
Miss Static and the CEO

Lin Yun Xi is a special girl who meets Mo Luhan the CEO of the Mo Corporation.

Qp83 · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

Lin Yun Xi bit her lip as her mind flipped through images after images of clubs, museums, and cinemas. They were all noisy environments, the clubs had loud music, crowded with people, the museums usually had paintings which were filled with noisy details, and cinemas were also crowded, but on the plus side it was dark and usually the crowd was quiet.

Seeing her become quiet and frown slightly, Mo Luhan figured they were all bad choices. He sighed, of course it wouldn't be that simple. "Never mind. Let's go I'll take you home."

Lin Yun Xi nodded and the two of them left the office.

In the car, Mo Luhan's mind was still busy thinking about where he could bring on her on a date when he suddenly saw a couple by the side of the road entering the city park and his eyes lit up. "Do you want to take a walk in the park?"

Lin Yun Xi quietly nodded.

"Alright." He pulled over and parked by the side of the road and the two got out.

The sun was setting and the street lights were turning on. He grabbed her hand and they entered the park. There were several cherry blossom trees growing along the path and the park lamps with their orange light gave everything a warm hue.

They quietly walked next to each other, looking at the beautiful scenery. Eventually they arrived at a pond where they sat down on a bench. A few ducks were swimming in the pond and occasionally quacked while others watered their feathers and shook their bodies.

Mo Luhan glanced over at the girl and plucked a cherry blossom from her hair and gave it to her.

She looked at the cherry blossom and smiled. She thought it was very pretty.

"Do you like it here?" Mo Luhan asked.

Lin Yun Xi nodded.

He sighed a breath of relief and leaned back. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath which carried fragrance of flowers and grass. They were still holding hands and he felt her warmth. A smile grew on his face, he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so relaxed.

Lin Yun Xi was also intoxicated by the serene nature. Here she couldn't hear the traffic, and there weren't too many people around. Before she knew it she was leaning against his shoulder and fell asleep.

A few couples who walked pass them saw this beautiful couple and quietly whispered to each other and was inspired to find a bench of their own.

An hour or so later Lin Yun Xi felt someone nudging her shoulder and she awoke. Her eyes met Mo Luhan's for a moment before she looked away. Her cheeks blushed a little all on their own which caused a rather stark contrast to the cool night breeze.

Mo Luhan glanced at his watch. "We should probably go home and not make your father worried."

Lin Yun Xi nodded.

The two of them got up and walked back to the car.

Once they came back to the Lin Mansion, Mo Luhan glanced over at the girl and noticed she was still holding the cherry blossom in her hand which caused a gentle smile to grow on his lips.

Suddenly, Lin Yun Xi leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

Mo Luhan's mind went completely blank by her sudden action and he felt his cheek burning hotly where she kissed him. Before he managed to collect himself, the girl had already hurriedly exited the car and gone inside the house. He touched his cheek and was lost in thought for a long moment.

When Lin Yun Xi closed the door behind her she clasped at her chest and breathed heavily, her heart was beating so heavily she thought it would pounce through her ribcage. Her face was blushing madly and her mind was bombarded with images of her kissing him, the scene repeated over and over inside her head.

Her father happened to walk out of the living room at this moment, on his way to get an evening snack, when he suddenly saw his daughter standing by the door blushing madly and clutching at her chest. His depression at loosing his daughter to adulthood got even worse from seeing this as he ignored her and went to the kitchen with a downcast look on his face.

About half an hour later he called out from the kitchen, "How long are you going to stand there? I've prepared some sandwiches and hot chocolate."

Lin Yun Xi was finally stirred awake from her reverie and walked into the kitchen, where she found her father sitting by the kitchen bar reading a magazine while a plate of toasted bread and a cup of hot chocolate rested on top of the counter.

She walked over and sat down next to her father and grabbed the cup and began to drink.

"Slowly. Slowly. It's hot." Her father said and grabbed the cup seeing his daughter just mindlessly drinking the hot chocolate as if it was cold water. "Did you burn yourself?" He asked looking worried.

Lin Yun Xi nodded.

Lin Yuan sighed and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before filling a glass which he handed to her.

"So, I'm guessing the two of you had fun?" Her father asked.

Lin Yun Xi nodded while she was still drinking from the glass.

Her father smiled as he thought she was too cute sometimes. He ruffled her hair and said, "Good." Then he picked up the magazine and continued reading.