
You'll get used to it

Someone was running towards the car. Cleo didn't know who it was but for the first time in a long time, she felt extremely terrified about the situation.

I was lost, I didn't know what to do. Right now, I wish I could disappear to a very distant place or at least my room.

While Cleo was still trying to think of an impossible situation, the door suddenly opened and before she could turn around, Summer covered her face with a duvet.

"Don't worry ma'am, I'll take you safely to your room".

I didn't know why she was helping me but I had no other choice. After getting completely covered, I got out of the car and Summer wrapped her arms around me as though she was trying to make sure the duvet didn't fall off.

When they got into the house, a lot of eyes were on them, from the maids to the guards but since Cleo was covered completely, no one knew what exactly was going on.

As soon as they both got into Cleo's room, Summer bowed and left in a hurry not even waiting for Cleo to say anything.

I let the duvet fall to the floor and went to the big mirror in my room. It felt like a virus, it kept spreading every visible part of my right side was scaled. Even I was scared of myself.

I tried calling Aquita but for some reason, she didn't come. I couldn't feel her presence in my head and it was driving me crazy.

"What is happening to me, why do I look like this"?

I kept asking myself questions that I couldn't answer. My hands were all over my hair destroying everything that looked arranged on my head.

While I was still thinking about how to handle this, I heard a knock on the door and just when I was about to rush to lock the door, the person who was knocking came in and it was Summer, again.

She was holding a jar of water with a cup. I was still looking at what she was holding when I heard her speak.

"You should take this ma'am".

I looked at her and I could see that she was scared of me.

'Why are you doing all this if you are this scared'?

She came closer, dropped the jar and glass, and then held my hand.

I could see how nervous she was, her hands were shaking so much I was still shocked as to how she was able to hold my hand but I let her do whatever it was she wanted to do.

After she took one of my hands, she opened it and placed a pill on it. I looked at her and asked.

"What is this"?

She replied in a shaky voice.

"Please take this, I am sure you'll feel a bit calm after taking it".

I didn't have anything to lose right now so I took it, collected the glass of water, and gulped it down.

It took about ten seconds before the pain came rushing in. I started screaming and I noticed Summer move back. The pain was so much I kept holding my chest and I mourned in pain but soon enough, everything else went blank.

Summer kept looking at her boss in pain and even though she wanted to help, she knew she couldn't go anywhere close.

After she noticed that her boss had stopped moving, she tried going closer but then, Cleo abruptly raised her head and looked at her.

Right now, her eyes were red, her entire face was covered in scales and even though she still looked like herself a little, no one would be able to tell that the creature on the floor right now was Cleo Skye.

Summer remained shocked in the same spot till Cleo opened her mouth and Summer saw Cleo's teeth looking like that of a vampire.


Summer screamed so loudly and ran out immediately.

After Summer left, Cleo started feeling dizzy and this time around, she really passed out.

Summer ran to her grandma.

"Pack your things, we are leaving this house".

Nanny V knew her grandchild so well and she could see that something was really scaring her.

"What's wrong Summer"?

"Grandma, we can't stay here anymore please listen to me".

"You are going to have to tell me why, don't you think"?

"I...I can't".

Summer fell to the bed in their room and folded her legs to her chest. Nanny V came close and sat beside her while patting her back.

"It's okay Summer, you can tell me what is going on".

After so much persuasion, Summer took her grandma to Cleo's room since she couldn't bring herself to say it in words.

When they got there, Summer opened the door slowly and peeped inside. Looking into the room, she saw Cleo on the floor, and from her view, she didn't see any scales on her boss's body so she tried going closer.

Her grandma who didn't know what was going on also looked into the room but as soon as she saw Cleo on the floor, she rushed towards her and tried carrying her from the floor.

"Grandma no!!"

Summer screamed as soon as she saw her grandma running towards Cleo but before she knew it, her grandma was already there, helping the already passed-out Cleo to the bed.

Summer realize that Cleo was completely unconscious so she quickly ran over to her grandma to assist. They placed Cleo on the bed and when they were done, her grandma placed her hand on Cleo's head to feel her temperature.

"She is fine, make sure she takes something warm immediately after she wakes up".

Summer nodded completely forgetting that she already planned to leave. Her grandma left her in the room with Cleo as she had other important things to take care of.

"What is this, why do I keep trying to take care of her when I obviously do not like her"?

Cleo was having another dream and this time around, she was inside a castle. Her clothes were thorn and the person sitting on the throne was a very beautiful but evil-looking lady. Her face carried a lot of menaces and even though she was laughing, anyone could tell that she was a psycho.

Soon, Cleo felt like someone pushed her and she was in another place. This place looked like a cave, an open cave.

"What do you think you are doing? You are not strong enough to face the evil one".

I turned around and saw the god with thorn wings.

"Who is the evil one"?

"Her name is Sanerra".

The demon said appearing right in front of me.

"But that's not what is important, I heard you changed today".

I looked at her with a serious expression.

"How did it feel like to be in your monster state"?

I said nothing and just kept looking at both of them.

"I never knew you'd call out your monster first".

"What are you talking about"?

But then I heard a voice from behind that made me shiver.

"You are going to get used to it pretty soon".