
Miss Static and the CEO

Lin Yun Xi is a special girl who meets Mo Luhan the CEO of the Mo Corporation.

Qp83 · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

"Lin Yun Xi." Somewhere among all the noise Lin Yun Xi could hear someone calling for her. The man sounded extremely worried and she wanted to follow his voice back out of the drowning noise. She knew who he was.

"Is she okay? Should we call for someone?" The old manager asked. The girl had blanked out for over five minutes and he'd never seen anything like it before.

"N-no. She'll come around soon." Mo Luhan said, though his hand was squeezing his phone, if she didn't come around soon he'd call her father.

Suddenly her eyes seemed to clear up. "Mo Luhan?" She asked looking rather confused, then she quickly averted her eyes from his and looked down. She tried to organize her thoughts, why was she here and what was she doing? Her mind was exceptional and she could remember every detail from any moment clearly, problem was to figure out which details was important and which ones weren't. So when she began to browse through all the noise she soon figured out where she was and how she got here and what she was doing.

"Are you okay?" Mo Luhan asked while gently stroking her hair.

Lin Yun Xi nodded. Then she bit her lower lip before she started explaining the problem. "The shipping number generator has a bug. It's using a floating point data type instead of an integer data type which causes occasional floating point precision problems. About once every 1,325,248 number it generates it will shift the numbers by one position which for example causes it to type out a 1 when it's supposed to type a 0, or a 2 when it's supposed to type out a 1."

Both Mo Luhan and the manager looked shocked at her explanation. They didn't understand exactly what she was saying but they got the gist of it.

"A-are you sure?" The manager asked.

Lin Yun Xi nodded.

"Do you think if I call the technician at the head office you could explain it again?" The manager asked.

Lin Yun Xi nodded again.

The manager quickly dialed the technician at the head office and explained why he was calling and then handed the phone over to Lin Yun Xi. She explained the problem again using the exact same words she used the first time then she handed the phone back to manager. The manager talked a little more with the technician and then hung up and began laughing.

"Girl! You've just saved our company millions!" The manager said and smiled happily. But he was probably more pleased by the fact that after this he'd probably get a promotion.

Mo Luhan furrowed his brows. "Okay, we've solved the source of the problem but we still don't know the shipping number as it's randomly generated."

"The number is 1034-332-2242." Lin Yun Xi said with certainty.

Mo Luhan looked surprised. "Really? How do you know?"

Lin Yun Xi leaned closer to the monitor and explained, "The random number generator doesn't produce true random numbers, but it's based on an algorithm. By looking at the numbers dated before and after its easy to determine what number..."

Mo Luhan smiled at her as she was explaining and his eyes never moved away from her. After she finished explaining, he turned toward the manager. "Tell the guy who's looking for our shipment to look at the crate under shipment number 1034-332-2242."

"Right!" The manager quickly called up the guy who was searching the warehouse. Then about ten minutes later the guy called back saying he'd found the shipment.

Fifteen minutes later, Mo Luhan and Lin Yun Xi was sitting in the car driving back to the office.

"Are you hungry?" Mo Luhan asked.

Lin Yun Xi shifted through all the noisy details that was constantly bombarding her mind and once she found the details about the last time she ate and whether she was feeling hungry she nodded in confirmation.

Mo Luhan smiled and pat her head.

This time they drove to a small restaurant in the old parts of the city. The restaurant was in a small old house which laid in a seemingly hidden alley.

Once they entered, they walked through the building and took a seat at a table in the backyard. Some trees, bushes, and flowers surrounded their table giving it a nice cozy feeling plus it blocked out some of the city noise.

A few minutes later, the owner who was also the chef came out carrying two bowls of steaming hot noodles and placed them on the table.

Mo Luhan began slurping up noodles while Lin Yun Xi stared at her bowl for while before she finally dug in too.

Noticing her slight pause, Mo Luhan asked, "You don't like noodles?"

Lin Yun Xi shook her head. She liked noodles it was just that their messy and tangled appearance made it a little more difficult for her brain to process, that is, to count them and determine their lengths and thickness and other useless details. It wasn't anything she was doing consciously, but it made her mind slightly noisier for a moment.

Once they had finished eating, Mo Luhan leaned back a little and looked at his watch. It was 6 pm. "I still have some work to do, do you want me to drive you home or do you want to come with me?"

Lin Yun Xi bit her lower lip and then said, "Office." Among all the noise, the noise which involved Mo Luhan was the most interesting to her and gave her the most good feelings.

The two of them thanked the owner and then drove back to the office. Due to the shipment problem there were still many working overtime, and the pair once again received a bunch of curious stares.

Once they entered the office, Lin Yun Xi sat down on the couch and began playing her puzzle game while Mo Luhan poured her a glass of water before sitting down at his desk began going through his papers.

But just as he started, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the girl. "Remember to call your father." He reminded her and then he went back to his work.