
Miss Static and the CEO

Lin Yun Xi is a special girl who meets Mo Luhan the CEO of the Mo Corporation.

Qp83 · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

Lin Yun Xi woke up at around 8 am. She walked over to her closet and opened the doors. Another room appeared with shelves and coat hangers full of clothes and glass displays with luxurious accessories. There was a piece of clothing for every imaginable occasion, even for various sports. It was her father who'd bought them all and she had probably not worn even a tenth of all the clothes.

She stepped inside and looked around but it was hopeless. She knew she was having dinner with Mo Luhan's family tonight and should dress up for the occasion, but all the clothes only looked like a random mess of colors and textures, it was impossible for her to determine what looked good and what didn't. However, she remembered what she wore on her last birthday, it was a light blue dress her father had chosen for her. So she picked it up, then she walked over to the glass displays and pulled out a drawer picked up a pink gold watch which she got as a gift on that same birthday. Then she walked back into the bedroom and threw her clothes on the bed and then entered her bedroom's bathroom and showered.

Once she was finished showering, she walked back to her bedroom and wore the dress and the watch. Then she sat down by her makeup table and put on a light layer of makeup. She noticed the cherry blossom she got from Mo Luhan lying on the table which caused her to be lost in the scenes from last night and her cheeks immediately blushed.

Only when her father knocked on the door was she brought back to reality, she had mindlessly sat there for over an hour.

The door opened and her father peeked inside. He was surprised when he saw her all dressed up. "Oh? Is there someone's birthday today?" He asked.

Lin Yun Xi shook her head and then said, "I'm having dinner with Mo Luhan's parents tonight."

"What? Already?" Lin Yuan took a step back as if he was struck by an arrow to the heart. "I see..." He mumbled and turned back and left the room with a downcast face. He figured, by next week he would he walking down the aisle handing over his daughter's hand in marriage. As he imagined that scene, his downcast face suddenly grew a smile, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all? Oh, right. He almost forgot. "There's breakfast ready in the dining room."

It was barely noon when this light-blue little sunray appeared at the reception hall of the Mo Corporation's head office.

The three receptionist, of which one had been replaced a day ago, all gasped seeing this pretty girl. The two receptionists who had seen her before almost didn't recognize her at first as she was always wearing a hoodie.

Lin Yun Xi ignored them and walked over to the gate. When she heard one of them call out to her.

"Excuse me, Miss. The CEO isn't in his office."

Lin Yun Xi simply nodded and continued walking toward the gate.

"What do we do? Should we let her through?" The receptionist whispered. The gate would only open if you had a pass or if they manually pressed a button. The day before they had simply let her in without question since they had been lectured never to offend the girl and always treat her politely after the incident two days ago. But now the CEO wasn't even in his office, and it seemed to go against common sense to let a guest inside, after all it was a matter of security.

"I don't care. I won't dare offend her." The other receptionist said and quickly pushed the button just in time as Lin Yun Xi walked past the gate.

Once she had entered the elevator, the receptionist wiped some cold sweat from her forehead.

When Lin Yun Xi arrived at the top floor and walked pass the various desks and workers she was met with more curious looks and gasps. But she didn't seem to notice and simply entered Mo Luhan's office and then sat down on the couch and picked up her phone and began playing her puzzle game.

Mo Luhan was at the hospital visiting his secretary who had just gone through a surgery for acute appendicitis when he received a text from one of his workers saying that his girlfriend was in his office. A smile grew on his face as he quickly typed back that he should order some light takeout for her.

His secretary and close friend, Zhao Chen, who was lying in the hospital bed noticed the smile and asked. "Did something good happen?"

Mo Luhan looked up and said, "My girlfriend is in my office."

Zhao Chen's mouth fell open. "When did you get a girlfriend? How come you haven't told me yet?"

Mo Luhan laughed. "I just did, didn't I?"

His secretary frowned and crossed his arms and flung his lips to the side.

Mo Luhan shook his head, seeing his silly fake anger.

Back at the office, Lin Yun Xi was still sitting on the couch playing with her phone when someone knocked on the door before one of the employees carefully opened it.

"Miss? The boss told me to bring you some takeout. He also said he will be back in an hour." The employee said and placed a paper bag with some chicken nuggets and a coke on the glass table.

Lin Yun Xi nodded without looking up from the phone.

The employee awkwardly scratched the back of his head at her lack of response and quietly left.

Once he stepped out of the office he was immediately surrounded by gossiping office workers. "What did she say? What is she like?"

The man became a bit flustered as they surrounded him. "She didn't say anything."

"Really?" The office workers quickly lost interest and went back to their stations.

"Is it just me or is there something weird about her? She comes by and just sits in his office. What is she doing all this time? I heard that yesterday by someone who worked overtime that she and the boss was still in his office before he left at 7 pm." One of the girls commented, sounding rather sour.

Several other office workers quickly sushed her, while her neighbor quickly put her hands over her mouth to stop her from talking.

"Are you crazy? Do you want to get fired? I heard even the receptionists that wasn't involved with that incident got a severe lecture, that if they dared to disrespect her again they would get fired immediately. "

The girl who had been sushed angrily pushed away the hands covering her mouth, and silently glowered.