
Miracle Boy

Adam, who is the head of the all the Supremes and they all use to lived out from this world, a place known as Iceland. He was kindhearted and a gentleman but his younger brother Columbus hates him because he wanted to become the head and for that he took the help of Oman, who hates Supremes. He help him and makes him as the new head of the Supremes. A fight occurred in that place in which Adam and his wife Eve lost their son and Columbus put both of them behind the bars with their loyal people and other Supremes. He was controlling that place and forgets everything what he did. Columbus hade made a new rules which creates problems in different sections of the world and especially in blue planet. No one was able to work properly due to his rules and one day he got shocked when he found that the son of his elder brother is still alive. He wanted to kill him because he knew that he had many unimaginable powers and if he controlled all his powers then he will come in that place and becomes the head of the Supremes. For killing him, he send his people but they failed. That boy was growing up on the lap of nature and went to a strange journey where he learn how to us his powers and meet his teacher who will guides him how to use his powers. In this strange journey, he meets different people but he faced many obstacles in his journey but he pass through all the obstacles. He teaches him and after that he came back to his parents where he meet some people and they tell him about his reality and about his mother and father. he came back to that place where he born to save his mother and father from his uncle and in this fight many people use to help him and they saved Adam and Eve

Kangaroo01 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter-20: New member in the family.

Chapter-20: New member in the family.

Hero was surprised to see that everything was broken and Oz was laying on the ground and there were some broken pieces of mud. … He was looking around to understand the situation, he stood in front of Mary and asked her about what happened.


Mary got scared and Oz asked his people to put that locket on her neck. She started stepping back but she was surrounded by the dogs. She looks around to find a path but there is no safe way to run.

Suddenly, they heard a sound and the ground started shaking. It was like the ground was shaking with some force. Suddenly, they heard a screaming sound and that was none other than an elephant which was saved by Hero. That elephant started hitting all the people of Oz and grabbed all the dogs one by one and hit them on the ground. Those dogs were made up of mud scattered into many pieces and after that he put his eyes on Oz. That elephant was looking at him with anger. He remembered Mary.

Oz got scared and he tried to run but that elephant grabbed his neck but somehow he saved himself from his long trunk and he ran away from there.


Hero was looking around and asked his mother to sit on the cart. He took the driving seat and pulled the rope. Cart was pulled by the horses but Mary was thinking something inside her mind and that elephant was still standing there in its place. Suddenly, what happened to Mary, she asked to stop the cart and Hero looked at her with surprise.

She looked behind and the elephant was still standing. … She was staring at him and the elephant was looking at her.

… She raised her hand and smiled at him, she gave him a signal to come along with him.

That elephant shook his head with happiness and followed him. Mary also smiled at his happiness. All the villagers were looking at them and the elephant was shaking his head. Villagers were thinking about the elephant and that elephant was walking behind the cart.

When they reached the house, Joseph was standing on the entrance and was surprised to see an elephant. He quickly took a stick on his hand because he got scared from that white elephant. All the family members came out and Hero's small sister, Myra, came out and smiled with surprise because she thought that her brother had bought a gift for her.

"What… a… who…??" Said by Joseph.

He was surprised and confused because he was thinking that his son Hero had bought that elephant along with him.

… "Hero!!"

Joseph was very angry at him. But Mary interrupted and told him that she had bought that elephant.

… For a second, Joseph was shocked and surprised, that stick fell from his hand and she entered inside the house to bring some vegetables for him. Myra was very happy and she quickly grabbed the truck of an elephant.

Hero was sitting silently on the wooden slab where he used to sleep and thinking about the place where he was going to sleep. He saw some red colored flags flying in the sky and many lights were blinking behind those long red colored flags. … He knew the meaning of those flags.

"Arena is about to start."

He looked at his aunt, she was looking standing in front of him and had a smile on his face.

He knew the meaning behind her words. She wants to say that he should take part in Arena. He smiled and started looking towards the sky and closed his eyes and went to that time when Arena games used to occur.

Thousands of people used to sit in their places and cheer very loudly, they were shouting and making noise.

"What did you see?"

He quickly opened his eyes and smiled because he will never be going to participate in Arena games.

Meanwhile, that elephant grabbed his sister and put her on his back and Mary also came out with a huge plate full of vegetables. She put that plate on the ground and he started eating those vegetables. Myra was very happy and shouting while sitting on his back.

Hero was looking at her and walking inside the house, Mary saw those flags and some children were following the flag while running on the ground. She also knew about Arena.

At night, Oz went inside the forest to meet four witches. He stood in front of that place where they used to live and a broken mansion appeared in front of him. He walked inside that mansion and reached the hall section of that mansion. There, he saw Hena on the chair and three other females were sitting on the steps and all of them were looking at him.

He was controlling his breath.

"Welcome back Oz… what did you bring for us?" asked by Hena.

Oz told everything to them and said that white elephant had saved his mother. Suddenly, their eyes become big. They were shocked when they heard the name of white elephant because they knew about the objective of white elephants.

Someone has told them that white elephants are used by all the Supremes to travel and they can fly also. She stood from her seat and jumped from her place and appeared in front of him. … He was sweating from his head due to fear. She read his mind and saw that he was there to tell them that he is a little bit scared of him and now onwards, he can't help them. He was about to say that but she put her first finger on his lips.


That word scared him and the other three females covered him from all directions. They were smiling at him.

He told him that he can't help them, so he took out that locket and tried to give it back to her. She took that locket and it was floating over her hand but her facial expression was different. She does not like those people who do not want to do her work.

"Ok… I am going." Said by Oz in a scared voice.

… He was stepping back but three witches stopped him. His heart beat started increasing because right now he knew about their intentions.

His hands were shaking due to fear, he looked at Hena. His breathing became very fast and his head was full of sweat.

"You came inside because you want to come but you will go when I will allow you." Said by Hena in her fearless voice.

Suddenly, long teeth appeared which were coming out from her mouth and after that, all three also had long teeth appeared from their mouth and they attacked on him and killed him.

After they killed him, Hena asked others to throw his dead body out of the mansion. She decided to handle him personally. She was very angry and she shouted very loudly. Again, the whole buffalo village echoed by her sound. That time Hero was standing with that elephant and his sister was sitting on the elephant.

She got scared from that screaming sound and all the villagers came out from their house. Myra quickly grabbed him because she got scared but Hero did not get scared from that sound. He closed his eyes and felt the pain which was inside that sound.

… "I can feel the pain."

Hero muttered. His sister shakes his hand to know what he wants to say but he changes the topic and asks her to go inside and select the dress which she wants to wear because after one day, the Arena will start.

The elephant took his place to sleep in front of the second house and Hero slept on his bed.

Hena was taking a bath, she was sitting in her huge tub filled with water. She closed her eyes and sat inside the water. … Color of water starts changing and it becomes black in color. She used her power and went out of the mansion and reached that house where Hero was sleeping. She was looking at him and all the four rings were also roaming around him. She was thinking about the ring and she knew about those rings but she was confused because she knew that the man who had those rings died by his own powers and it was also impossible to get his power, then who is he?

She was standing there and turned back but someone took her name from behind. She turned back and saw the Hero was standing. He was staring at her and she was looking left and right because she was not physically present in that place but then also he could see.

That time Angel was roaming around on the top of the house and she saw Hero was standing and talking to someone but there was no one in front of him then with whom he was talking. She looked around but there was no one.

"You can see me?" Asked by Hena.

"Yes… any doubt." Said by Hero.

He was smiling at her and she was surprised and shocked. That time she knew about his powers. If he can see her then he can see anything.