

The students sucked in a cold breath. It was still their first day and the competition was already heated. Martin Squinted his eyes, he also did not expect that there would such competition in MHA. But, it was also expected, only with pressure can one increase their skill grade and get stronger quickly. Martin's wild nature started kicking in and his eyes started turning a hint of red. All the students soon eyed each other aggressively and nobody wanted to be last.

"Good! Now, Ishida, Ryan come up to the Arena"

Ishida Kenpachi was a Japanese kid and Ryan Garen had blonde hair and was from America. Hearing their names called out they quickly walked to the Arena.

"The battle will last till I am satisfied, I am the one that decides who wins, no questions asked understood?"

"Yes sir!"


"The battle begins once you enter the arena, so prepare yourselves"

Martin folded his arms in front of his chest and looked at Ishida with interest, He completely ignored Ryan, he already knew who would win the match.

Ishida was more than 6 feet tall and had lean defined muscles, as he entered the arena he adjusted his glasses and spoke to Ryan.

"After you."

Ryan had spiky blonde hair and had an arrogant expression on his face.

"Oh? You are confident arent you? then watch out for my fists!"

Ryan took a typical boxing stance and started jumping on the spot, he started maneuvering closer to Ishida and suddenly sent a left-handed Jab straight to Ishida's face.

Ishida looked calm and tilted his head out of the way at the last moment. Ryan raised a brow and started sending punches at insane speeds leaving afterimages of his fists.

But, no matter how fast he was he couldn't get a hit on Ishida. Ryan started getting pissed off his arrogant smirk vanishing and replaced with an ugly look.

"Your good, but now I'll start getting serious!"

Ryan stopped punching and a silhouette of a Kangaroo with iron fists appeared behind Ryan and his fist started turning into iron and his whole aura seemed to change and a powerful pressure could be felt from him.

"You must have a speed-type Contract Beast! let's see which one is faster, my fists are you"

Ishida's opened his mouth to speak,

"It's just a spar is there a need to use skills?"

"Spar? Haha! This is a ranking match, what rank you get decides your resource allocation, and resources decide your future. Now, you tell me, is this just a spar?"

Ishida was silent for a moment, then his eyes turned golden, lighting sparks started gathering around him, and a silhouette of a Cheetah with lightning surrounding it was formed behind him

"Then, I will stop holding back!"

Ryan had a Crazy Smile on his face

"Come! take my Iron Punch"

Ryan sent a barrage of punches which left afterimages towards Ishida. Ishida had a serious face and the lightning around him increased,

"Lighting speed!"

the next moment he disappeared and appeared behind Ryan while panting heavily.

Ryan was stiff and looked pretty burnt, he slowly turned towards Ishida with a look of disbelief and barely said

"So.... fa.. st.."

Ryan collapsed after he finished saying that.

Students POV

"Hey, isn't Ishida a bit too fast?"

"Yeah! I couldn't see him at all"

Martin looked at Ishida with a bit of surprise.

'E grade speed? If I went all out I could match that but I wouldn't be able to walk afterward..'


The Instructor also seemed happy, he did not hold back on his praise

"As expected of a recommendation, you are probably one of the fastest even among the E grade Hunters without even being an F grade Hunter yet."

Martin raised his brow

'A recommendation? is he one of the four recommended students in our class? They sure are on a different level. So is this the power of a C grade skill?'

After sending Ryan to the hospital, the Instructor called out the next names,

"Next, Kim Hangul and Aakash Karthik"

Martin looked at the two with interest,

'A Korean and an Indian huh? this is interesting'

The two walked towards the stage, Kim Hangul was a burly and fierce-looking guy, in contrast, Aakash looked handsome even when compared to Martin, he had a lean body and a face as pretty as a woman.

Aakash flicked his long hair and said with a disinterested tone,

"let's finish this quickly I am going to use my skill"

Saying that a silhouette of a Rainbow colored Peacock appeared behind Aakash

Kim Hangul was so angry he nearly popped a vein on his forehead.

"Yeah? You asked for it!"

Kim Hangul took his stance and a silhouette of a Metal Winged Tiger appeared behind him,

Aakash saw this and made a disgusted face

"So ugly, no elegance at all, disappear from my sight"

"Rainbow Illusion!"

The Peacock behind Aakash spread its feathered and it was so beautiful that everyone could not help but become dazed. Martins eyed turned red and he snapped out of his daze, he looked around and found the Cold face girl looking at him with a surprised expression, she quickly turned around after she noticed Martin looking this way.

' Is she checking me out?'

But, Martin was also surprised she managed to break out of the illusion before him, as Apes were one of the smartest animals on Earth his intelligence Increased a lot after his contract with blacky, his mind was resistant to illusions and mind control skills. His bloodlust and will also had a part to play in it. To think she would be faster than him even when he had the advantage.

Martin stopped thinking about it and looked towards the arena, the battle seemed to have finished and Kim Hangul was bleeding from his orifices and had fainted. This Aakash from India sure is something. When his skill grade increases in the future it would be devastating for any opponent weaker than him and even some stronger ones with weak resistance to mental skills.

"Haha, there sure are some good seeds in this batch. To think you would awaken a rare mental skill, your future is bright"

Aakash elegantly received the praise and bow to the students before leaving the arena.

"Thank you, Instructor."

"Next, Rey Barton and Lin Feng"
