
Mistaken for a surrogate: Mommy doesn't want a husband

He mistook her for his surrogate and she mistaken him as a rapist...... Ning Li, the sister of the wealthiest man in the world, known for her arrogance and black heart was actually a woman with an innocent heart. Six years ago, she wanted to give herself to her boyfriend and to create a surprise for him, she didn't tell him about it. She opened his room's door and was about to enter when she heard her best friend's moaning sound and her boyfriend's soft groan. 'Can someone tell her what was going on?' Her gentlemanly boyfriend and her cute and pitiful best friend were actually like this behind her back. 'Thank goodness I haven't give my virginity to him' She thought and left. But she went to a bar instead because she was sad about their betrayal and she get herself drunk. She went to her hotel's room and slept, forgetting to lock the door. ........ Qin Mo, a legendary figure in the business world, known for his otherworldly look and his ruthless temperament for the first time in his life actually made a mistake that night. He misheard a number....... ****** Three months later, Ning Li insisted on studying abroad and her brother tried his best to make her stay but she refused and six years later, she returned with her beautiful child star daughter and her cold and aloof son. Everyone was shocked. "Is this another Mary getting pregnant without touching a man?" This is a story about a man and a woman who came from the center of power and caught up in the middle of many schemes and conspiracies, once is a coincidence and twice is coincidences. But what if it happens more than twice....... then it is fate. SORRY, THIS NOVEL IS DROPPED FOR NOW.

Tiff_Lin · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 12 Really hard.

"What is wrong with uncle?" Hua Hua asked softly, obviously in shock at how the somewhat heroic uncle could be crying like a kid whose candy was snatched from him.

Ning Lichuan was not bothered about the fact that his image was gone as he was blaming himself seriously.

His sister, who from young experience the pain of losing their parents together with him, who lived under the same roof as him and who at that time was only eighteen got pregnant and he never knew, he was really sad at how he has overlooked many things. He thought that he was the head of the house and naturally he knew many things at a glance but now he realized that he knew nothing about his sister at all.

"How did it happen?, who is the brat that even impregnated you in the first place?" Ning Lichuan asked as he tried to composed himself.

Ning Li's face turn a little pale when she heard his question, she clenched her fist and glanced at her children and they immediately understand

her intention that she meant that they should excuse them. Even though the kids were curious, they still obediently walked to their new room.

"So can you explain to me now?" Ning Lichuan asked as he stares at his sister after the kids were gone.

"I don't know their father" replied Ning Li and after hesitating for a long time, she look at her brother who was patiently waiting for her to continue her words.

"It happened that night when I went to City B" she continued to explain about what happened that faithful night and Ning Lichuan's mouth was hung open in shock as his eyes trembled slightly and the more he heard her tone that was fill with some indifference, the more it makes him wonder how hard it must have been for her to the point that it became easy for her to narrate her story.

"Raped?!, why didn't you inform any of us in the family and we would have find the culprit and apart from that, why didn't you tell anyone when you find out that you were pregnant?" He questioned angrily.

"Elder brother, did you think it was easy for me to just get over it after being raped by someone whose face I didn't even see at the age of eighteen?, did you know how I was when I heard that I got pregnant?, did you know how hard was it for me to make the decision to gave birth to the kids?, did you know how hard was it for me to leave home?, it is really hard, very hard" she paused for a moment to catch her breath and continue, "Do you think it is just a matter of open my mouth and tell, no no, it is a matter of reputation, my reputation, your reputation and our family's reputation!"

After saying all what she has been hiding to say, her chest rose and fell and she finally felt free.

Ning Lichuan was shocked when he heard her words, now that he think about it, it is really not easy for her which in fact make him to feel more guilty.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Elder Brother. In fact, you are the best brother to me and you have tried all your possible best to raised me like your child when you were also just a child and I really feel grateful for that, without your financial help abroad then, I don't really know how I and the kids would be living right now" Ning Li explained with utmost sincerity.

Inhaling a deep breath, Ning Lichuan smile bitterly at her words and said, "I hope I could be better".

She smiled at his words when the doorbell rang and before they could say anything, they saw a flash passing in front of them as Hua Hua hurriedly ran to opened the door.

"What a fast kid" Ning Lichuan muttered softly.

"That's when she is hungry" replied Ning Li with a smile as she saw Hua Hua beaming with smile with the food box in her hand as she walked to the dining table.

Ning Sihan also walked out of the room as he look coldly at his uncle with his small threatening gaze which in Ning Lichuan's eyes however was adorable.

He observed the kids and saw that Hua Hua was glaring at Ning Sihan who however didn't say anything and simply sat on the dining chair.

"They are so cute" Ning Lichuan said with a small smile which will undoubtedly be a surprise if his subodinates were to see him.

"What is the boy called?" He asked with interest.

"Sihan and the girl is Hua Hua" replied Ning Li.

"You get a little better at naming I guess" said Ning Lichuan with a chuckle.

Ning Li glared at him and he only smile back at her as he enjoys the warm atmosphere of the family.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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