
The Exam

Martin looked at the Screen and found his name in Group F. His group had 50 students from different schools across the Eastern region. He did not talk with anyone and minded his own business. Soon, A girl leads them into a huge room, at the end of the room was a Cage with a 2-meter tall figure with a Hard Exosketon and Muscular body. It stood on two legs and had sharp claws. Its face was quite ugly and its mouth was wide open with teeth coming out its cheeks.

"Alright everyone, this is the Monster you guys will be facing, Please enter the cage when I call out your name and don't worry I have a Barrier skill and I will stop the monster if your life's in danger"

"First is Alex"

Alex was a thin guy and he had a nervous expression on his face as he slowly walked into the cage. The Monster was blocked by the girl's barrier and could not cross it.

"Tell me when you are ready and I will release the barrier. Don't be nervous its strength is not even F grade"

An F-grade monster could unleash the strength of an F-grade skill. But with the Monster's superior bodies, their speed, vitality, and strength were all F grade so they could even pose threat to E grade Hunter who had unbalanced attributes. The students who wished to join MHA were all strong so they had at least E grade skills, some even had D grade skills. This does not mean that they had the strength of an E grade Hunter but that the skill could be trained to harm an E grade Hunter in the future.

But the students are not yet Hunters so they were weaker than even F grade Hunters and could only fight against Ungraded Monsters like this one, but even Ungraded Monsters had close to F grade strength and were difficult to deal with for the students.

Alex inhaled deeply and signaled the girl to remove the barrier. The girl nodded and the Monster suddenly lunged forward towards Alex with great speed. Alex was flustered and quickly waved his hand and a silhouette of a Huge Seahorse appeared behind him,

"Water Whip!"

Water condensed around him and formed a whip that landed heavily on the Monster. the Monster shriek in pain but continued moving forward. Just as it was about to claw at Alex it slammed into a barrier and couldn't move forward no matter what it tried.

"You did well for your first time by managing to hit the Monster, but you need to learn to conserve your stamina and learn to target the weakness"


The girl then sent a beam of light towards the Monster and the injury from the water whip healed and the Monster regained its stamina.

"Next, Gabriel"

The names were called out one by one and the students entered the cage. But, only a few were able to use their full power against the monster. The others were too nervous to unleash their skills properly. There were a few injuries but nobody died. Martin's name was the last to be called.

"Next, Martin"

Martin started walking towards the cage with steady steps.


'Martin? I seem to have heard that name somewhere

The girl had a thoughtful expression as she looked at Martin walking towards the cage. She opened his file to see his information.

Name: Martin

Contract Beast: ?

Skill: ?

Remark: Childhood Friend of Bruno. Bruno seemed to respect him a lot.

'Oh? Bruno with the D grade Fire Blast Skill? Interesting'

As Martin was nearing the Monster his aura seemed to change and he started to release a Domineering Aura, like a Wild Beast, Untamed and Fearless.

The students were surprised, they started feeling pressure from Martin, with every step he took towards the cage his back seemed to be getting larger and larger until it looked like a Behemoth with a Silverback.

Martins's personality started changing ever since he made a contract with Blacky. His heart would start beating fast whenever he faced an unknown challenge. He had a Domenering spirit and he was fearless and wild. His aura changed from a frail youth to that of a Wild Beast. His libido started increasing which lead to him having lots of affairs in the last 10 months. The girls in school were attracted to his wild aura so he found it easy to get girls.

When Martins Aura reached a Peak even the girl started feeling a bit of pressure and her heart started beating fast.

Martin stared at the Monster in front of him, he was fearless and his eyes radiated a powerful pressure that made the Monster tremble in its feet and dare not move. Martin started walking slowly towards the Monster and Steam started rising from his legs, he suddenly twisted his hips and raised his right leg sideways, and snapped it at an insane speed leaving an afterimage and the next moment the barrier which the girl made to stop the pressure he was releasing from affecting the students shook from the wind pressure generated from the kick.


Students POV

There was a huge hole in the shape of a slash on the cage and the head of the Monster had been blasted into pieces.

The girl was also shocked, in order to break the cage with just wind pressure you at least needed the strength of an E grade Hunter. To have the strength of an E-grade hunter at such a young age was not seen in the Eastern Region in 10 years.

After his first kill, Martin did not feel uncomfortable his eyes started changing into a mix of black and red but Martin Suppressed his bloodlust and closed his eyes. When he opened them back his eyes returned to their normal black color.

Martin looked at the Cage then apologized to the girl,

"Sorry about the Cage"

The was flustered at being talked to by Martin

"Haha, It's nothing don't worry about it"