
Blindingly Bright

Jedi Knight Ally'xye Karin had brought back about two dozen Force Sensitive children to the Temple in his long career. Their pure brightness never ceased to fascinate him.

But he'd never encountered someone like Aarik D. Sunrider.

The two years old toddler's presence in the Force wasn't bright, it was blindingly bright. Almost like looking at a supernova with naked eyes.

Knight Karin had a nagging feeling that this adorable child with black hair and brown eyes was going to raise hell one way or another, but for whom and why he didn't know. The only thing Karin could be certain about was the fact that trying to stop him would be futile. That road led to disaster of epic proportions.

The poor man had no idea how right he was. After all, that adorable toddler was in fact a twenty seven years old man from another dimension who knew the most delicious bits of the galaxy's history for the next 4500 years. And he had no intention of let that history run its course.

And to top it off, he wasn't alone in his mission to kriff with the galaxy, he hitched a ride here along with his wife. The galaxy won't know what's hit them...

While the newly named Aarik Sunrider was busy with internal monologuing, the grin that spread on his face went unnoticed, which was fortunate because it most certainly didn't belong on the face of a two years old....