returns

Jennifer was talking to the police men out side, she waved them good bye. " I just gave them the discription of the man Mason gave me " Jennifer said. Mason was silent Glory was standing behind him " what really happened Mason?" Jennifer asked " they came in and left " Mason said " with out taking anything?" Jennifer asked " I think we don't have what they wanted" Mason replied " and what In God's name would they ....." Jennifer said and pused for a second

" who's that?" she asked Mason and Glory turned back and what they saw was a young woman putting on a red dress, a black shade, long red heir, nail panted black, and a black scarf round her neck, in her hand was a black purse "HILIS!!!!" she shouted and work quickly towards Mason " kidashe ?" Mason said surprised she worked pass Jennifer and Glory, " what are you ?" Mason stop as she rushed and place her lips on his.

Glory looked at Jennifer and saw both shock an surprised in her eyes. the lady parted lips with Mason " wow, so good to see you , and what have you done to your heir ?" she said " kidashe what are you doin her ?" Mason asked " are you not going to introduce me to your friends" she said, Mason was quite" fine, well I would do it my self " she turned away now facing Jennifer and Glory , and smiled " hi, my name is Melina, and you must be Jennifer and Glory" they were shocked on how she knew there name.

before Malina could say anymore word, Mason pulled her out side the back exit door and stop she pulled her hand from Mason's grip and held her waist with the other hand, looked at Mason with a baby face " what was that for ?" she asked " what are you doing her?" Mason asked, " I came to look at your face" she said playfully, Mason look at her with seriousness in his eyes, she stop smiling and said " we need you back home, a war is come and we need all the help we can get".

" so how those that concerns me?" Mason asked, " it concerns you HILIS , your people need you, your brother needs you ." " good bye kidashe " Mason just said working away " HILIS " she shouted he stop " don't forget your family " she said, open a porthole and left Mason just walked back to his office.