
Miracle Boy

Adam, who is the head of the all the Supremes and they all use to lived out from this world, a place known as Iceland. He was kindhearted and a gentleman but his younger brother Columbus hates him because he wanted to become the head and for that he took the help of Oman, who hates Supremes. He help him and makes him as the new head of the Supremes. A fight occurred in that place in which Adam and his wife Eve lost their son and Columbus put both of them behind the bars with their loyal people and other Supremes. He was controlling that place and forgets everything what he did. Columbus hade made a new rules which creates problems in different sections of the world and especially in blue planet. No one was able to work properly due to his rules and one day he got shocked when he found that the son of his elder brother is still alive. He wanted to kill him because he knew that he had many unimaginable powers and if he controlled all his powers then he will come in that place and becomes the head of the Supremes. For killing him, he send his people but they failed. That boy was growing up on the lap of nature and went to a strange journey where he learn how to us his powers and meet his teacher who will guides him how to use his powers. In this strange journey, he meets different people but he faced many obstacles in his journey but he pass through all the obstacles. He teaches him and after that he came back to his parents where he meet some people and they tell him about his reality and about his mother and father. he came back to that place where he born to save his mother and father from his uncle and in this fight many people use to help him and they saved Adam and Eve

Kangaroo01 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter-21: Arena.

Chapter-21: Arena.

Both were standing in front of each other and Hena walked around the house. She saw all the goats and sheeps, and that white elephant was sleeping in front of the house. She saw inside the house and his family was sleeping. She smiled and Hero asked the reason why she came there.

"I thought you also should know that I am going to kill you very soon and your blood will give us a new life and immortality."

Hero had a smile on his face because he knew that his powers always protect him and no one can harm him but the pain which he feels on her scream, he wants to know that.

But Hena thought that she should go from there, she turned back and was about to fly away from there but Hero stopped her by saying something which shocked her from inside.

"I had felt pain in your voice… What happened to you?"

… She looked at him with surprise, she thought that no one can feel their pain but he feels how. The question was roaming inside her mind and she flew away from there.

Hero walked back to his bed but he saw Angel, who was standing on the terrace and looking at him. Angel was staring at him, she was questioning with herself that Hero was looking at her… can he be able to hear me?

Suddenly, Hero appeared in front of her and he was floating in the sky. Due to this action, Angel got shocked and fell down on the floor on her back and she quickly ran down. He followed her and Angel shouted but there was no sound. She was trying to shout but she couldn't. She quickly ran towards her bed to tell Alice about it but she was not there.

Hero was standing in front of her and with full strength, she tried to shout and this time she screamed sound came out from her mouth. But till then Hero ran away from her house and Alice woke up. All the family members came to her room to check the problem and she told everyone that Hero was there but there was no one. Her parents ask her to sleep and let them also sleep.

But Hero was sleeping in his bed but in the morning time, birds were making noise and that elephant was also shouting and Myra was on his back.

He got fired up with those sounds and he quickly woke up and went inside the house. All the family members were saying elephant to him but Myra told everyone in her innocence that they should give him a name instead of calling him an elephant.

That time, Isabella was also there and she also liked the name.

One by one they start giving him a name but that elephant does not like it but Hero was inside and when they were giving names, he felt something and some images appeared in front of his eyes.

He saw many people and one baby on a female hand and everyone was watching her. She gave a name to that boy.


At that moment, Isabella put her hand on his shoulder and he was shocked.

"What happened… it's me."

… She was surprised when she saw his face become red and both the eyes were shining. He rubbed his head and walked out from the house and she also came out along with him.

He sat on that wooden slab where he used to sleep and took a long breath. "Brother… why don't you suggest a name for him?" Said by Myra.

… He was staring at her and he knew that his sister is a Dumbo so, accidently he said Jumbo and the name Jumbo was like the elephant. He shook his head which shows that he likes the name.

Isabella told him that why don't they take a ride on his back but Hero doesn't want to sit on his back and he told her to go.

All the friends gathered in the field and all the sheeps and goats were roaming around the field. Hero was sitting quietly and Angel was sitting with Alice and she told her that he came to her room last night and Alice was looking at her with weird face because she does not believe on her stupid story.

"She is telling the truth." Said by Hero.

Everyone was shocked and they were staring at him. He also said that she tried her best to shout but due to him, she wasn't able to speak.

He was reading her mind and she was telling him that he saw her in the morning when she was dancing and singing and now, he came to my house… in my room, stupid. Hero was surprised because she looked like an innocent girl but from inside she was very angry at him. He thought that he would do a small prank with her but that was his mistake.

Again the red flags flying in the sky but this time there are many flags in the sky behind that red flag. "Arena!!" Said by Alice.

The next morning, all the people from different places came to the Arena on their carts because Arena was the most famous game of that time. Hero was wearing a white old dress. There were many lines and brown sleepers on his feet.

All the family members get ready to go but they all need one big cart. They all were thinking about the cart and at that time Hero came there with one chariot which was pulled by the Jumbo. All were shocked to see that and he told everyone to sit because they were getting late for the Arena.

They quickly sit on the chariot but Myra sits on jumbo's back and Hero asks him to move. Thomas was on his chariot with his family members and he saw the elephant was pulling the chariot. When he saw that, he made a sad face because he had seen the dream in which an elephant was pulling his chariot.

After some time, they all reached the arena. They entered inside and saw a huge crowd of people were shouting and cheering. Hero saw many high people, who were sitting in other places and he also saw the king with his daughter. Luna had a small piece of diamond on her hand and through that; she could see all the people clearly. She was able to see those people also who were sitting far away from that place. While looking around she saw Hero who was sitting with his family and his sister was on his shoulder.

She had a small flag on her hand and she was moving that flag and cheering loudly. Luna was staring at him and Hero noticed her. She was staring at him and he also looked at him. He waved his hand towards her, she was surprised and questioned herself that he can see me?

That time Isabella was sitting on another side with her family and she saw Hero was waving his hand. When she looked around, she saw Luna and she was also waving her hand.

In the middle of the arena, there was a field setup for the games. Wrestling was going on between two people and the winter challenged the people to come and fight with him but no one stepped forward. After that horse riding, bullfighting, javelin throw like this many games occurred but people were waiting for the task.

All the games ended and now the last game was about to happen and that game was known as the task when they were going to give a task to everyone and the winner would be rewarded with a hundred gold coins.

Nobody knew about the task and all the participants came out from the doors and stood in front of the whole crowd. One red man, small in height, with a huge mustache and beard face came in front of everyone. He raised both his hands and all the crowd got silent.

… He took a huge breath and blew all the sand from the ground. Whole Arena covered with sand and when the sand disappeared they saw a pond which was full of alligators.

People were shocked to see that but he wanted to show something more. That man moved his fingers and three rings appeared in the middle of the air, all the rings were burning and there was one small red color ball at the end and it was moving left and right. There was a rope in the middle of the pond which was attached with wood and that wood was floating in the middle of the sky.

That man was an announcer who told them about the task and prize. Participants were shocked and they had goosebumps all over the body because they had never seen such a type of task. They had participated in many tasks but that task was different from others and they could die also but the prize amount was very high as compared with last year.

Hero was looking around and he could feel the fear inside those participants. When he saw the pond filled with water and alligators, he saw one bow and one arrow on the other side.

He also realized that this time the task is going to be very hard.