
A Sith In Training

Why in the name of Korriban I choose this?

I must have been in shock. Sudden violent death tends to do that. There's no way in the Nine Corellian Hells I would voluntarily be in the Star Wars Universe with a sound mind. Add to the fact I volunteered to become a Sith....What was I thinking?

At least the training is anything but boring. My mother, Darth Lumis, who insists that I address her as 'Master', is invested in me. That doesn't mean that I get to slack off. Unless I want training in resisting Force Lightning....

Dad is the best. I practice my puppy dog eyes on him to devastating effects. He knows what I'm doing, but he doesn't mind. In fact, he has a perfect countermeasure for my puppy dog eyes, he can pout rather cutely.

That's right, my father, Raa'd Ordo, who has a record for killing a Jedi Knight, has a pout as deadly as his heavy blasters.

Dad's been training me for four years, ever since I was six years old. He rarely praises me, but I can feel the love and pride surging inside him every time I successfully master something he teaches me. Thanks to his brutal yet effective training combined with constant use of the Force, I look like a thirteen years old instead of ten.

My Force training on the other hand, has been progressing at an alarming rate. Even my Master finds the pace of my learning mind boggling.

But I have a motto - 'If you are not cheating, you are not trying hard enough'.

And a Force Titan with foreknowledge who hails from another dimension not to mention has a Force Bond with a Jedi in training....I got the ultimate cheat code, babes.

Yes. I've somehow forged a Bond with a Jedi Initiate at the age of four. I don't know why I feel drawn to Aarik Sunrider. I've never met him face to face.

I am already proficient in all the lightsaber forms except Ataru. I can be called a master of Soresu, Makashi and Juyo. My Form V still needs some work.

Ataru just isn't for me. I use Shii-Cho and Niman when I need to downplay my skills.

And the other things I learned....Force Lightning, Force Choke, Force Drain, Force Healing, Sith Alchemy and Sorcery, Illusion, Mind Arts, Battle Meditation....the list goes on and on. Naturally enhanced body on per with an Original Vampire and Spider-Man as well as an enhanced mind, Peter Parker level genius and the compulsion of an Original Vampire, if you don't call me OP then you need a new definition of the term 'overpowered'.

Add to that the fact I'm a Forcewalker...

I am a walking talking Weapon of Mass Destruction. Even at the age of ten, I'm capable of pulling starships out of the sky. And I barely break a sweat by doing so.

And to think that I'm not the only person with the same level of power hanging around the galaxy....

I shudder to think what terror I can unleash upon the galaxy if I ever lose it...

To top that, I can pass on these powers unaltered and undiluted onto my descendants...

...We've got interesting times ahead...

Live free or let die...