
The escape

" I am giving you time start it " I said as I started taking out various tailsman. "Fake space ","Air wall","Fire ring"," Fake Space concealment ","Earth sphere"and at last my new seal "Full counter". I actually made all of my preparations were complete and it's also the best current I could do.

A two layered Rings of Space ( Without air ) and if you somehow pass it you have Air wall to negetate most of the attack, Fire specially to protect against water elemental attacks and Earth attacks to stop every tiny bit of it and at last space concealment which actually consumes a huge amount of Life force to Make a separate space although it cant be maintained for more than ten seconds for now it was enough to let to escape from any non law existing attack as it will be like attack passing through us like we are in a different phase than them.

" They have started shouting. " I was clearly panicked but what I was so feeling awkward is the fact that Ava isnt even a bit anxious. Except for the when she saw me, she never did panicked in these situations. I looked at her intensely.

' what is it that I lack confidence, experience maybe too and this aura around her ' There are some peoples in the world who automatically calm you down most of time they are Mother or their father for some it's their lover but there are some people too who give this aura which gave you a confidence. Maybe this was my image of her. I was Jealous of her but I wasnt willing to always get behing her either ,I was willing to learn from her but not to stay behind always but to catch up to her. ' I am not gonna lose ' That's all I could think of this moment.

They keep shouting but I can't see them neither can I listen. Suddenly I got an idea to turn tables against them. I knew even if I do my best the possibility of surviving for ten min against two saints, a monarch and numerous king is impossible so I did the next best thing I could do.

" Keep attacking just so you know the more you attack the more life force this guy will lose " In a clear cut voice I cut off the chances for bohemia family to attack. It wasnt a lie at this rate he will Definitely die within a thirty seconds.

" Kid, I know you are lying and fo you think bohemia family will leave you after this " What a massive idiot he is still threatening me. Maybe his attitude of saint has rub him from common sense. I sighed as I looked at him in pity.

" Don't you realise. I interfered even after knowing all of this. I an willing to offend everyone here " I blandly said it.

" Leave him and I will let you and your girl go ". He talked as if he was going a great favour to me but what he forgot was that he is one who is attacking me.

" No " I again refused and this goes on for about for some time.

" You can th- " But before I complete it Ava opened her eyes. Weird symbol were inside her completely blue eyes and her aura was completely diminished.

" Hold my hand " She said while still having that peaceful smile.

" En" That's all i could squeak before I found myself in a cave.

" What the fuck " I shouted as i puked. Believe me the feeling was anything but good. And half of organs from the opposite side where Ava had hold me was gone along with the guy, i could see my organs in half pieces it was truly a gruesome sight but I didnt had any time to waste so I forced myself to sleep while still holding hands with Ava was unconscious in the ground. My eyes were already blurry. There was something I remembered but I didnt have the energy to think of that

" ugh " I wake up with a groan pain and I was hungry. My body has restored as always well this was my advantage over others after all. While even a monarch will bitterly survive, I causally slept and am fine now just a little bit hungry. Wait, I am more than just little bit hungry, fuck I am really hungry. I got up and as usual I cant see anything all and then again start the sense.

At some distance I could Ava was cooking something with a full concentration.

" Yo, what are you...." Honestly it was pretty awkward for me. Some peoples may call my stunt as ' Saving the beauty in dismay ' and I will call it complete madness. I am still scared by the fact that my Assurance was almost failed.

" Sit, I am making something for us to eat " She said as she hold down my shoulders and pushed me down untill I sat down.

" Thanks " I could only her a awkward smile. A silence was spread.

" So what happened to the fey guy " I suddenly asked brooking the silence.

" Well, he got minced between ruptures of Laws " She said while still looking down but her indifferent behavior shows how little did she think of that guy.

" It was dangerous for you too. If not for your high regeneration I would have never taken such a risk " she said again.

" hehe, forget all that depressing stuff. " I said lightly. I took a life qn innocent one which could have been saved but one thing for sure Bohemia family is coming.

" Guess, we are in peril together. Bohemia family, Marquis family both of them aren't just gonna leave us " I just reminded her a bit. A little insight is enough for a person like her.

" So how did you did it " I wasn't actually liking such silence after my every word either so I stared telling her the story.

" And they believed you " she said in a shocked voice.

" what's not there to believe. Yours truly natural charm ascend gender you know "

" ummmm " She hummed as she looked at me with a chuckle.

" You know Yours truly never jokes "

" I know " She still had that smile while looking intently at my face.

" Well, maybe a little bit of mind persuasion would have shown its effect too but it was mostly my Handsome face " Now I dont even why I am spouting such nonsense.

" Is it realated to your seals too " She asked carefully.

" How did yo....forget it yep it's my voice which could change the others mood without realizing them. Like if I sing a depressing song for enemies during a war their entire moral will go down. It has many uses like intensifying, changes, affect someone mood or nature without them realizing it. " I looked at her with a proud look like I was waiting to be complemented and I think she saw it too. It was just like last time when I have complimented her too.

" Amazing non stream move " She said with a smile.

" I know right and the best thing is it could affect even gods in theory " I said as I started taking.

since I didnt know in the beginning. let me give newbies an advice. use wuxiaworld for novels and manga park for comics. just try it you will find almost every paid novel and do called manga and mahuna there girl free. here it requires spirit stones which was a bit of problem for a heavy reader like me

lordblanckcreators' thoughts