
Raising a tiger

Although the big tiger seems to be dying and dying, but when you face a big guy with a length of more than two meters and a weight of nearly 200 kilograms in the wild, it is better not to have the courage to rush to compete like Wu Erlang . This guy can knock down an adult with a single slap.

  An Feng climbed to the position of the machine gunner, and carefully took pictures of the injured tigress with his mobile phone—An Feng deduced. The back abdomen of the tigress was bleeding continuously. This shot was very deadly, but it was the strength of maternal love to be able to carry a cub so far and still protect it.

  Looking at the little tiger, it is not too big, like a big tabby cat, hiding behind the tigress coweringly, but its cute big eyes show the fear of the unknown. The tigress stared at An Feng tiredly. The excessive blood loss caused it to blink from time to time, fighting against exhaustion.

  An Feng's sympathy overflowed for a while, but he didn't have medical supplies in his hands, so he rushed forward to touch the tigress protecting the calf, which was simply asking for his own death.

  He could only pray that Lawrence would come over soon.

  Time passed by every minute and every second, and the roar of the tigress gradually weakened. She was still staring at him with her forelimbs upright, but now she was lying on the ground, unwillingly fighting against the **** of death. The haze of death shrouded his head, and even the little tiger felt the desolation.

There was the sound of a car in the distance, An Feng returned to the driver's seat, slammed the accelerator a few times, and the roar spread, and the Chevrolet pickup truck he found approached. Lawrence and a cowboy from the ranch came with a rifle and a medical first aid kit. Feng shouted to them: "It can't move anymore!"


Lawrence and the young cowboy came with guns, and slowly approached the looming yellow-brown tiger in the green grass. Their fingers were already on the trigger, and they could shoot at any time in case of accident... After about a few seconds, they leaned against the Humvee, and Lawrence observed Said: "It's dying!"

  An Feng got out of the car with a pistol and asked, "Then what should I do? Can it be saved?"

  Lawrence shook his head: "We don't have an anesthesia gun, and the wound was shot with a shotgun. There is so much blood, it's basically impossible to save it."

While speaking, the tigress closed her eyes several times in a row, then opened her eyes with force, and let out a low growl, as if warning, and as if she was telling her cub to leave... Repeat this several times Finally, it finally lowered its head powerlessly, and closed its eyes unwillingly.

   "Dead?" An Feng asked.

   "Probably." Lawrence stared, "I heard that a Bengal tiger was abandoned a while ago, and the government even issued a notice to the ranch. Maybe it was it."

  An Feng asked: "Abandoned? Is it still raised in captivity?"

Lawrence smiled: "You may not know that there are no more than 3,000 wild tigers in the world, but there are more than 15,000 in captivity in the United States. Zoos are facing the problem of excess tigers, and many people like to raise these beasts. But when it grows up, it may be abandoned by some owners due to reasons such as food intake or personality, and then wander around."

  An Feng was amazed when he heard that, Nima wild tigers are only at the beginning of 3,000, and you have 15,000 in the United States, which is against the sky! No wonder I saw in the news that how many tigers were bred by some families in the United States. They don't show off their power, but can be cute, and they are completely raised as big cats. I didn't expect this to be the reason.

Lawrence tentatively took a few steps forward and observed the tigress: "What a beautiful tiger! It has yellow-brown fur, at least 2.5 meters in length, and weighs as much as two adults. There is no deformity, and the cub is also good. , but just wandering in the wilderness like this, either die in the mouth of wild wolves or starve to death!"

  An Feng looked at the little tiger like a big cat, and felt compassion: "Can't you feed it?"

Lawrence glanced at him and smiled: "If you know how much food this guy will eat when he grows up, you can understand the psychology of abandoning their owners. There are too many tigers in the zoo now. To a certain extent, they are selling tigers Reduce the burden, let alone adopt a cub!"

  An Feng stared at the beautiful little tiger: "I want to try."

Lawrence pointed out: "Just go to the Wildlife Administration to make a record, get an adoption certificate at the animal center, and after a simple study, you can raise this beast. But I have to remind you, it was cute when it was young, and it will grow up If you release it, it will not have any ability to survive in the wild jungle, and its only fate may be the same as its mother."

   "It's okay, I'll take care of it." An Feng now only has the cute little tiger in his eyes, so why would he want so much.

   "Okay, let's go up and have a look!" Lawrence threw a few stones at the tigress, and after confirming that there was really no movement, he stepped forward carefully with a gun.

It was the first time for An Feng to get close to a tiger, and he was very excited. He reached out to touch the tiger, and the fur felt very good. No wonder everyone likes tiger leather chairs, which are stylish and comfortable...Look again Little tiger, it is not very alert to danger, and will not leave when people come.

   "Come on, little guy!" Lawrence put the gun behind his back, reached out and grabbed the little tiger by the back of the neck, and lifted it up like a kitten.

   "Haha, it really looks like a cat!" An Feng smiled, grabbed his neck and pulled it up. The little tiger opened its limbs, stared around, and trembled slightly.

