
Miracle Boy

Adam, who is the head of the all the Supremes and they all use to lived out from this world, a place known as Iceland. He was kindhearted and a gentleman but his younger brother Columbus hates him because he wanted to become the head and for that he took the help of Oman, who hates Supremes. He help him and makes him as the new head of the Supremes. A fight occurred in that place in which Adam and his wife Eve lost their son and Columbus put both of them behind the bars with their loyal people and other Supremes. He was controlling that place and forgets everything what he did. Columbus hade made a new rules which creates problems in different sections of the world and especially in blue planet. No one was able to work properly due to his rules and one day he got shocked when he found that the son of his elder brother is still alive. He wanted to kill him because he knew that he had many unimaginable powers and if he controlled all his powers then he will come in that place and becomes the head of the Supremes. For killing him, he send his people but they failed. That boy was growing up on the lap of nature and went to a strange journey where he learn how to us his powers and meet his teacher who will guides him how to use his powers. In this strange journey, he meets different people but he faced many obstacles in his journey but he pass through all the obstacles. He teaches him and after that he came back to his parents where he meet some people and they tell him about his reality and about his mother and father. he came back to that place where he born to save his mother and father from his uncle and in this fight many people use to help him and they saved Adam and Eve

Kangaroo01 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter-22: No!!

Chapter-22: No!!

That small man looked around and took the permission of the king to speak and after he got the permission a huge stand appeared near the pond. He went up and waved his hand in the air. All the alligators move out of the pond and lay down around the pond.

There was a deep silence and everyone was waiting for him to speak because only he knew the task.

"All the mothers, sisters and my brothers who came here to see the games."

Everyone wants to know the task and he starts talking about the task. "In this task, participants will jump inside the pond and they will find one bow and an arrow on each side. After that, they will come out and hit that orange ball with that arrow but make sure that the arrow should pass all three rings."

Everyone was shocked.

"One more thing, when the participants will jump inside the pond that time, these alligators will also join him."

The task was very dangerous and after saying this, he went away from there and waited for the first participant to jump inside the pond.

… There was huge silence in the Arena because all the participants were stuck in their places and they didn't want to accept the task, it was like a suicide. That man again told everyone to come forward and show their strength but they all kept standing in their places.

Meanwhile, some old people came on their seats and they all had to wear a white color cloak dress and they took their seats close to the king Zod. They all were known as the teachers. They knew that no one would come forward and Luna was smiling because she knew that this task can only be done by her father.

Zod smiled and told all the teachers that he could do this task but all the teachers were looking somewhere. They were searching for someone else.

"King Zod… you can complete this task but you are not the only one who can do this. There is one more person who can complete the task."

Zod knew the person and he also knew that he was there. But he thought that he couldn't complete the task and he stand from his seat to challenge him. In a very loud voice, he challenged everyone for the task.

"What happened!!? Feared… or got scared."

No answer came out from the crowd, everybody was silently sitting in their seats but he wouldn't stop his words, he kept challenging everyone because he wanted to prove those teachers wrong.

"Ok!! I think, mothers of this planet had left to give birth of brave sons."

… In the crowd, Hero does not like what he just said. Indirectly, he blames his mother also and this makes him angry. Mary looked at her son Hero and he was crushing his teeth. He was taking heavy breaths in anger and she knew that Hero was going to answer him and she had to stop him. She pointed her finger at him and Joseph was about to grab his hand but he stood from his seat and the whole Arena echoed by his voice.

"No!! I will do this task."

All the teachers smiled and told Zod that he is the other one who can complete this task.

Hero was walking down from his seat and Mary was in fear. She put her hand on her chest and her heartbeat was very fast. Her sister told her that her son will be fine but Mary told her that she is not thinking about her son, but she was thinking about everyone. Lilly also knew about Hero and his powers but now, she also got scared.

Hero stood close to the pond and he looked towards all those people who were sitting with the king. Isabella was scared because she knew that he had never accepted the task but the first time he was accepting the task. Angel and Alice both were scared and their eyes were fixed on him.

Hero was looking towards all the alligators and they were ready to tear his flesh from his body. Luna stood from her seat and took a small piece of cloth on her and dropped down from her head. Ok that moment, he jumped inside the pond and all the alligators also jumped inside the pond along with him.

There was only silence in the Arena but Hero was searching for a bow inside the water. Alligators were coming towards him and he saved himself from their attacks.

People in the Arena were thinking that he is dead because he is inside the water but they all were wrong. Hero came out from the water to take a breath but at that moment, one alligator was coming towards him with its mouth open.

He went inside the water to save himself. There was only one sound and that sound was the splashing sound of water by all the alligators and Hero. Hero was moving around and saw a bow. He quickly moved towards that bow but again all the alligators attacked him from all the directions and he was saving himself from their attacks.

Whenever Hero came out from the water, alligators also came out to attack him and there were only bubbles on the surface of the water. Suddenly, Hero grabs the tail of an alligator and throws it out from the pond. That alligator came out from the water and fell on the hard ground. Crowd shouted for him because that means he is alive.

Hero again came out from the water and quickly went inside the water and started swimming towards the bow. One alligator was following him, he opened his mouth and was about to take a bite of his leg but he turned his body and kicked him on his face and grabbed that bow on his hand.

His chest wants air and he is trying his best to hold for more seconds and comes out from the water with that bow. When the audience saw him with that bow, they all were surprised and now he had to find an arrow. But all the alligators attacked him and he moved his hand with that bow and hit them on their faces.

People were witnessing Hero fighting with all those alligators and he again went inside the water in search of water. King Zod was impressed by him and his skills; he had never seen any small boy competing in a task. All the participants who were there for the task, they all were in shock to see him. They were thinking that Hero was going to die at any moment but they didn't know about him.

Hero was about to touch an arrow but one alligator bite his left hand and due to pain, he shouted. "AHH!!"

But he got angry and punched him on his upper jaw. The impact was so high, he quickly opened his mouth and moved away from him but others were still there and they attacked him. Hero quickly grabbed an arrow and saved himself from them and came out from the water to take a breath.

Everyone saw a bow and an arrow in his hand. Lilly was very happy to see him with a bow and an arrow but she shouted when she saw one alligator jump on him and take him down under the water.

Everyone stands from the seats and holds their breath. There was fear on Luna's face and all the teachers were also had some lines on their faces because that attack was very dangerous. It was very difficult to save himself from that attack but they waited for him to come out from the water.

Arena was also watched by all those four witches and they were also eager to know his condition inside the water. Their eyes were fixed on the mirror and they saw some bubbles coming out from the water.

It was very strange because Hero did not come out from the water, everyone was trying to see him but they failed. There was no alligator that came out from the water and Hero was also not coming out from the water for breathing.

Suddenly, they saw some huge air bubbles coming out from the water and they were all eager to know what was about to happen. Everyone held their breath inside their lungs and fixed their eyes on the water. … Suddenly, they saw some red color on the surface of the water and it was not a color, it was blood and that blood was coming out from the water. That means Hero was dead inside the water.

Isabella stood from her seat and held her breath. Joseph and Mary both closed their eyes but they didn't have any lines on their faces because they knew about their son.

Hena was smiling in her mansion because of the work which she wanted to do, that work done by all those alligators.

"The boy who never lost… now he has lost his life."

She was smiling and stood from her seat and went from there but she was stopped by Lauren and asked her to stay because she does not think so. Hena turns back and uses her powers to see clearly. When she saw it, she was shocked.