
What now !!!

" Its almost like a charm right "

" Fufu dont compare that weird ability to my superior ability " I laughed in disdain. That so called charm ability generally affect body metabolism, nervous system as for mine I practically worked on soul level. I got this idea after meeting her like she could sooth my soul. In her case for some reason I feel adoration for her and a intense desire to protect. And after saying this I fell silent again when I felt her mood change to sorrow and sadness.

" Hey, what happened " I asked lightly. Something was bothering her though I had a basic idea I still asked.

" We ended up killing that guy from bohemia family " she said in a low voice. I don't know how to comfort peoples besides I was also in half accomplished on his death if only I would left his hands he wouldn't have died.

" We aren't allowed to pity " I just told her the truth I realised in my time here.

" arent allowed....what do you mean " She looked at me intently. I closed my eyes and said Just was I was thinking.

" Don't you know weak arent allowed to pity. Only strong have such capability " My words may seem like its form some kind of Great person but it is what I realised in my time of almost two years here. Every time I pitied on someone it came like a snake biting to me. So I knew the difference where I have to forgive and where I have to be ruthless.

She was silent for a long time before she speaked again.

" Right we are still too weak "

" By the way can you move " I noticed my paralyzed or rather I was feeling tired during to lack of energy but she too was with me on ground while her hands still holding my hand.

" Nah, you dont like sleeping with me " She chucked as she mischievously.

" Ofcourse not, why would I like that " zI said it sternly without an expression , though in heart, it was pouncing like crazy.

' Shit I cant let her take my advantage. I will shut her off ' I thought as I made a decision, an important one at that.

" Umm, okay then just rest " She said while looking at me and said clearly. This was not a common experience for me since I never had slept with my parents since I was 10 years old it was weird for me and especially since it's a girl of my age. In the end, I am neither a cold hearted bastard nor a thick skinned guy who cant feel anything.

' this is training to keep myself calm in next situation ' I kept thinking. But after every few minutes she says something and I had to respond and besides being the type who likes to Talk I was totally ingrosed in that. I even up telling him my embarrassing '6 years old almost sex story '. Thank the heaven that Call from Sam disrupted me.

" Raj, Thank you " This sudden voice of Sam scared me a little bit.

" Oi, if you think you could fool me with Sam's voice then are mistaken. I already recognized you imposter. " I said with a smirk while Ava is barely controlling her laughter.

" What, ok it's me your partner " He sound ice cold which is kinda one of his traits.

" That guy is ungrateful enough to not recognize his fathers face which is actually actually me and thank you from that guy is impossible " I said in a same manner.

" ok, you motherfuckers, how many times you are gonna repeat my words. I just called you my sons twice. Besides isnt that cause of that prostitute " He said while trembling. Well he was fucking pissed for that's all I know. But knowing this bastard I am pretty sure he said this on purpose.

" So what are we gonna do now " I changed the topic which is the best move I had. Well, just to let you guys know he was the one who fucked that girl and I was with another one and for some odd reasons she called me son so he started calling me Son too.

" Arent we gonna talk about before " Ah, I really wanna hit his head so that he forgets everything.

" That isn- " But before I could finish calamity was over me.

" yeah, Raj why dont you tell me Story too " well, ava asked in a cold smile but even that was forced.

" what I do have nothing to do with you " I clearly draw a line. I was actually being pretty lenient and I hate when I get orders like that. As I said my vision came back again. Her feeling again were chaotic. Sadness, and just sadness was there.

For a moment she was silent then she tries to get up but again falls since I was holding her hand.

" Leave my hand " She said in a low voice and ofcourse without a doubt I left it but what is this feeling. This sadness i am feeling cause of her just cause she is sad and angry with me, I am feeling down.

She was already six to seven feet away from me while sitting and her head in her knees.

' Kopbhavan wala feeling hai ( feels like kopbhavan) ' I thought as I closed my eyes ( Well, in ancient India kopbhavan was room where Empresses or concubines will go if they are angry with emperor, basically they will enter that room that means she is angry over something). But this restless feeling wasnt going just increasing.

" You are right, what you do has nothing to do with me " Well, These words actually made me feel bad.

' what is this. I am dissatisfied, disappointed when she says she doesnt care.' I thought as I looked at her again.

She was still looking down. I closed my eyes as I thought.

' I really am a bastard arent i, she just repeated my words so what right does I have to be dissatisfied and disappointed on her. " I opened my eyes with a clear determination again and said in a clear voice.

" I was in a different brothel than her. They were just good dancers and besides the prostitute Sam is talking about is one with he spend his night " I wasnt really the type to lie if not necessary.

" Really " She said as she looks at me with a smile.

" Well, yeah. " I said without a hesitation.

" Cheh, it's your win Ava " Sam voice suddenly heard in my voice.

" Of course I know it's my win " Ava said while proudly sticking her chest. Honestly the face which I am making right now could shake the entire Meme headline.

" ok, I am gonna sleep and yeah sam think what we are gonna do Tommorow" I said as I bitterly looked over to other side and tries to sleep again. As I was sleeping someone hugs me from behind.

" I am glad you didn't did that " She said lightly in my ear.

" its doesnt involve you to be honest " Well, its not like I was virgin either so it didnt matter to me.

" Well, maybe it does " She said again while biting my ears as she did I shivered. I had enough of her for today so I get a turn and get her under me.

" so does my princess wanna play with a play " I said as I smiled slyly. But the thing is this didn't goes as I thought. The moment i said that her eyes got wider and she started crying .

" Ok, I am sorry don't cry ok..." I hurriedly tries to wipe her tears.

" No it's not you " At that time I thought she was just saying this but little did i realise what she was hiding in her heart. ( I like this phrase and why did she cry you will know in future, its not normal just know that. I love making surprises for you guys ) .

" Eh, sorry for any inconvenience " I said as I tried to get up but she stopped me.

" Just stay like this for a bit please " she says while still sniffing. Maybe this is what you people called it ' giving a shoulder to cry '. I didnt even when she slept and watching her still clinging to my Tshirt I feel asleep while still thinking of a plan

ok, for those of who you who didnt realise it it was biggest chapter I have made.

One thing is for sure, I am gonna made cool female characters. I have noticed that they generally just get lost in shadow of Mc and since no one is making why not do it myself.

Ah, it was hard, in my opinion only when you write you appreciate the work of other artists cause you know how much hard work it is. I too used to think lazy work about artist but yeah, they are good now??

lordblanckcreators' thoughts