

The Groups were divided from A-Z, a total of 26 Groups, Each group had about 50 students forming a total of approximately 1300 students participating in the Exam. Each group had three students winning, judged by the Group Instructors. A total of 78 students selected from the first round. These 78 students would then be evaluated by the Instructors together to select 52 students among them to join MHA.

But all this had nothing to do with Martin. After his performance was made known by the girl to the other instructors he was not evaluated again. Similar to him there were a few others who ranked first in their group and were not re-evaluated. But, Martin was only interested in the Cold faced girl from Group C. She was also not re-evaluated and Martin guessed that she most likely had an ice-related skill from all the frost that was gathering around her.

After making a contract with Blacky, his libido increased a lot he needed to constantly let off some steam if he didn't want to get restless. The white-haired cold faced girl will be his next target.

After the Exam, 52 of them were sent home to pack up their things and move into the MHA. This was the first time Martin would be away from his mom, but he comforted her that he would take care of himself and boarded the bus to MHA.


After verifying his identity at the gate he quickly got his room key and headed towards the Student area. The Student area was massive and it was separated by Year and Class. Every class was required to stay in the same building in order to maintain good relationships. Martin was in Class 1-A and he headed straight to his room. Then, his phone rang, he saw that it was Bruno who called

During the 10 months of intense workout, Martin made Bruno do the regime with him. Although Bruno gave up in the middle he gained a lot of respect for Martin and started idolizing him as his big brother.

"Big Brother have you reached?"

" Yeah I am in my room"

After chatting with Bruno for a while Martin put the phone down and closed his eyes and went to sleep. Although it seemed that it was an easy fight. He was releasing his aura intentionally and went all out with the kick which took lots of stamina and put a lot of stress on his bones. This was the disadvantage of his Contract Beast. Although he had lots of muscle strength he did not have the matching Bone density to support him at full power. At full power he could fight even with an E grade Hunter but, he would be pushing his body too much, so he always used only F grade strength, but he went all out with the monster in order to shock the Instructors and have them focus their resources on him.

There were a total of 60 1st years, 52 from the exam and 8 from recommendations. Bruno got a recommendation because he managed to upgrade his skill to a C grade.

Martin's Blackening also upgraded to D grade skill. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so easy to kill the Monster.


Martin got up early the next day and went for a jog. His bones still hurt but the pain would go away in a couple of days. He took a shower and wore his uniform. The uniform was full Black and had a few red markings. Martin felt it fit quite well. After getting ready he headed for class.

When he entered the class he saw quite a few students inside but he did not greet anyone and went and sat down on the last bench against the window and closed his eyes.

Soon, more students came in and starting chatting in groups.

Suddenly, Martin opened his eyes looked at the class entrance. The cold-faced girl he met during the exam came into the class. She was wearing the Black uniform but the markings were in pink. Seemingly noticing something she looked at Martin who was staring at her and sent a freezing gaze and then looked away with a frown.

She found a seat near the front and ignored everyone around her. Martin smiled looking at this. He looked around the class and noticed Bruno waving at him from the Front. He nodded his head and went back to observing everyone, he soon noticed that everyone in the class took first place in their groups. So, most of them had prideful expressions and looked at each other with provocative looks. Martin did not care about them and closed his eyes again.

'30 students, 26 from the exam and 4 from recommendations huh? The Recommendations are the one to look out for...'

"Alright everyone, quiet down!"

Martin opened his eyes and was shocked to see the Bear like Instructor from the exam standing in front of the class. He did not even notice when he got there.

The Class soon fell into silence,

"You can call me Kodiak, I will be your Head Instructor for this year. You must have noticed but you guys are the Top 26 in this year's freshmen. But, don't get too conceited, you guys are still too weak any E-grade Hunter could kill you in minutes. If you want to become stronger then it would be best you listen to everything I say without question. Now, Follow me, we will decide on the Class Rankings"

Saying that he left the class and headed outside. the whole class was in a daze but still followed behind the Instructor quickly.

Martin could hear some whispers from the students

" Hey, he is Kodiak the Bear Hunter right?"

"Yeah, I have heard of him, he is one of the strongest B-grade Hunter in the whole Eastern region. Also, his contract Beast is the War Bear"

Martin raised his brow,

'A B grade Hunter?'

Although he hadn't seen one in real life, he had watched videos of B-grade hunter Hunters fighting Monsters, their strength is enough to destroy buildings and their speed easily breaks the sound Barrier.

Soon, they reached a huge Battle Arena, which looked like an Olympic Stadium.

"This is the MHA Arena, we conduct fights every month here in order to decide the rankings in the class. Your Ranking decides how many resources you get from the academy, so I advice everyone not to hold back and fight with everything you got."

The Instructor suddenly grinned and looked at everyone with a playful smile and said,

"One more thing, the last person in the rankings will be demoted to Class 1-B and replaced by the First in Class 1-B "