   "Give me a hug!" An Feng said.

"Be careful, it will bite!" Lawrence handed the tiger to him. An Feng imitated him and grabbed the piece of skin on the back of his neck. The little tiger didn't resist and let him hold him in his arms. Be careful, although it looks like a cat, it already has some teeth, and it will hurt if bitten.

But the little tiger behaved well. Apart from being nervous in An Feng's arms, he was very docile. An Feng gently stroked the fur on its body and scratched the hair on its head to relieve its tension. After a while, the little tiger He stopped resisting and let him hold her in his arms.

   "Quick, quick! Take a picture of me!" An Feng handed the phone in his pocket to Lawrence, and stepped back to let him take a group photo.

  An Feng looked at the photo, then touched the little tiger: "It's so interesting! What should we do next?"

Lawrence looked around and said: "It's getting late, take this tiger back first, and then call the Wildlife Management Bureau. If you want to adopt a cub, tell them tomorrow. Usually, you will take it back for testing. Vaccinations and filings and things like that."

   "Okay, let's get to work first!" An Feng put the cub back into the car, and followed Lawrence and the cowboy to carry the tigress onto the pickup truck.

   Not to mention, if it weren't for An Feng's amazing strength, the three of them would have struggled.

Back at the wooden house, An Feng asked Lawrence about some precautions, such as what it should eat now. Lawrence observed it and said: "It is estimated to be about two months old. It should be fine if it is fed with some milk properly. As long as there is enough food , Tigers have a strong ability to survive."

An Feng didn't care about his own food, so he found some milk happily, put it in a bottle and fed it to this guy, at first the little tiger with a small mouth could only suck, but when An Feng fell down, it was choked and dripped all over the floor. Later, he learned how to behave, found a basin, poured it on it for the little tiger to lick, and then put a piece of roasted beef in front of it, almost instinctively, the little tiger opened his mouth and rushed over to eat it.

"Wait! This is my dinner!" An Feng held up the meat and refused to give it. Lawrence, who had placed the tigress' carcass, saw this scene and said with a smile: "I suggest that tigers in this period should not feed it a whole piece The meat you want to feed is chopped or cooked and softened."

"Roast beef should be softer, right?" An Feng tore off a small strip, and carefully handed one end to the tiger. For the rest of the beef, the little eyes are full of yearning for beautiful things.

   "I'll eat it all for you!" An Feng patted the tiger's head, avoided its claws, continued to feed it, and then patted it again to take advantage.

  Repeat it several times, and when you touch it again, the little tiger already knows that this is good. It no longer avoids it, but wants to come up to rub his hand.

   "It seems that this guy is very hungry." An Feng fed it another piece of beef.

  Lawrence sat on the sofa beside him, smoking a cigarette: "Be careful not to overfeed, young animals don't have a clear understanding of their own food intake."

After playing with the little tiger, An Feng thought that since he wanted to adopt it, he should give it a domineering name. Seeing that he was full, he huddled in the corner of the table like a tabby cat with black and yellow stripes. There is still a little white, so he took the name "Xiaobai". He hugged the little tiger and called Xiaobai a few times, regardless of whether it agreed or not.

After An Feng finished his dinner, he checked some information on the Internet. From this point of view, Americans really have a strong affection for tigers. Tigers are raised in almost every state in the United States. Among them, more than a dozen states have no regulations at all, and others are different. Rules vary from state to county, and even from city to city.

As far as the number of captive-bred tigers in the United States is concerned, it is indeed more than five times higher than the number of wild tigers in the world. Many tigers that dominate the mountains and forests have lost their hunting instincts, and only have the time to eat and drink, such as being cute or Lai Yangyang. I don't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky...

  An Feng took a few photos of Xiaobai and posted them on the Internet together with a group photo of himself. Soon, domestic netizens who followed his news replied: Tuhao, this is your new toy? It's an acquaintance. As soon as An Feng replied, someone left a message: Where are the missiles that the local tyrants talked about?

  An Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he also sent some pictures to Joanna.

   Soon, she called: "Is that a cat?"

   "Is the tiger okay?" An Feng said proudly, "I just found it, it's very cute."

   "Really? I saw the photos, especially the one rubbing against someone, it's so cute! I really want to touch it!"

  An Feng said: "I named it 'Xiaobai'. It's a poor little guy who just lost his mother. Are you sure you want to adopt it?"

   "Of course, what happened to its mother?" Joanna's sympathy was overflowing.

  An Feng explained: "I shot the hunter, and I almost died when I rushed over. There is only one cub left, and it will die if no one raises it."

   "You have to take care of it!" Joanna said.

  An Feng said: "Don't worry, I will take it back to California after the procedures here are completed."

  Joanna reminded him: "It seems that this beast has different management methods in different states, and some states cannot be brought in from the outside."

  An Feng said: "It doesn't matter. I will find someone to deal with it. At most, I will pay a little more money, or I can buy two identities. There will be no problem with adoption."

   "Well, I'm really looking forward to it, the kids will be so happy!"