
Moors and the Pillars of Salt

Many great sacrifices were made to bring these two beings into existence. Souls destroyed, and the very laws of the universe were broken. But that's just how desperate and humiliated they were. Witches created Vampires. Druids created Werewolves and Buddhist Summoned Dragons. What about the Voodoist? (Witch Doctors). On the brink of Extinction, they’ve finally created supernatural beings to protect them. What will the rest of the Supernatural community do in response? Adonis and Natasha Garvey were the definitions of a future power couple. Adonis became a well-known lawyer at the age of 23, and Natasha became a famous surgeon at 24. On their honeymoon to New Orleans, they would get kidnapped, which would change their life forever.

A_lucid_Dreamer · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Guilt

This is awkward as h*** we had to sneak in our room because we no longer had ID that looked like ourselves; adjusting to this is not going to be easy." Adonis thought, looking over at Natasha in the bed.

"You're not sleeping, are you?" Adonis asked.

"Of course not. I'm not tired in the least. With these new bodies, do we even really need to sleep?" Natasha said while sitting up.

"Probably not; you're taking this officially well. I expected you to have a complete meltdown by now." Adonis admitted.

Natasha's face saddens.

"I try not to let the things I can't control worry me. But this situation I would have never imagined for myself. There is no way we can go back to our old bodies. It's been way too long." Natasha said.

"To be honest with you, the main thing that I'm worried about is our relationship. These bodies that we are in now look nothing like we used to." Natasha said

"Well, at least we're still black," Adonis says.

Natasha makes a uneasy face towards Adonis

" Anyways,I I was thinking the same. Is it wrong for me to feel attracted to the new body that you're in? Can we still call ourselves, ourselves? I feel guilty even looking at you in that kind of way."Adonis said.

"Do I want him to be attracted to a body that is not truly my own? Even looking at a face that is not Adonis but this new man, who is pretty attractive, I still feel guilt in my heart." Natasha thought.

"I get what you're saying completely. I feel guilty as well," Natasha admitted.

"Did we both just admit to each other that we were attracted to the new bodies we gained? Well, at least they didn't put me inside of an ugly guy. Adonis thought.

"I think it would be best to take things slowly like we did when we first met. Just because this is pretty weird." Natasha said.

"I don't know what is up with this new body of mine either. It seems like every time Adonis moves close to my personal space, I cringe. Does this body have PTSD? Was she sexually abused?" Natasha thought.

"Natasha, babe? Are you ok? I'm trying to talk business with you." Adonis said, waving his hand in front of her.

"Oh, sorry, what was that?" Natasha said, paying attention.

"We need to get a better understanding of our new bodies and what exactly we been dragged into. The people who captured us were Voodooists. They were using magic, meaning that there is a whole other world out there that we are completely unaware of." Adonis said.

"You're right. I hate to admit it, but as a nonbeliever only hours ago, it's real. What do you mean by a whole other world?" Natasha asked.

"I'm saying that we have to assume that they aren't the only people that can wield magic. The Man in the suit said he needed us so they "wouldn't be erased from the world," meaning that they created us for a reason. Protection maybe? But I would guess we're weapons." Adonis said.

"Yea, that would make sense. When I was being transferred into this body, I saw a vision of it/her whatever killing a man with a stroke of a sword," Natasha said

"I had a vision of a general or commander of some kind," Adonis said.

"So these bodies are weapons then. Well, I hope they saw Frankenstein's Monster because I will kill those two. Natasha said in anger.

As the words left Natasha's mouth, she felt her throat dry up.

"What is this feeling of thirst that came over me all of a sudden?" Natasha thought as her heart started to race.

"Thirsty," Natasha said, motioning Adonis to get her a glass of water.

Adonis gets out of bed and brings back the water, and Natasha sucks the water down in on breathe.

"I'm still thirsty. I need more," Natasha said, motioning to Adonis again.

Adonis got up with the glass and was about to get her some more when he stopped and said. "You're not thirsty for blood, are you?"

"Water!!!" Natasha demanded.

There was a sudden knock at the door as Natasha raised her voice.

"Housekeeping, do you guys need anything?" A woman's voice came from the hallway.

Adonis looked over to Natasha who's eyes were glowing gold. He quickly tries to intercept her before she can reach the door, but she jumps from the bed and kicks him in the face to get him out of the way. Adonis slams into the wall behind him

Natasha opened the door and grabbed the maid by the throat, lifting her off the ground with ease. The next thing Adonis sees sends a shiver down his spine

The Housekeeper was being held in the air by Natasha. She started to grow older by the second until she was nothing but a skeleton. Not even the skin remained.

Natasha crushes the skeleton and it evaporates into thin air.