
Wait, what?

I was taking my time to observe every single one of them when suddenly, the beast rushed towards me and I bent while closing my eyes in fear. When I opened my eyes I was back in my room on my bed and even though I couldn't see them anymore, I was still very scared and the chills I could feel while I was in that unknown place was still very much present in my room.

I was feeling uncomfortable for some reason and I didn't like it one bit.

After a while, it was time for dinner so I went downstairs to look at what was being prepared.

When I got there, my mom wasn't at the dining table but my brother was and though I wasn't ready for his nagging, I was starving so I ignored him and went to sit on a chair that was pretty distant from his. After the dinner had been served, I was just about to start eating when I heard him speak.

"Are you intentionally not doing anything or are just taking your time".

I raised my head to meet his gaze.

"You should at least have to courtesy to let me eat my food in peace. Haa"

I sighed and threw my head backward and then brought it back.

"All of a sudden, I have lost my appetite".

I said and stood up from my seat but then, he ran towards me and held my hand.

"Why are you being like this? I thought you said you'd help me".

I looked at his hands on mine and for some reason, I was getting agitated. Not that I hated him or liked him but I just didn't want him touching me right now.

"You should really let go of my hand while I'm asking nicely".

"No, you have to tell me the reason why you are always like this towards me today"

"Let. go. of. me".

I said in an angry yet cool manner. But it seems he was out to annoy me today. He was holding on to me firmly so I knew I had to force my hand out of his so I put in enough pressure to force my hand out of his grip.

The force that Cleo used to take her hand out of Miguel's grip sent him flying all the way to the other side of the living room which made him hit his back against the wall and immediately go unconscious.

I stood there completely speechless as to what I just witnessed. I rushed to where he was lying and tapped his cheek if few times while checking his pulse as well just to realize that he was totally unconscious so I immediately called 911 and asked them to hurry since it looked like an emergency.

As soon as the ambulance arrived I went along with them to the hospital.

Unknown to Cleo, someone had seen everything that happened in the dining room.

In the hospital, I had already prepared everything and the doctors assured me that he was already stable. The doctors also confirmed that he suffered from a mild concussion at the back of his head but he would be totally fine.

While I was talking to the doctors, my mom arrived and asked what happened. Of course, I couldn't tell her I flung him across the room because even I wasn't sure about what happened yet, so I look for a better excuse and tried to make it sound as convincing as possible but the only thing that could come out of my mouth was

"He passed out".

Luckily for me, my mom didn't ask any more questions instead, she just went to the doctor and asked if she could see him but he said they needed a little more time before anyone would be allowed to visit him in his ward.

After a while, I decided to go back home as there was literally nothing for me to do in the hospital. When I got back home, I didn't look at anyone or anything and just went up to my room.

When I got to my room I was about to lie on my bed when I had a knock on the door.

I was most definitely not in the mood to entertain anybody right now but the person who was by my door was definitely persistent as whoever it was kept on knocking.

Reluctantly, I went to the door and opened it but there was no one there. I looked around just to be sure that I wasn't wrong or confused. But still, I didn't see anyone by my door or by the hallway.

As soon as I turned around to go back to bed, I saw something that made me so scared I fell to the ground.

'It's her, it's the injured beautiful lady from my dream. No way, am I...am I dreaming?'


Hearing such evil laughter made me shiver and slowly trace the location where it was coming from.

I then raised my head up to the ceiling only to see the two-faced lady on top of it. Right now, I was gathering every single strength and courage I had not to scream even though I was more than terrified.

I knew I had seen them before but seeing them in reality, not looking like smoky creatures but actual real ones just made it more frightening. Especially the creature that was currently right above my head.

Cleo felt the demon was still above her but soon enough, she realized she was right behind her.

The demon went behind Cleo and whispered in her ear.

"You are not dreaming".


I screamed I couldn't resist it anymore but the two-faced lady began laughing so loudly. She sounded like a maniac and a witch.

"Are you okay child?"

The other winged lady asked but I didn't answer at all.

"I apologize for startling you but it was necessary that we come to see you since you have been avoiding us".

'Avoiding you? I only met you today!'

I said in my mind unable to voice it out because of how scared I was.

"Ohh enough with the chit-chat, we get that you were a god but you definitely weren't the nicest so stop acting like it".

The two-faced lady interrupts.

'What? A god?'

"Yes, she's a god and I'm a demon!"

She yelled at me and I had no idea as to why she was getting irritated.

"Now can you stop thinking so loudly"?

'Wait what? She can hear my thoughts?'