

After several twists and turns, Anfeng's exoskeleton development continued. The current focus is on the second-generation exoskeleton, and going forward, An Feng does not want to try more advanced and more lethal machines until the confidentiality conditions are not sufficient, or the US official attitude is not clear.

  He has found that the leak of secrets is too troublesome. No matter where the core technology is transferred or what vest is used, he feels that it is difficult to handle it perfectly. If stronger technology is leaked again, I guess I just want to cover it up, and the US government will not agree, after all, it involves national security.

He also stopped by to see the company building under construction. The construction site has been surrounded on all sides, and there are machines laying the foundation. According to the construction speed of the Americans, it will be put into operation in one year. An Feng should pay a little more money. Simultaneous implementation of all aspects can also be faster.

  In the scorching summer, An Feng hid in the shade to play computer and read information online.

   Recently, GP will make another big move. The new architecture of chip technology has passed the test and inspection, and it is confirmed that it can be mass-produced. The compatibility of the latest set of concept products is very good. As long as the interfaces match, it can be perfectly backward compatible. This technology is the most lethal.

   Accordingly, the subsidiary GP Electronics was established.

  Eve's report shows that the subsidiary is the same as GP Energy, which shocked the world before, with a total of 100 million shares, 52% of which are subscribed by the promoters, and the rest is raised from the society. Some people say that GP company no longer needs to go public to raise funds, and its momentum has increased dozens of times, which is comparable to many large listed companies.

Indeed, GP has definitely been the most shocking high-tech company in the world in the past few years. First, the super battery that changed the world, and then the graphene chip that broke through the tradition. Someone once compared them to Microsoft, but now it seems that its future Bigger than Microsoft. The media got information from a public speech by Benjamin Hawley that GP will develop all graphene-related products.

Also because of this information disclosed, some people portrayed GP as a huge enterprise preparing to build a graphene empire, and some people believed that this was the re-emergence of American technology, and some believed that the US government stood behind it... People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong , there will always be gossip.

   Just a few days before the company's plan was established, An Feng flew to Austin.

As the shareholder with the largest right to speak, a crucial vote must be cast. Although it is more symbolic at the moment, he basically does not care about it... The plane arrived at the headquarters of GP, and the land area has recently been expanded by three times. Planning to build a science and technology exhibition hall?

  This has the spirit of a big company. When he arrived, An Feng saw several Discovery news cars, so he asked Eve, who came to pick him up, "This is it?"

  Eve replied with a smile: "This is an exclusive interview with the Discovery Channel. It is mainly to understand the company's R&D department and our battery and chip technology."

   "The recent advertising and marketing is very good." An Feng said.

  Eve said: "Everyone is very active. Mr. Hawley recently prepared a TED talk to let everyone have a deeper understanding of GP's important task of building the future."

   "Building the future? I like this slogan!" An Feng said, "construction" rather than "change", the former's self-confidence is obviously stronger.

  Eve wrote it down and asked, "We just use it as the company slogan?"

   "Go and collect everyone's opinions first." An Feng said. He walked into the currently shabby company building and took the elevator with a significantly increased number of employees, but these new employees didn't know him, but they knew Eve very well, and she was a secretary who had the right to speak.

  The elevator was relatively crowded, and Eve turned to him sideways and said, "Mr. An, the company's new building is expected to be put into use by the end of the year."

   "Very good." An Feng smiled, "Do you have my office?"

   "Mr. Hawley has prepared the area with the best view for you." Eve smiled.

  Everyone got a key message from a few words—this is the legend of the company, a technology boss who only exists in legends.

  Before they came back to their senses, the elevator arrived. An Feng walked out, followed by his assistant.

  The employees who came back to their senses exploded in the elevator.

  An Feng just listened to some reports and chatted with Holly.

Then he did what he is best at, and talked about the follow-up development issues with several technical executives who came to his office. At present, both batteries and chips are in their infancy, which is equivalent to discovering a virgin land, but they have just set foot on it. There are still many places to be reclaimed.

   Among other things, An Feng promises that as long as he is still there, he will always be ahead in technology. Everyone is acquaintances, and has formed a blind worship of An Feng, and attaches great importance to his ideas. In addition, graphene also brings some composite materials and nanoelectronic technologies. The technology below 10 nanometers has great advantages in nanoelectronics. It can even cooperate with robot companies to deepen in the field of nanorobots.

  If things go well, there will be three main forces changing the future: GP companies, research centers, and industrial companies in preparation. The three-pronged approach covers several major aspects such as biology, electronics, and industry, and these are important directions for future development.

   After that, he flew to the hunting grounds in Reno County by the way.

The climate in Texas is hot in August, and the whole land is enjoying the power of the sun's radiation. Even An Feng, who is flying the plane, can feel the scorching heat. After getting off the plane, he wants to jump into the river for a swim, but he holds back . He walked into the gun shop, which had been enlarged and improved.

