
Custom Exoskeleton

While on vacation, Jim of Ocean Shipping began to recruit people. As a developed capitalist country, the market for professional managers in the United States is huge, and it is easy to choose satisfactory ones. After doing it according to An Feng's intention, he will be notified to come. When it comes to high-level people, he still has to make up his mind.

An Feng put down the phone, didn't change his clothes, just got into the car in casual clothes and flip flops, opened the hood and walked along this avenue surrounded by palm trees, crossed the inner bay from the bridge, and went south to the central area of ​​Miami , The stylish sports car shape makes passers-by frequently look sideways.

Regardless of performance or comfort, just in terms of appearance, Manniu is indeed a magic weapon... An Feng parked the car in the office building very coolly, stepped on slippers and walked into the lobby on the first floor without hesitation, in a group of well-dressed Among the rigorous white-collar office workers, he is particularly conspicuous.

The main office of the shipping company is on the cruise ship, so the location of the company is not extravagant. It only rents the 15th floor of an office building. However, in a company with only a dozen people, almost one person and one independent office are still available. …until now the number has increased a bit.

Jim's work is still reliable. It's not easy to recruit so many people in a short time. He also understands An Feng's psychology and personality, and knows that he should talk less and do more, and let go of small things. Only big things need to be asked... In the office, An Feng and Jim sat face to face.

Jim gave him several documents: "Mr. An, after my screening, this group of professional managers has relatively rich experience, and most of them have engaged in tourism or shipping-related occupations, so they can get familiar with the positions faster and do not need additional Please take a look at the adaptation time."

  An Feng flipped over, and Jim added appropriately: "Everyone on the list will have a retest in half an hour."

He stayed and participated in the interview as the boss, accompanied by three interviewers. The process was similar to the one he applied for back then, but now he changed his identity. After several rounds of interviews, he saw a few good ones. stay. Anyway, the company is short of people and there are many positions.

   After finding a head for Ocean Shipping, An Feng's role was switched to that of an investor.

   Going back to enjoy a day off with friends, An Feng gave them the land, and returned to California with Joanna first. Anyway, the villa has Wu Qian as the housekeeper, so she knows what to do. There was something else in the rush to get back to California, and Hoffman, who had gone to England, was back.

  An Feng met with Hoffman and listened to his report on the progress of the work there. Basically, it is very simple for a British machine company to develop a power assist system, but the model of a robot company is copied from the past, and the key lies in the equipment. A few days ago, Hope Goodrich in England also mentioned it.

   After finishing the unimportant things, Hoffman came: "Mr. An, our exoskeleton plan?"

An Feng knew that the three sentences of this product are inseparable from robots and exoskeletons, and he was ready before coming: "Continue to manufacture the second-generation exoskeletons, but please order the parts of the power assist system from a British machine company. Chips are ordered from GP, and we are only responsible for the assembly of the structure."

   Hoffman said: "No problem, and it will be faster."

After all, everyone understands the manufacturing process, and there is no need for several people to repeat a process to waste time. Doing it separately can improve efficiency. At present, after the British machinery company has received nearly four million dollars in investment, the purchased machines and raw materials are already in place. , ready to produce.

An Feng added: "Your task is not easy. We currently have an order from a company to manufacture a standard version of the exoskeleton for them as a sample. In addition, you also need to manufacture several additional sets of customized exoskeletons. The data will come in a day later."

   Long ago, An Feng and Gu Li talked about exoskeletons.

  After the robot company was stolen, the exoskeleton was almost in a semi-public state. People in the industry knew that this company was developing these technologies, but they didn't know the progress and effect. Now that the road has been paved, it doesn't matter if these exoskeletons are exposed, it's just a technical promotion.

Raytheon will surely make the exoskeleton available sooner if it buys these samples. With the temperament of Americans, they will not give up this opportunity to show off in a low-key manner, so when other countries are jealous or nervous, An Feng, a kind man It is easy to get gratitude and favor.

  The only consideration is not to let outsiders know that he sent it.

   Then he got in touch with Guli.

  Guri said: "I chose three guys who can't talk nonsense for you. Americans who are not cunning are hard to find, but there are still some."

  An Feng said with a smile: "Tomorrow, please bring the volunteers you selected, and we will officially start work."

  A helicopter is parked on the grounds of the robot company.

  Four people came down, and An Feng knew them all, the first Guli, Harry and Jack who were dispatched together by the diplomats, and Mars, the team leader who showed bravery in chasing the exoskeleton last time. After the four got off the plane, they followed Gu Li and walked towards Anfeng. An Feng and Gu Li shook hands and hugged.

