
Mistaken for a surrogate: Mommy doesn't want a husband

He mistook her for his surrogate and she mistaken him as a rapist...... Ning Li, the sister of the wealthiest man in the world, known for her arrogance and black heart was actually a woman with an innocent heart. Six years ago, she wanted to give herself to her boyfriend and to create a surprise for him, she didn't tell him about it. She opened his room's door and was about to enter when she heard her best friend's moaning sound and her boyfriend's soft groan. 'Can someone tell her what was going on?' Her gentlemanly boyfriend and her cute and pitiful best friend were actually like this behind her back. 'Thank goodness I haven't give my virginity to him' She thought and left. But she went to a bar instead because she was sad about their betrayal and she get herself drunk. She went to her hotel's room and slept, forgetting to lock the door. ........ Qin Mo, a legendary figure in the business world, known for his otherworldly look and his ruthless temperament for the first time in his life actually made a mistake that night. He misheard a number....... ****** Three months later, Ning Li insisted on studying abroad and her brother tried his best to make her stay but she refused and six years later, she returned with her beautiful child star daughter and her cold and aloof son. Everyone was shocked. "Is this another Mary getting pregnant without touching a man?" This is a story about a man and a woman who came from the center of power and caught up in the middle of many schemes and conspiracies, once is a coincidence and twice is coincidences. But what if it happens more than twice....... then it is fate. SORRY, THIS NOVEL IS DROPPED FOR NOW.

Tiff_Lin · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 14 Reunion.

The next morning.

A knock was heard on the door and Hua Hua ran to opened the door, with her messy hair and a brush still dangling from her mouth.

"Big sister Meng" Hua Hua called out in surprise when she saw the woman at the door.

The woman was tall and pretty, she has a red long hair as bright as fire, and she has a somewhat sharp features. The woman name is Meng Qi, Ning Li's assistant whom she hired when she was abroad.

Before she traveled abroad, Meng Qi was one of the friend she met at clubs and they also became friends through there, Meng Qi was talented though and was also one of the people that knows about the incident that made her travelled abroad.

"Wow, our Hua Hua has gotten prettier" commented Meng Qi with a cheerful smile plastered on her face as she carried Hua Hua in.

"Big sister Meng, I am no more a toddler, carrying me around like this will surely make me look somewhat immature" Hua Hua complained as she pouted her cherry lips.

Meng Qi chuckled at her word and said softly "To me, you are still a baby, let this big sister carry you before you grow up"

Meng Qi puts her down when they reached the living room and Hua Hua ran to the bathroom to finished washing her teeth.

"Where is my little husband?" came Meng Qi's voice as she look at Hua Hua retreating figure.

"Yah, Sihan, your wife is asking for you" Hua Hua said to her brother who always look serious no matter what he was doing.

Ning Sihan didn't say anything and continue brushing his teeth instead without a change in his poker face.

"You are here, Meng Qi" Ning Li said, still in her pajamas as she dragged her sleepy body to the living room and sat on a coach.

"Yes Boss" answered Meng Qi as she stood up and saluted Ning Li, making the latter chuckle slightly and waved her hand.

"Boss, isn't it today our appointment with Director Bo?" Meng Qi asked.

"Yeah, today's afternoon" replied Ning Li with a yawn.

"Ha Boss, I have a very interesting gist for you" with a hint of mischief in her eyes, Meng Qi informed.

"Oh, I am listening"

"I saw Bai Xi"

"Who?, oh, Bai Xi?" Ning Li yawned again as she scratched her eyebrow.

"Well, she and Gu Sheng are about to get married" with the smile never leaving her face, Meng Qi continued, "And most especially, that vixen is now a popular A-list actress" Meng Qi looked at Ning Li face for any emotion but she only saw a mockery smile on her the latter's face.

"A list actress, well, she is incredible talented when it comes to acting" complimented Ning Li, looking thoughtful.

"So, how about we play her?" with a grin of anticipation, Meng Qi looked at her boss.

"I don't think I have the time though" Ning Li stood up and walked towards the kitchen "But it is not bad to give the idea a go".

"Leave it to me, Boss".


At 12 PM in the afternoon.

Ning Li drove her black Mercedes benz to the Ning Residence.

Her appearance surprised the security men, as the spoilt brat from before has now changed into an elegant ice beauty.

The old butler has already heard the news about her coming home and when he heard the car sound, he instantly ran out with excitement on his face.

"Second Young Miss" Butler He greeted with big smile on his wrinkled face as his old body bowed a little in respect.

"Butler He" like a little kid, Ning Li hugged the old man who has always covered for her when she was young and treated her like his own grandchild.

"Aya, This old man has misses you so much" Butler He said, feeling emotional as he patted his young miss's back.

"Xiao Fan, where are you?, come and carry Second Young Miss's luggages in" Butler He shouted as he and Ning Li separated.

"I don't bring any luggage with me" Ning Li informed with a small smile.

Xiao Fan has already ran outside, she was Butler He's grandchild and one of the girl that Ning Li was close too before she travelled.

"Big Sister Li, you are back!"

The girl ran towards Ning Li and threw herself into Ning Li's embrace and the former pats her back gently and after a while they break the hug and Xiao Fan walked towards the car boot.

"Second Young Miss didn't bring any luggage with her, she is going to the mall later" concluded Butler He as he informed his granddaughter.

"Oh, I see." Xiao Fan nodded and Butler He urged;

"Don't just stand here, help second young miss in, Old Madam is waiting for her inside"

Ning Li shook her head when she heard their conclusion but she just smiled and entered the mansion.

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