
Next companion

My day starts with an extensive physical training. As much as I like to go on various life and death struggles, it's rather bad for me both physically and mentally. At any rate, I would rather sit down and experiment with new theories and so I dont generally go into fights.

Just like any other day, I woke up and saw her still sleeping well to be precise pretending to be asleep. Well, her eyes were fluttering and she was staring at me like idiot when I was asleep....with a smile. So I too pretended to not notice and gone out for a practise.

It's a region of active lava, molten giants are overlords of this region. Though their talent in fighting isnt that much, the more hot area the limitless their powers are. And according to my knowledge it's a rather famous valley on the border of two empires.

" Finally I am done with the food " . You heard it right, although molten giants are hard on outside they are soft on inside and extremely tasty too with their juicy texture. Though not everyone would want to eat the gut of a rock like monster.

" you are awake " I asked as I looked at her. She nodded but keep looking down without another response. Well, these are my awkward moments.

" I will make breakfast " I knew I am not a good talker and cause of my this habit, there's been instances where I pushed people back. I realized my mistake, it's my habit to talk too much, so I do try to control myself in that regard.( I doubt I need to tell you how would he get the fire and cook good )

While I was still making food as I hummed, although i was never a picky eater but I used to eat decent food so when I first spent months in jungle I learn basic skills..although they were mostly about survival and fighting. In here you dont have seasons to put into food but that's where luck came in if you caught a beast like molten lava, its juicy and sweet with a bit sour taste. But then again you couldn't eat everything or everyone in jungle. I still remember I used to taste if the food is edible or not feeding by it to rabbits.

' She really is looking intently ' I have a bitter smile on my face at her expression. But then again you cant do anything this aroma is good, if only I could have salt then the taste would be incomparable. Although I keep having such thoughts but it was unnecessary for now.

"Here take it " I give him the piece of meat. It was sizzling with oil, and was almost like a piece of art. She just took it and took a bite and God did she have a great smile on her face. Yes, she had, grinning like an idiot. I can assure you it wasnt that tasty for a normal human since it didn't even had salt which is basic ingredient for taste. ( he has used oil since he bought them beforehand, I will tell you later the reason ) but maybe for her it was.

" So can we have a talk " I looked in her direction and said slowly. She too nodded but didn't stop herself from taking another bite. Maybe I shouldn't have given her the food right now.

" First let me connect sam " I said as I pushed the earpiece. Yep, she doesn't care....maybe she is too hungry like me earlier.

" yo, hows everything going kh....." he started very proudly but in the end started coughing.

" Oi, idiot tell me you have a plan " I asked him warmly. Well, call him someone an idot has it's own fun.

" What else its either that bitch princess or me " That wasnt a common declaration. Even I know her name causes she is too pampered and sometimes does things in an excessive manner. It wasnt that I was blaming her though. Affection, love are good emotions but too much of them rots us from her inside. Cause of her, no one in the world wants to make an enemy out of her.

" Very well....then I will continue with my mission and you are on your own. Hows sia and others " Helping to kill that girl God forbid me, I have already offended her once after this. He was quiet before he spoke again.

" She i-- Raj, thanks for saving Ava. It really means a lot to me " In the middle I heard Sias voice as she was thanking me.

" Mn, its nothing " I spoked slowly. I was feeling a bit guilty. When she was In peril i tried to ditch her unlike sam.

" Hey Sia, I promise you something. Next time no matter the case I will help you once as long as I am sure about my life" I said a bit louder with determination. Although I am someone who values his life, I dont wanna in guilt if she dies, so even if she is in a bit tight situation. I will help her.

" Raj, dont promise her something like that " Ava said as she interfered with the signal. I never realised it until now but she seems like she puts my safety over others life even her freinds.

" It's okay, I know what I am doing and as I said before don't concern yourself with me "

I am not really well versed in making freinds cause of my personality change after all what happened to me. But then again I don't mind too much either. But this girl is different since she is different for me. I am type who never had a gf but I also never liked anyone in my life romantically, at most it would infatuation for a while and then it subsided but she seems different so I don't really to have anything to do with her, maybe I was scared that I would take an another insane decision like last one.

" I know, so what's the next mission " Ava said suddenly, she didn't seem to mind at all. But her next words startled me.

" What mission "

" The next assassination mission from the cats " She said with a smile.

" How did you....forget it. And I am not doing missions with you " I coldly answered her back. Mission with her, what a joke.

" You owe me remember " There she play this card of owing. Ah, she is a pain.

" Well yeah " I smiled bitterly and answered.

" So we are partying up..." She said in a such a low voice that I wasnt even able to hear the last few words. But who the fuck cares about that when I have got such an interesting but dangerous companion.

' Wait, shouldn't she owe me. I saved her life after all ' But before I could say it, she already took my emblem and changed Sam to her self from my team.

' ok, I am officially fucked now ' I thought as I still have a smile but with a tinge of tear in my eyes.

The rule to not change your teammate is for safety purposes. It atleast would require a month to change it. But I saw again her happy face beaming with a smile. Somewhere Deep down I was satisfied, maybe even happy that she didn't leave me.

' Ah, Forget it. Besides its time for my medicine anyway ' I thought as I started my experiment since I was already done with food

I have edited the first chapter since of my freinds thod me that it was hard to understand. and added a new Element. Maybe you guys wanna check it out and

I am open to suggestions again

lordblanckcreators' thoughts