"Come on, you guys go to measure the body data first." An Feng didn't talk nonsense, the measuring equipment has been prepared in the laboratory, and the precise data of their bodies will be measured, including the length of the fingers, how many millimeters longer the **** is than the ring finger, etc. Wait, the current exoskeleton is still mainly customized.

  Guri said: "Can't we expand the range, just like wearing clothes, tall people can wear them well, and short people can still wear them?"

  An Feng said: "There is such an idea, but it still needs to be perfected. The future will be like this. Although the special customization is perfect and appropriate, it is a waste of time."

Guli measured his height for the staff, and it showed 1.95 meters. This guy's size and aggressive appearance have always given people a lot of pressure, and more materials will be used on him, but it is worth the money. An Feng also wants to test Take a look at the performance of the exoskeleton in actual work.

After the detailed measurement for the four of them, everyone saw that the general counsel and the boss had a relaxed chat, and the three of them also expressed their curiosity about how strong the exoskeleton is. After all, they had such a big battle last time to pursue Stolen items, everyone knows it is extremely important.

   Facing their questions, An Feng called Hoffman over.

  Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and holding a tablet, the tall and thin Hoffman stood in front of these strong men, like a little white rabbit facing a big bad wolf.

  An Feng asked: "How many times can he walk under your hands?"

  The four people looked at each other, although they remained serious, there was still some contempt in their eyes. Mars said, "Sorry, Mr. An, can we not answer?"

  An Feng smiled and said, "Is it vulnerable?"

None of the four people made a move. You say nod. Although it is true, he is the chief technician and cannot be offended. If you don't nod, it's against your will. I'm sorry for myself... An Feng saw their expressions in his eyes and said : "Perhaps the four of you together may not be as good as him."

   "What?" Mars said this time.

"Let the facts prove it." An Feng called other technicians over. He was holding a black box in his hand and opened it on the table. Inside was a set of red-painted exoskeleton. In a word, you cannot understand the world of scientists.

   "Hoffman, please!" An Feng said.

  Hoffman took off his glasses and walked over to skillfully put on his red-painted exoskeleton. An Feng reminded the four of them: "You better use some protective gear."

   But all four of them shook their heads, obviously thinking that even with a few irons on their bodies, they would not become much stronger.

  Three minutes later, the thicker Hoffman stood in front of them.

  An Feng asked: "Who will go first? Or together?"

   "I'll come first!" Mars stood up carelessly, pinched his knuckles, "As long as he is put on the ground, I will be considered victorious, right?"

  An Feng nodded: "Of course!"

"Okay!" This fellow Mars is also very aggressive. After finishing his sentence, he rushed towards Hoffman, trying to lift him up and put him on the ground like an eagle catching a chicken. When he touched Hoffman, he was grabbed by the shoulder first, and the strength was not small!

Mars gritted his teeth, and raised his right hand reflexively, trying to hold down the opponent's hand with the fighting technique he learned in the army, and at the same time turned around and threw him over his shoulder—his steps were correct, and his movements were crisp, which would have been earlier for ordinary people. It fell down, but when he turned around and hugged Hoffman's arm, he felt nothing changed... It was like hugging a piece of steel standing in cement, trying to bend it, but there was no way to continue.

But the well-trained Mars will not give up easily. When his body was already tilted, he swept out a kick and kicked Hoffman's calf, trying to trip him first—but this time it was the same. Kicking on the metal exoskeleton, the opponent just moved a step.

  Following Mars, he was pushed to the ground by a clumsy move.

  He was lying on the ground, staring blankly at Hoffman who had just pushed him down with both hands and strength, and couldn't believe it all.

  An Feng went over to pull him up and asked, "How is it? Do you feel powerless?"

   "It's very powerful." Mars nodded and said, "If you fight like this, I can't do anything about him."

An Feng understands the implication, no matter whether it is fighting or fighting, no one will do this now. If it is true, Mars can use the ultimate move in the first round. Kicking the crotch or inserting eyes is a good choice. Take out the saber and hit the opponent's heart a few times to end the battle.

   But they are not fools. The exoskeleton has such strong strength and speed for a weak otaku. If they wear it, doesn't it mean that the combat effectiveness will be doubled? Having figured this out, Gu Li and the others applauded: "Good thing, I think I understand its power!"

Mars looked enviously at the set of exoskeletons on Hoffman: "Look at its small size, I'm afraid it's not just for commandos, it can be used by armored soldiers, airports or aircraft carrier ground crews, and even in many positions that require endurance and load. They are all capable of one against two..."

  An Feng said: "There are even more powerful ones, you will only know after using them yourself."