
The mission

I knew I was tight on time. My body is constantly absorbing energy and normal methods to increse my fitness or rather body constitution work pretty slow.

I took out my token as I contacted The black cats. Since last time, I would rather not believe these bastards but I am not strong enough to anything and i need items that could permanently improve my body constitution. So their rewards are the only thing that i have.

" Hello, Mr blanck. Would you like to register for a ne mission " I could heard this bitch voice again. For some reason, k dont feel too good talking to her.

" I would like an another guide " I calmly said.

" Excuse me " It look like I got her unprepared

" Another guide " I again replied.

" Sorry, I am only one that's present right now " her voice had turned frosty but the question is do I give a fuck, well I don't need to answer that. And after what last time, I was angry so I wanted to vent my anger.

" Then, I will try on another channel " I said as I pretended to cut the line.

" Wait, even if you do its not gonna change anything. A tier 1 official worth isnt changing me " She seemed quite mused with her response. Well, all human level were tier 1 except for special cases. So when Sam registrated me, I was too registered as tier 1 official.

" Oh, is that do. Just so you know I am already a king level so then I am actually dropping this matter " I said coldly.

" Hehe, you seem to mi--" I think she didnt anything of my threat so tried to laugh it off but Ava cut off him coldly.

" He isnt kidding. I am tier 4 official codenamed Conan , I doubt your lord Prada will mess with me for you " Ava was cold to the extreme. Well, she is atleast angry. Though I wasn't satisfied that I couldn't do anything to the group. I quickly calmed down.

" Dont worry, we aren't leaving them after what they did that to us " I was quite shocked at her declaration as I looked her brown eyes, my heart starting racing. I kept looking at her then smiled Evily.

" Ofcourse I am fucking killing the one who leaked my information no rather assigned us that mission " I said while still having that smile. Leaving just like that, I am not belovment if i want to kill someone then I will say cost. I just had to bid for right strength and right information.

" Ofcourse you will " She too smiled back sweetly. Well, this conversation soon became like of a demon lord. Yes, I like this girl she is smart and way more fun than expected.

" So can you stop interfering with signal, I have to talk to them " In the end they changed the guide by another female of same voice as I was gonna say again, ava told me all if them have voice cause of voice changing system. So, I left it that. Well, after all that I finally found a high grade lotion as a reward by the the empire

For a job. ( Just so you know, she wasnt necessary the woman he talked before, he was just angry )

" are you sure. this isn't assasination, it like being a body guard " I asked her again.

" Sir Raj , i am not aware. If you accept it though I will send you the documents regarding it " Well, that makes things complicated, I am not really a fan of such a mission. In the end ,I agreed although its gonna be pain. Lately my body pains almost every time cause of extra energy. I posses a special body which continuously absorb energy from surrounding so it's like I will gain energy even if I sleep but the vessel aka my body cant handle such power. And the chances are I will explode in a year at most if this goes on.

" I will do it " I gritted my teeth, as of now i am really helpless since I dont know a potion master especially the one with such high knowledge so I had no choice.

" Raj, do you need that potion specifically " Ava asked with curiosity. I instinctively tried to nod but then I controlled myself as I denied. It doesn't look she is gonna prob anyway.

The mission was simple actually in the Ceylon province of the aryawrata empire, a nobel of baron rank in carl city is being targeted for an ancient artifact which is like its family heirloom and the young miss of the family is currently wearing it. The reason empire is even interfering is simple cause it wants to draw out the members of organisation who are trying to steal it. And this family no to be more this young girl is their bait but that's a restricted information only for higher ups and agent you know. The group i am facing is known as ' The necron society ', to be honest they are just collecting ancient artifacts and the problems is they dont care what methods they have to use to obtain that. I looked at her and gave her a nod. I have to investigate the society and if possible save her.

" so what's the plan " Ava asked while looking at me.

" Well...I am gonna be her personal bodyguard and how about you become her personal maid " Theres no need to hide this time so I decided to have a bold approach.

" Any other things I should know " Ava smiled as she said.

" Well...I am gonna somehow help you become the maid but no one in the family will know about it " I thought as I improvised the plan a bit .I have to admit I acted a bit fast with the plan.

" How about I manipulate the memory of the baron and make us his life long allies which he had asked for help in this predicament " ava asked clearly but my mouth was wide open. Wtf, how does anyone manipulate someone's memories, God save Me from this wicked women. Its not that I didn't like this skill it's just I didn't wanna fall prey for this technique

" That's something " I said nervously. Maybe she felt it cause she was giggling like a child.

The journey was pretty long but then I came to know every province has many city under its wing and every central city of province has a teleportation channel. Though they were money grubbers, I still paid, using the money of reward to killing gray Marcus.

" We are finally here " We were already infront of a big city with ancient structures which shows the lack of knowledge of structures and equipment. Maybe this is one of the backward cities.

But who would have thought, the plan was a wrek from the beginning. ( I would recommend if you read the authors note in this chapter )

I know it's gonna be better but I am just gonna clear the misunderstanding here about this world.

Empire > Provinces > Cities. and there are two empires. one demon continent, and the forest in same plane. Every high grade race have their own plane like dragons, elves, Angel's etc.

Thank you

lordblanckcreators' thoughts