
Miss Static and the CEO

Lin Yun Xi is a special girl who meets Mo Luhan the CEO of the Mo Corporation.

Qp83 · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

Back at the Lin Mansion. A worried father had just hung up the phone after receiving a call from his daughter. He glanced at his watch, it was 7 pm. He silently grumbled to himself, yesterday his daughter hadn't returned until late at night, and today didn't seem any better. She was truly growing up? He lamented.

He went over to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He grabbed the glass and was about to drink it when he stopped. He sighed deeply and then went to the kitchen and poured it into the sink. He figured if his daughter kept coming home late and he took a drink every time he'd soon become an alcoholic.

Back at the office, Mo Luhan was busy working while Lin Yun Xi was playing with her phone, when someone suddenly called him. It was his mother.

"Mom?" Mo Luhan said.

"What are you doing?" Su Wang asked.

"I'm working."

"Why are you working when you have such a pretty girlfriend? You should be out having fun with her and not stay busy at the office all the time. Remember, girls don't like workaholics and need to be pampered." Su Wang complained.

"She's here." Mo Luhan said.

"She's there? But you said you're working? Don't tell me you have her waiting on you while you work." Su Wang rubbed her forehead as she lamented. This son of hers, she sighed. Then she thought about the poor girl who'd met her son who had no genes for romance. After staying quiet for a moment she said, "Let me speak to her."

Mo Luhan furrowed his brows but then glanced up at the girl who was calmly sitting on the couch playing with her phone. "Xi'er, do you want to talk with my mother?"

Lin Yun Xi bit her lower lip and then nodded.

Mo Luhan got up from his chair and walked over and handed his phone to her before he sat down in the armchair.

"Hello?" Lin Yun Xi said.

"Oh, sweetheart how are you? Is my son not taking good care of you? Don't be afraid to speak up and I'll teach him a lesson." Su Wang said.

"No. He's very good to me." Lin Yun Xi said.

"But I heard you two are at his office. You should be out dating and having fun. Sigh, I'm so worried." Su Wan said.

"The office is fun." Lin Yun Xi said.

Su Wang almost choked upon hearing this. She coughed a few times. "Really?" She sighed to herself, this poor girl. "Okay, but remember, if he does something bad you must tell me immediately. Alright, it was nice talking to you. Let me speak to my son again."

"En." Lin Yun Xi handed the phone back to Mo Luhan.

"Mom?" Mo Luhan said.

The phone-line was quiet for a while, before Su Wang said, "Your father is coming back home tomorrow. How about you bring back Lin Yun Xi for dinner tomorrow and introduce her to him?"

Mo Luhan furrowed his brows then glanced up at the girl. He wasn't sure what their relationship counted as and if it was right to have her keep getting involved with his family, at least at this stage when everything was so undefined. However, he thought he'd ask her, "Xi'er do you want to come over and have dinner with my family tomorrow?"

Lin Yun Xi bit her lower lip and then nodded.

Mo Luhan smiled. Seemed he was unknowingly worried she'd turn him down. "Okay, mom. I'll bring her over for dinner tomorrow."

"Great! Tell her we're looking forward of having her. I'll hang up now, but remember don't always spend time at the office. I love you." Then she hung up.

Mo Luhan shook his head while he smiled. Then he glanced at his watch which showed 7 pm. He thought about what his mother said, about taking her out on a date and not only spend time in the office. But no matter how much he thought, he couldn't think about anything that they could do. He'd never dated before and had no clue what couples did for dates. He figured he could take her to a restaurant, but they had already done that a few times and it might get boring if they only ate every time.

After thinking for a long while, he finally gave in and reluctantly texted his friend, Ye Lange. It really was the last person he wanted to ask for dating advice, seeing how the man was a complete player, but what other choice did he have. "Where should I bring a girl for a date?"

A few moments later he received a text back saying, "You've finally found yourself a girl? Who is she? I want to meet her!"

Mo Luhan sighed. He knew he shouldn't have texted him. "Never mind."

The following minutes his phone kept plinging, but he ignored it and put his phone on silent mode. Then he went back to his desk and typed on the keyboard and watched the monitor fill with various dating advice. He was a bit shocked, why didn't he do this in the first place? He was so used to only using the computer for work or studying it didn't occur to him that he could look up other information.

He scrolled through pages after pages of dating advice and suddenly he felt enlightened. He turned off the computer and looked at the girl and asked, "Do you want to go to a club, a museum, or a cinema?"