Now there are ten guys in uniform in the gun shop, with a wide range of long and short guns. Mike's role has become a purely management CEO. He makes some plans every day, especially the first grand design feast coming in December. Feng gave him a budget of three million U.S. dollars, which was abundant.

"Mike, how are you?" An Feng greeted Mike and gave them a big hug. Don't look at this guy who is in his fifties. I no longer dare to underestimate the Texas cowboys, they are tough.

   "Very good, I've been looking forward to your coming this morning, I have a lot of plans!" Mike said.

  An Feng had a headache: "You know I don't care about these things, and there are too many things recently, my mind is already at idle."

   "Hahaha!" Mike laughed, "Don't be like this, things like money have to be settled carefully, come and listen to me."

  An Feng had to listen to Mike's plan, and lost his mind frequently on the way.

The last information I got was that through several gun associations and foundations, Mike spent money to promote it, letting many people know that in addition to Oklahoma, Texas is also planning to hold a lively shooting feast, and It is held when everyone is on vacation.

This can get a lot of support. There are many gun advocates in Texas. Almost every household has a gun. They like this kind of scene of violent catharsis. Even if they can't play, the on-site experience is good, and there are even guns. Manufacturers want to provide some advertising sponsorship and take the opportunity to promote their brands.

  An Feng was also bold: "I am very relieved of your work. As long as you make the scene lively and let everyone have a good time, other things can be discussed."

   "It's fine with your words." Mike said.

   There are still a few days before the registration of GP Electronics. An Feng is not in a hurry to fly around, so he stays in the hunting ground and cares about his own property. Thirty thousand acres of land is quite spacious. There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of acres of large landowners in the United States, but that is not a piece of land.

  An Feng feels that it is fun to play on one piece of land.

Lawrence, the manager of the ranch, suggested buying more cattle and sheep. Although it is defined as a hunting ground, I am afraid that no rich man's hunting ground covers such a large area, and even many areas have been left unused... After hearing these opinions, An Feng originally had plans, so It hit it off.

  How much money can be made from animal husbandry is second to none, the key is to be effective... After the treatment, when the weather is no longer so hot in the afternoon, An Feng wants to drive around and inspect his hunting grounds. Lawrence originally suggested not to travel alone, but when An Feng drove the HMMWV out.

  Lawrence looked at the machine gun and shrugged. "Well, good luck!"

The longest part of the hunting ground is 20 kilometers. The land along the way is not flat. Even if you drive fast, it will take you 20 minutes. If you drive slowly, it will take more than half an hour. An Feng has nothing else to do, so he drives slowly to patrol Once again, cross the bridge and crush the obstacles along the way.

After leaving the lush hunting ground, I entered an endless woodland. Lawrence's reminder echoed in my mind. This area has been idle for a long time, sparsely populated, and there are often ferocious beasts, such as brown bears, coyotes, or some cats...Ann Feng wanted to see and see.

  Although HMMWV can't withstand the hail of bullets, he doesn't have to worry about beasts other than elephants and rhinos.

   Bumping forward, it took thirty minutes to drive to the edge of the hunting ground. Living in the coastal areas, I can't feel the vast land and sparse population of the United States. Now I feel very obvious in Texas. I drove all the way, and some sections of the road were still driving along the highway. I couldn't see a single person, only some animals.

  An Feng stopped at the border, got out of the car and took a few photos of his "territory". Seeing that it was getting dark, he drove back. For the sake of fun, he didn't take the road, but took a wild road, shaking and bumping through the wasteland and woods, and there was silence except for the sound of the engine.

  Suddenly, he vaguely heard several beast roars.

  An Feng slowed down the speed of the car, discerning...it seems to be true! He turned off the engine, climbed to the machine gunner's position, and poked his head out to listen. About a minute later, a few thick, cat-like roars shook the air, not far away in the woods to the northeast.

  An Feng returned to the driver's seat, started the car and decided to go find out.

  If he was driving a small car, he would definitely not be so bold, but now it is a bulletproof military vehicle with a heavy machine gun, even the elephant will be smashed to pieces.

Speeding up and driving over the weeds, after driving about a hundred meters, he saw bloodstains on the ground, An Feng followed the bloodstains and drove slowly...following a roar, his pupils shrank, and there was a yellow-brown dog more than ten meters away, all over the place. The striped white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes is staring at him.

  An Feng stopped the car and observed carefully.

The tiger was obviously injured, its blood was all over the road, and the wound was on the hind abdomen close to the leg. The wounds that fierce beasts fight cannot produce such effects. Most of them are bullets. Thinking of the sporadic gunshots I heard just now, maybe It was wild beasts that shot the rancher or the hunter.

  The brown-yellow tiger seemed unable to walk anymore. It stared at the car in front of it, and roared a few times from time to time, trying to scare An Feng away. He took out his mobile phone and called Lawrence. Cowboys have experience in dealing with such things. After telling his location, he put down the phone and his eyes lit up!

   There is a little tiger!

   No wonder the tiger is so nervous, it turns out he is protecting the calf!