
Moors and the Pillars of Salt

Many great sacrifices were made to bring these two beings into existence. Souls destroyed, and the very laws of the universe were broken. But that's just how desperate and humiliated they were. Witches created Vampires. Druids created Werewolves and Buddhist Summoned Dragons. What about the Voodoist? (Witch Doctors). On the brink of Extinction, they’ve finally created supernatural beings to protect them. What will the rest of the Supernatural community do in response? Adonis and Natasha Garvey were the definitions of a future power couple. Adonis became a well-known lawyer at the age of 23, and Natasha became a famous surgeon at 24. On their honeymoon to New Orleans, they would get kidnapped, which would change their life forever.

A_lucid_Dreamer · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: The Tree and Pillar of Salt

"As a Doctor, you are supposed to preserve life at all costs. Even if they're your greatest enemy, that is the oath that we took. Yet I took the life of an innocent woman just to crave a thirst." Natasha said, looking up at Adonis from the hotel bed.

"And if I was being honest with myself. That was the best feeling I've ever had in my life. They Make Opioids feel like tic tacs." Natasha said.

Adonis looked at Natasha in complete shock. Natasha was the type of person that never used drugs in her entire life. Not even headache medicine. For her to say something like that, he knew she was already addicted.

"Why don't I feel guilty or have a gut feeling? I just took human life in less than 60 seconds with no evidence left, and all I can think about is how full-filling it was. It's scary, but at the same time, I still feel nothing." Natasha thought.

"How are you feeling now? Did that quench your thirst?" Adonis asked

Natasha sat up and made a confusing face at Adonis?

"Are you serious? That's the first thing you say. Shouldn't we mourn this innocent woman I just killed?" Natasha said

"We should, but I'm conflicted about the situation. Like I care, but I really don't. I was scared at first, but that feeling faded away quickly. I'm guessing you feel the same way too?" Adonis said.

"What makes you say that?" Natasha replied.

"You would have been in tears by now. You're coping with it too well. I think it is safe to say we don't see human life the same way anymore." Adonis said.

"I'm guessing where some form of Vampire."

"Vampire? But I was craving water, not blood. But we do have superhuman speed and strength. When I picked that housekeeper up, it was like lifting a pencil." Natasha said

"It's scary to think that we're changing physically and mentally. I'm glad I have Adonis here, so I don't completely lose myself. Natasha thought.

Adonis sighed.

"The thirst she was describing I'm starting to feel. The more I fight it, the more I feel it. It's not just my mouth that's thirsty but every cell in my body. I feel like I'll turn to dust if I don't consume water." Adonis thought as sweat started to show on his forehead.

Natasha notices Adonis.

"He is showing all the signs of an addict who needs to get their fix. I don't think it's healthy for us not to feed. We have to. It's the only way. If we don't, we could turn into different people." Natasha to convince herself.

A voice inside Natasha's mind whispered and said.

"Child, you already are. . . So eat. . ." said the womanly voice.

Natasha makes eye contact with Adonis and both of them,eir eyes glow gold at the same time. Within the blink of an eye, the hotel room was empty and they were on the streets moving like shadows


"I don't know if my heart was racing in anticipation or out of fear; either way, I couldn't deny that running at blinding speeds and searching for prey was an experience in itself." Adonis thought.

"Searching for prey to satisfy my hunger almost made me feel like this wasn't the worst day of my life. I was now a stranger to the man I call my husband and even as angry to myself. Is this considered even living anymore?" Natasha thought.

Natasha and Adonis started stocking a couple coming back from a bar that was too drunk to walk properly. Adonis was behind a tree calculating every possibility when he thought he should attack.

"If I focus I can hear the heart beating in their chest or even their lungs expanding and condensing. This is a surreal experience. Thirst is such a basic thing to overcome because water is almost always accessible. But this craving for water is different? Is it truly water we crave or something else?" Adonis said touching the tree to lean on.

As Adonis touched the 15 foot tree it starts to thin and the leafs begin to fall off, till eventually it collapses and the only thing that remains is a pile of Sand.

Adonis looks down at the salt on his feet in confusion

"My thirst has lessened. What could this mean?" Adonis thought as he looked up.

Adonis focuses back on the drunk couple who turns around because of the commotion with the tree. Adonis sees Natasha getting ready to blitz the couple because she sees an opening.

"You're not going to get by me this time." Adonis said as he restrained Natasha before she could attack the couple.

"I've just discovered something, follow me." Adonis said letting her go.

"No man commands me," Natasha said with an aggressive tone.

"This Man is your husband and I take charge and make decisions if need be. Let me rephrase. Follow me, Please." Adonis said assertively.

Natasha blushes and giggles.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so defensive, I'm not sure where that came from." Natasha admitted.

Before the couple could make out the two people behind them. Adonis and Natasha left without a trace.