

Rey Barton had neatly combed brown hair and handsome looks he always had a smile on his face. Lin Feng was a cold-faced Chinese man.

Rey greeted Lin Feng

"Hey, let's do our best"

Lin Feng did a Chinese bow and started releasing his skill, a silhouette of a White Tiger appeared behind Lin Feng and wind blades danced around him threatening to slice everything apart.

Rey dropped his smile and with a serious face, he released his own skill, a silhouette of a Lava Golem appeared behind him and a terrifying heat started spreading from his direction.

Rey took a deep breath and the Golem behind him raised its Palm high

"Be careful Lin Feng!"

"Palm Smash"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and the White Tiger roared causing the Wind Blades to spin in the form of a Tornado around him and blocked the incoming Palm of the Golem.

"Wind Tornado"


The Lava Golems Palm Slammed into the Tornado and started crushing it, but the wind Blades in the Tornado were not for show they spun at insane speeds and started disintegrating the palm.

Rey saw this and increased the pressure from the Palm, Lin Fend did not back down either he roared and the wind blades started spinning even faster.

The Molten Lava from the palm turned into flames upon contact with the wind blades and the wind helped the flame increase in strength and caused a Flame Tornado to form in the Arena.

Students POV

"What the heck is this?"

"Is the wind helping the Flame grow stronger?"

"Yeah, seems like it.."

Martin looked at the Flame tornado with a piercing gaze he could see that Lin Feng was struggling to control the Flame tornado and it would soon go berserk.

Martin took a few steps back and waited for a good show.

The students watched in horror as the Tornado became bigger and bigger and suddenly exploded into a huge explosion


The Wind Pressure from the Explosion was so huge that even though Martin had taken a few steps back he was still affected and slid back a few steps.

The students who were near the Explosion were sent flying and landed with their butts on fire. But, there were always exception,s a few students were not affected at all. Martin looked at the brother-sister duo from China. They were pretty near the explosion but the sister easily diverted all the flames away from them. The cold-faced girl was also not affected she was releasing a freezing aura which caused the flames to not even come near her. There was also a guy who created a black barrier around himself and a Burly-looking idiot was getting burnt but the flames couldn't even burn his skin.

Martin made sure to remember their faces and looked towards the Arena. Even after such an explosion, the arena did not even have a single scratch, That explosion would easily be about the full strength of a D grade hunter but the arena was built to take on the full force of even a C grade hunter. After the flames died out everyone was able to see Rey and Lin Feng knocked out cold on the floor.

The Instructor saw this and announced that it was a draw. He then had someone take them to the hospital,

"Next, Joon-woo and Asahi"

Asahi was a Japanese guy with golden hair, he had prideful look on his face and looked as if the whole world revolved around him.

"You should give up, there's no way you can beat me"

Hearing Asahi, Joon-woo did not become angry he smiled and said.

" How will I know if I don't even try"


"Fine then, I shall show you why you and I are on a different level"

Asahi's Eyes turned golden and his hair lit up in golden flames. The Silhouette of a Golden crow appeared behind him and the temperature increased so much that even the students outside the arena could feel it. Joon-woo's face became serious and he started releasing a gentle white light which soothed the temperature and a silhouette of a Battle Angel wearing golden Armor appeared behind him. The Battle Angel carried a White sword and sent a slash towards Asahi

"Sword of Redemption!"

Asahi raised a brow at the sword heading towards him

"Oh? Alas, If your opponent was not me you could have gotten a high ranking."

At Asahi's words, the temperature increased further and the Sun in the sky seemed to merge with the Golden Crow and the Golden crow opened its mouth released golden flames out of it.


The sword immediately turned into ash upon contact with the Golden flame and headed towards Joon-woo without losing much of its power.

Joon-woo coughed out blood and bitterly smiled at the terrifying flames heading towards him.

' Am I going to die?'

Seeing this all the students were nervous and some of the girls even started screaming.


Suddenly, a Terrifying pressure came from the sky, an enormous Bear claw manifested above the arena and slapped the golden flames, extinguishing them instantly. The strike was so powerful that the students were left in a daze. The terrifying Golden Flames was extinguished just like that? Everyone looked at the Instructor with admiration and awe.

"Asahi wins"

The Instructor sent someone to bring them to the hospital and proceeded to continue as if nothing happened.

"Next, Leo Heart and Alpha"

The students soon calmed down and proceeded to watch the next battle

Leo was from America and Alpha was from Turkey

After getting on the stage they did not talk nonsense got straight into the fight, Leos released his skill and a Silhouette of a Demonic Lion appeared behind him and roared towards Alpha

"Demonic Roar!"

Alpha also released his skill and a silhouette of a Wolf appeared behind Alpha and it Howled towards the sky

"Alpha Howl!"

The Sound waves from the attack spread throughout the stadium and clashed with each other but, the Demonic Roar soon overwhelmed the Alpha Howl causing Alpha to bleed through his ears. Before he fainted he could not help but mutter,

"Dammit, if only it wasn't in the morning..."

"Winner Leo Heart!"
