
No way

"Uhh!! I'm beginning to feel I made a mistake choosing you".

Okay now I was very sure she was irritated but how was that my fault, it's not like I can control my thoughts.

The other lady that was called a god came close to me.

"You have to come with us".

I just kept looking at her as though I was compelled even though I obviously wasn't because there is no way I'd ever follow her anywhere.

"Follow you where?"

"To your home, your destiny".

I finally smirked.

"What do you mean by destiny you barely even know me. This is my home, this is where my destiny is".

She raised her head with a facial expression showing that she was totally disappointed.

"Well too bad, you are going to have to accept this whether you want it or not. It is who you are no matter how much you fight it".

"That's it, that's the god I know finally showing. Haa, I almost puked because of the hypocrisy".

The demon who spoke made the god turn around to give her a look that could burn right through her soul.

"Ohh, I'm so scared. Hahaha, if I wasn't already dead, I'm sure I would have died because of your gaze".

She bent a little and shook her head while saying in an obviously mocking manner.

"Scary... hahaha".

The god turned away from the demon and looked back at me.

"You have to accept your fate and awaken your dragon. Only then will this world and ours stand a chance to be safe".

After saying this, the god disappeared leaving the demon behind.

The demon began going around my room while touching everything her hand could come across. While I remained seated on the floor.

"Well, well, well, I guess I'll be seeing you often. Piece of advice, you should agree to this before Kanzoki comes to pay you a visit".

She bent so we could be a little closer.

"He's the ugliest and the meanest".

She said and began to laugh again. She always laughed like a crazy woman giving me chills.

After she said what she needed to say, she also vanished.

Surprisingly, as soon as they left, I wasn't scared anymore. I kept thinking about them and all they said but I soon went back to my old self not caring at all about the threats and demands I just heard from a so-called god and demon.

The next morning, I got ready to go to work and when I got downstairs, I saw my mom standing as though she was waiting for someone.

"Are you ready?"

She asked and I raised one brow as though asking what exactly it was that she was talking about.

"Your brother".

That was all she said and I suddenly remembered that Miguel was in the hospital.

I began walking away but then she called me.


This was the first time I heard her shout at me ever since I woke up. I slowly turned around to meet her gaze.

"I'll go see him later. I have a lot of things I need to do first".

As soon as I said that, I walked out. Wondering why I still haven't seen Summer at all since last night.

I didn't wait for her and just headed straight to the office in order to avoid my mom from dragging me to the hospital.

Summer arrived at work an hour later and Cleo wasn't liking that at all.

When Summer got to the office, she tried to knock on her boss's door but her hands were shaking so much it was as though whatever was behind that door would kill her as soon as it got opened.

Summer bent down and put her hands on top of her head while causing havoc on her hair.

"Oh my God...I'm so dead, she's going to kill me".

She then looked forward but towards nothing in particular.

"That's it, the end of my life is here".

She nodded her head and continued to speak.

"I'll just go in and die fast".

She said and stood up to open the door but as soon as her hand got there, she bent again. She was totally out of it.

"Ahh...I'm done for. This is the end, over".

She was still rambling when the door opened up and because she was resting on it, she fell right into the office she felt would definitely be the last place she ever sees.

As soon as she raised her head up, Cleo was standing right above her with one brow raised.

Summer immediately stood up and knelt before her.

"Please, I'm so sorry, this will never happen again, I..."

"You better have a very good explanation for this".

Summer looked up to see her boss and she knew that if she didn't come up with something tangible, all would definitely be lost but she also knew she couldn't tell her the truth.

"So...are you just going to keep kneeling or are you going to say something".

"Uhh...please forgive me, I was having a very serious fever. My grandma was the one who treated me yesterday. That's why I didn't wake up early ".

"You didn't look like someone who had a fever, and you still don't".

Summer looked up again but immediately dropped her head down while closing her eyes and cursing in silence.

"Well, I don't want to involve my personal life with that of my job".

"If that was the case, then you should have arrived earlier".

"Yes, yes, I'm so sorry".

She said with her head still bowed to the floor. Cleo went back to her seat and waited for the scaredy-cat to stand up as well. But she just kept kneeling.

'Oh my goodness, that was so close'.

Summer said in her mind.

"Are you going to keep kneeling or are you going to stand up and get to work".

Summer stood up immediately, bowed, and was about to rush out of the office when her boss spoke again.


Summer closed her eyes, opened them, and turned to her boss with a very fake smile.

"So, you know nothing about what happened yesterday?"

"Me, ha, no... never.. how could I... I know nothing".

I knew something was wrong with her since earlier before but right now, she looked completely crazy. Why did she sound like she witnessed something".

"You may leave".

She bowed and dashed out of the office.

"What is wrong with..."

I suddenly paused and then turned to the door.

"No way, did she see what happened yesterday?"