

He rested his head on his chair. then some one knocked at the door , Mason stood up and open the door , standing there was Glory she looked at him and said " mis Jennifer request for you" she walked away. Mason walked towards Jennifer's door and knocked " come in ," Jennifer said he walked in Jennifer was not looking as bright as she use to be " you called me" Mason said " yes" she said " who was that ?" she continued " that was an old friend". Mason said " and you expect me to believe that?" Mason was quite " well that was not why I called you here, we are been close down "," well I think this was mean to be" Mason said "what" replied Jennifer. Mason stood up " I would be leaving now" " leave were?", Jennifer asked confused " I would be going back home" he said"well let me drop you" Jennifer said standing up looking for her keys " you can't", Mason said, she stopped and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" she asked surprised before she could say a word he turned back and smiled softly and said" nice knowing you", and left Jennifer was quite.

Mason walked back to this office closed the door behind him, open a porthole and vanished. Jennifer could not just understand what just happened she hurriedly want straight to Mason's office, she open the door and looked around but she could not find him anywhere.

She looked down and saw a black little box, there was a writing on it she open it and funded a ring in side, it had a green jem on it as she touched it the jem colour changed, it was blue in colour, the colour was not just the thing that scared Jennifer. it was because, blue was her favorite Colour.

* * * * *

" Your highness , he is " " let him in " ziris interrupted. the door opened wild a dark figure came from the darkness, working slowly towards ziris. ziris stood in front of him, the dark figure pulled down his hood, it was Mason, they both looked at each other with on emotions found in there eyes, they both smiled softly and embrace there self's, " it's good to see you again.... little brother" ziris said " hmmm" Mason reply " I thought you would be taller " Mason said with a wicked smile, ziris hit on his left shoulder and smiled.

He walked to his father's Thorne and sat down, Mason smile faded, the walked towards ziris and stood in front of him " so, the really died that day?" Mason said with a little crack in his voice, ziris looked away and said " we found something, come with me " standing up he walked pass Mason. Mason walked behind him.

They stood before a green big door ziris placed him hand on it and looked at Mason.Mason did the same, they both pushed the door opened, the room looked clean, candles well leited , ziris walked to the frame on the wall and quickly turned back " this was ....." ' mom's room " they both said.