

"Dad why don't we let the humans know what we are" little mason said "because son for years now the humans have hunted and use us,so that is why I wont you to keep your powers a secret and always listen to your elder brother and do what he says." vadak said smiling looking down at Young mason.

Some one start running towards them and

knees before them . it was his personal guard

"sirya we are under attack, the trolls have crossed our boarders and are heading straight to the castle " lasda said breathing heavily. "quickly lasda get my son's to safety"

vadak said running out of the garden, "please come with me my prince " lasda said to mason. On there way running through the hall they meet "ziris" mason elder brother "ziris come quickly" mason said. lasda took them to a hidden room which had a turnel " into the turnel " lasda said, they got in and he closed it.

At the ballroom the elders were all ready gathered all making suggestions on how to fight back . Elder white stood up and said " sirya we must move quickly and inform the other tribe so they could fight along side us." the other elder's supposed him. king vadak was just sitting on his throne as quiet as ever then he stood up and said "we fight the trolls alone.

(Meanwhile the young prince's have already from there way out of the turnel. )

Ziris held mason's hand and began to run, trolls began chasing them "come on mason faster" ziris said . little mason was running as fast as he could, zirsi than stop him "do you remember dad's training" he said, he shake his head positively ziris smiled "let do this" . they but turned to face the trolls running there direction mason bented down and began to shake his finger grew longer his teeth shaper hair started growing all over him he stood up "ahhhhh" he shouted, he was a werewolf ziris on the other hand was a demon his eyes turned white his teeth and fingers grew longer, they rush towards the trolls biting and tearing them apart all of a surding they both change back humans "ziris what going on" mason said as he saw his finger want shorter "dark magic" ziris said angry " listen to be brother I won't you to run and run don't stop running" ziris said, he started saying some spells mason was confused the wild grew wild the trees falling to the ground the cloud grew Anger, mason was about to hold ziris hand when he looked at him " I said RUN!!!" ziris eyes were as dark as night, mason has never seen his brother like this so began running he ran and ran he changed into a werewolf so he could run faster he got to a hill and look at his village he saw his people dieing his village been Burnt to the ground he fall on the floor and began to cry he was breathing heavily and than he shouted his eyes turned gold his hair white he moved from the ground a little tears round down his eyes.

Mason was reborn as a "MIVERT".